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1 hour ago, Szeth_Pancakes said:

Hmm… I don’t think this is a good idea. Mentioning voting for you, even if it’s focused on the negative, feels elim-y to me. I’m going to hold off from voting right now, since I’d like the pool of nulls/vil reads to shrink a bit more before I do that.

I legitimately have no idea what you’re talking about

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It occurs to me that this is an ideal game for voting out inactives.  Statically speaking they are more likely to be village over elim and we want as many villagers voted out as we can get.  This has the added benefit of keeping the active players around making it harder for the elims to control the votes later in the game.

From what I can see, Dannex, Unknown and Liranil are the only ones not to have posted this cycle.

Also, Kas!  I thought I told you to go to sleep.  Bed!

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2 minutes ago, Alvron said:

It occurs to me that this is an ideal game for voting out inactives.  Statically speaking they are more likely to be village over elim and we want as many villagers voted out as we can get.  This has the added benefit of keeping the active players around making it harder for the elims to control the votes later in the game.

From what I can see, Dannex, Unknown and Liranil are the only ones not to have posted this cycle.

Also, Kas!  I thought I told you to go to sleep.  Bed!

It’d be interesting to see for sure, but the elims could just be/go inactive (though I guess the latter would be a tad obvious)

Might be worth a shot early on I guess, but if any/multiple of those flip elim I’d probably look to you :P.

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6 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

Might be worth a shot early on I guess, but if any/multiple of those flip elim I’d probably look to you :P.

And what will you do about it if that does happen?  Vote me out? :P  Oh no, please don't.  Anything but that. :) 

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2 minutes ago, Alvron said:

And what will you do about it if that does happen?  Vote me out? :P  Oh no, please don't.  Anything but that. :) 

Man I need to get that in my head

Even in the same sentence as ‘if any of them flip elim’

Okay fine, if any/multiple of them flip elim I will most certainly not vote you out :P 

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30 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

I legitimately have no idea what you’re talking about

This feels like an elim move because drawing attention to the fact that this can happen, making people associate it with them. It’s like the thing where people who mention upvotes in their post are naturally going to get more upvotes than people who don’t. Maybe I’m overthinking things, but this feels like a viable elim strategy. Also, I really think upvotes are interesting, don’t you? 

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21 minutes ago, Szeth_Pancakes said:

This feels like an elim move because drawing attention to the fact that this can happen, making people associate it with them. It’s like the thing where people who mention upvotes in their post are naturally going to get more upvotes than people who don’t. Maybe I’m overthinking things, but this feels like a viable elim strategy. Also, I really think upvotes are interesting, don’t you? 

No I mean I don’t even know what ‘this’ is referring to

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1 minute ago, Illwei said:

I'm so confused what implies that Kas is awake

I mean, at any given point in the day, you can usually assume that Kas is awake. Plus, it's almost 10 am his time, so I feel like he's probably awake.

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1 minute ago, StrikerEZ said:

I mean, at any given point in the day, you can usually assume that Kas is awake. Plus, it's almost 10 am his time, so I feel like he's probably awake.

why would he go to sleep at 10am thne

you knoa what


ill just leave it

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Campaign speech day one (in fitting of the budding politician I'm aspiring to be, I'm going to give a campaign speech on something I'm passionate about each day until I get voted as Representative). 

Hello my fellow workers! Thank you for showing up and listening or reading about me. You may have heard of me, Steel, before. I've been working in this factory for 10 years now. Nowadays I have a wife and two kids named Iron and Carbon, with a third on the way. I work here so I can support them. I imagine many of you have families of your own as well, and that's why you're working here. 

When I first started working, it wasn't so bad. The hours weren't bad, but the pay was similar. But they weren't too stingy, and I still had time to make a family. 

But now the factories are dying here, and in an effort to reproduce the profit they had before, theyve started working us to the bone. When they first started it, I told my wife it would probably be a temporary thing until they got back on their feet. 

That was a year ago now. Since then, I've hardly seen my wife at all, and I was told just the other day that I cant take off a month from now when my kid is due! Is that fair? No, not at all! And I'm sure many of you have had similar experiences. This is abuse, plain and simple. These nobles don't care about our livelihood at all these days, but rather how many boxings they can stuff in their pockets. 

Now I'm no Survivor, I dont necessarily want to overthrow the nobility. But what I do want is right and just treatment! So I came up with what I call the "Fair Steel Deal," which we can all sign to show that we want better pay, more stable working hours, breaks, and a promise that we can spend time at home when we need to. Isn't that something we all want? I think so! So RISE UP! LET US TAKE BACK THE FREEDOM THAT SHOULD BE OURS! 

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  • Archer (1): StrikerEZ
  • StrikerEZ (1): |TJ|
  • Biplet (1): Lotus
  • Fifth Scholar (1): Araris Valerian
  • Steeldancer (1): Fifth Scholar
  • Tani (1): Matrim's Dice
  • |TJ| (1): Archer

Worker Leader:

  • Matrim's Dice (2): |TJ|, StrikerEZ
  • StrikerEZ (2): Fifth Scholar, Araris Valerian
  • Illwei (1): Lotus
  • Tani (2): Archer, Elandera

I know it's not even halfway through the cycle (heck, it's not even a quarter of the way) but the nights are normally quiet and I don't like how close either of those are- It would be pretty interesting to see how a tie goes, actually... @Kasimir, are ties RNGd? Cause a tie could potentially benefit us because of the higher village population, so maybe it isn't so bad after all. Like, if an elim nudged their teammate over it could potentially be obvious, so letting this sit might actually be useful. Maybe. Now I don't know what to think about it myself :P What do you all think, I guess?

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I've had a long day and I need to get caught up but I'm tired and my brain won't focus. So I'm just going to say hi, I'm here. I was reading the rules earlier and I feel like this game is really elim-sided? Maybe I just think that because there's two ways for them to win and the final vote is completely in their hands. The elims have an absolute minimum of 4 members, since they need to get four seats, but they likely have a lot more. But this is a game where we're trying to find fellow villagers anyway. 

19 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:


  • Archer (1): StrikerEZ
  • StrikerEZ (1): |TJ|
  • Biplet (1): Lotus
  • Fifth Scholar (1): Araris Valerian
  • Steeldancer (1): Fifth Scholar
  • Tani (1): Matrim's Dice
  • |TJ| (1): Archer

Worker Leader:

  • Matrim's Dice (2): |TJ|, StrikerEZ
  • StrikerEZ (2): Fifth Scholar, Araris Valerian
  • Illwei (1): Lotus
  • Tani (2): Archer, Elandera

I know it's not even halfway through the cycle (heck, it's not even a quarter of the way) but the nights are normally quiet and I don't like how close either of those are- It would be pretty interesting to see how a tie goes, actually... @Kasimir, are ties RNGd? Cause a tie could potentially benefit us because of the higher village population, so maybe it isn't so bad after all. Like, if an elim nudged their teammate over it could potentially be obvious, so letting this sit might actually be useful. Maybe. Now I don't know what to think about it myself :P What do you all think, I guess?

Yep, ties are random. I think you're right that ties give us a better chance of getting villagers elected to the council thing (as long as we actually do have more members than the elims), but it also gives us less information to go off of. 

I'm gonna wait until my brain's in better shape and I can get caught up more before I vote.

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So, just woke up and had food but it's been a tiring week running on two hours of sleep for me so I feel I'm excused :P 

Mfw I wake up and check the thread (thanks Wyrm!)




7 hours ago, Tani said:

Will the Extorted people be told they've been Extorted?

They'll find out basically the same time everyone else does. There's no existing vote manip in this game so when the voting tallies are shown and they're not Worker Leader, it'll be obvious then. Flavour-wise, they don't get extorted into rejecting until they're about to accept the position.

I could send them a courtesy PM letting them know at rollover but I'm low-effort this game and it's redundant anyway so eh :P 

4 hours ago, Matrim's Dice said:

Okay fine, if any/multiple of them flip elim I will most certainly not vote you out :P 

I'm GMing this and even I'm confused now :P 

2 hours ago, Matrim's Dice said:

@Kasimir, are ties RNGd?


4 hours ago, Illwei said:

I'm so confused what implies that Kas is awake

ITT: Kas go to sleep

Also this thread when the GM isn't answering their questions:



See y'all I need a shower :P 

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11 hours ago, Liranil said:

I think you're right that ties give us a better chance of getting villagers elected to the council thing (as long as we actually do have more members than the elims), but it also gives us less information to go off of. 

I mean, if we have less we’ve already lost :P And yeah, that’s what I figured. It’s the same kind of thing to some extent as Alv’s point or RNG; maybe a higher chance of success but less info.

In other news, I’ll be on mobile for the rest of the game so don’t expect many coherent multiquotes :P

Edit: I’ve also been thinking- we’ve been voting our top trust for the election and our second trust for WL, but maybe it should be the other way around. I mean, the WL is pretty important for the next election, and if they’re both trusts it might be better to switch those, if that makes sense?

As such, TaniTani. And I’ll give TJ a second to see what happens. (@Kasimir)

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On 6/26/2021 at 3:49 AM, Tani said:

Most Avalon games are less about getting the missions (or in this case the seats on the Inner Circle) and more about Can the Tineye hide. So I'd guess fewer Elims.

I feel like this is genuine and informative to give out. More the elims, less the number of villagers Tineye can hide among, so village read to Tani. StrikerEZ

I'm not village reading Fifth until I've played like a bunch of village games with him :P.

Szeth slightly elim read.

Also, just realized there would be last minute retractions in... anti self preservation? self destruction? So we'd have to account for that as well when considering ties. 

Sonny's Fireworks

Come one, come all! Magnificent display of vibrant colors lighting up the sky above Lord Valereux's automobile factory! Experience the joy of the visuals of one thousand colors, for absolutely free of cost. Your only charge? A word from your mouth about c'est magnifique event.

Location : Valereux Automobiles
Time: Sundown + 2 hours
Additional Information: Preferably, kids under the age of 7 are not recommended to visits. Extremely combustible substance warning!

*scribbled at this bottom*

Khas, ya heckin' idiot! Watevai said bout you beautifyin mah werds? I asked ya ta spread the word that we blowing up old Val's factory up. What's this pilah garbage? It's not a darn spectacle, it s'posed ta be a statement!! KABOOM! Yah know? Not.. not heckin vibrant an what not. KABOOM!

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15 hours ago, Matrim's Dice said:

No I mean I don’t even know what ‘this’ is referring to

Ok - let’s see. If you mention voting for yourself, even if you’re explicitly saying not to, it makes people more likely to vote for you.

It’s kind of like how mentioning upvotes in your post is more likely to get you upvoted. Mentioning voting reminds people that you can be voted for, and are more likely to make that connection when choosing somebody to vote for.

Does that make sense? Sorry about the grammatical incoherence of my first explanation.

On another note, rEADS! These are all very soft - a “mild” here would be a “very mild” later in the game. When doing VC’s, do not, I repeat, do not open the spoiler box.




StrikerEZ - Voting for yourself feels like a ploy to get more votes. And insisting people shouldn’t vote on you is just more likely to get you votes.

Mild Elim:

Archer - He feels… weird this game. I don’t know what’s going on, but his posts feel less analytical that in previous vil!Archer games.

Tani - Again, mentioning voting for yourself feels like a ploy to me.

Steeldancer - Yeah. They also mention their promotional post in their next post, which I think is interesting. And then their third post is another promotion! Eesh.


Anyone not mentioned in this post.

Mild Vil:

Illwei - This one’s mostly gut. The little she’s posted feels very much like regular village Illwei-ness.

Matrim’s Dice - His tone seems less abrasive than in the past four games I’ve played with him.


Alvron - Suggesting voting for inactives feels very village to me. If, by chance, there were a bunch of inactive elims, elim!Alvron probably wouldn’t say anything, just based on the fact that it would be pretty easy to determine that he couldn’t be trusted after that.

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Okay, ties. Ties will probably just result in people (Elims and Villagers alike, actually) hammering in an attempt to get themselves elected to the Council. We want to get exed in this game, sort of.

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31 minutes ago, Szeth_Pancakes said:

Steeldancer - Yeah. They also mention their promotional post in their next post, which I think is interesting. And then their third post is another promotion! Eesh

I've decided to run with a theme for my playstyle this game. Came up with it on a whim. So I'll continue to drum up support for my eventual election! (I'm rather disappointed with the lack of discussion that my posts were supposed to inspire)

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2 hours ago, Szeth_Pancakes said:

Ok - let’s see. If you mention voting for yourself, even if you’re explicitly saying not to, it makes people more likely to vote for you.

It’s kind of like how mentioning upvotes in your post is more likely to get you upvoted. Mentioning voting reminds people that you can be voted for, and are more likely to make that connection when choosing somebody to vote for.

Does that make sense? Sorry about the grammatical incoherence of my first explanation

Okay, I see what you’re saying, but I disagree. I don’t see how that- I mean I dunno. Sure, maybe, but that’s like saying that if I mention voting for Illwei right now people will do it. Maybe, but it’s be unassociated? Imo there’s no correlation there and it’s a stretch of a point.

2 hours ago, Ashbringer said:

We want to get exed in this game, sort of.

Actually, if you think about it, every single person in this game would forward their wincon by getting exed :P 

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5 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

Okay, I see what you’re saying, but I disagree. I don’t see how that- I mean I dunno. Sure, maybe, but that’s like saying that if I mention voting for Illwei right now people will do it. Maybe, but it’s be unassociated? Imo there’s no correlation there and it’s a stretch of a point.

It’s just, with so little else to go on, we should be looking at the people who are trying to get themselves Elected, and think about not voting for them. Instead, we should vote for people who have been saying less about their own Election, who are naturally more likely to be village. I know it’s a stretch, but it’s D1, and we need to shrink the pool of potential Elections somehow.

8 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:


I love autocorrect

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12 hours ago, Kasimir said:

ITT: Kas go to sleep

Hi all,

Just to keep you updated on #Kaswatch, Kas fell asleep in the middle of our conversation on Discord after only a few games of Age of Empires. I guess playing Teutons again and again is just too boring :P.

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24 minutes ago, Wyrmhero said:

Just to keep you updated on #Kaswatch, Kas fell asleep in the middle of our conversation on Discord after only a few games of Age of Empires. I guess playing Teutons again and again is just too boring :P.

Sir, I think this means you need to get a personality >>

I also played Teutons fewer times than you sent me Teuton emojis:


Let's just be clear who is the Teutons fanboy here >> It is objectively insulting you call Teutons boring and @ me for it when you were busy marketing your orc civs to me, and also forced me to use more micro than I've ever had in my life just running from onager shots. 

It's no wonder I passed out from sheer exhaustion, wrangling you is too much wyrk >>

39 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

Actually, if you think about it, every single person in this game would forward their wonton by getting exed :P 

I know I was Beedle in LG78 but I can't actually send each elected a wonton/wantan despite my homemade wantan bringing the girls to my yard, FYI :P 

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