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Best Cosmere quotes


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In every book, there are a couple of lines that really stick out to me. I was wondering what everyone else's favorite lines in the Cosmere were. Paraphrasing is great too.

Edited by Morningtide
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You said Cosmere, so...

“Well, the Lord Ruler thinks he has claimed laughter and joy for himself. I’m disinclined to let him do so. This is one battle that doesn’t take very much effort to fight.”

“You tried,” Kelsier replied, his voice loud and firm, carrying across the square. “But you can’t kill me, Lord Tyrant. I represent that thing you’ve never been able to kill, no matter how hard you try. I am hope.”

“Belief isn’t simply a thing for fair times and bright days, I think. What is belief—what is faith—if you don’t continue in it after failure?”

“It’s easy to believe in something when you win all the time, Jastes,” Elend said, opening his eyes. “The losses are what define a man’s faith.”

Better to trust and be betrayed, Kelsier seemed to whisper. It had been one of the Survivor’s mottos. Better to love and be hurt.

What was it Spook said? Sazed thought, sitting in the shadowy kandra cavern. That faith was about trust. Trusting that somebody was watching. That somebody would make it all right in the end, even though things looked terrible at the moment.

To believe, it seemed, one had to want to believe.

He held his daughter close against his own broken soul.

Survive. (Both in SH and in BoM and the last line in WoA, too.)

Also literally any time Kelsier punches (or attempts to punch) a god.

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20 minutes ago, CallsignZen said:

aim for the sun. that way if you miss your arrow will fall far away and the person it hits will likely be someone you don’t know. 

I’ve seen some people put that on their profile page

whats it from? 

or did you just copy it?:P

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“If I do not accept... if I do not accept that I did those things, it means I cannot have grown to become a better man.

A failure

Journey before Destination. It cannot have been a journey, if it doesn’t have a beginning!”

Paraphrased conversation between Dalinar and Odium at the Battle of Thaylen Field

I absolutely love this. Whenever I feel down on myself for past actions and I feel like I should just give up, I remember this (also Teft’s third ideal of protecting those he hates, even if the one he hates most is himself). This always helps me move forward a little farther. It helps me get one step closer to the destination. I can live life a little more and gain a little strength to go further.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"If I must fall, I will rise each time a better man" slightly paraphrased Dalinar quote


"We Mistborn need not make sense," Vin, probably.

Kelsier actually said this.

Edit: I just re-read the series, they both said it! Vin to Elend in HoA and Kelsier to Dox in FE 

Edited by Morningtide
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Any and all quotes from Nightblood.  


Dalinar's "You can't have my pain!" from Oathbringer.  

Basically every time Syl tries to be therapeutic to Kaladin.  I initially DNFed Oathbringer because I couldn't handle him being such a mess and her constantly trying to help because I was identifying really really hard with Kal and it was like Syl was trying to give me a pep talk and I know that I don't deserve that.  Still like her attempts though.  It's weird.  


That wham line from Denth in Warbreaker when Vivenna realizes how badly she's been outplayed.   

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