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I don't think I understand Progression


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Like the title says, I don't think I understand progression. 
At first I thought it was merely growing things that could grow/renew themselves. See the plants in Edgedancer and the flesh/muscles/bones of people getting healed. 
But then I thought: "Then why doesn't hair grow when you use Prosgression on someboy?" and I discovered that it works by bringing the  "subject" closer to their spiritual ideal (?) and that worked for me.
But what the storms did Lift do with the unconcious Radiants in the tower then? That doesn't match any of these definitions. (Unless you say that "not being able to use the surges" is a deviation from their spiritual ideal self and hence can be "Progressioned". But I hope there is a better explanation for this.)

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I don't think Lift healed the Radiants ability to use the Surges, just the fact they were unconscious

Whether being able to use the Surge is part of your Spiritweb is uncertain, I'd say no since Hemalurgy would still a Radiant's the Spren bound and not the Surge

24 minutes ago, Tekiny said:

can be "Progressioned"


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37 minutes ago, Tekiny said:

Like, they are not aware that that's a possibility?

Well, radiants themselves just turn into what they see themselves as, so growing hair isn't a problem for them.

But for someone else they could use their power on...I don't know. It could be possible, if they imagine that they should have hair.

But like, this isn't a huge problem that they are in war, any stormlight and such is being used to heal people, not to do quality of life changes. Like this is one of the plot points of the book, they havent had a lot of time doing science and stuff because they are always at war, but the only reason they have developed fabrials and other things is that the desolations have stopped. But they didn't have radiants, so they couldnt do any testing with those powers.

Edited by apepi
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