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4 hours ago, Matrim's Dice said:

Edit: I’ve also been thinking- we’ve been voting our top trust for the election and our second trust for WL, but maybe it should be the other way around. I mean, the WL is pretty important for the next election, and if they’re both trusts it might be better to switch those, if that makes sense?


Pros of switching: We keep the person we trust most for longer. Even better is if they're also good at analysis / the game and can help us figure out who we can trust later on.

Cons of switching: If we're not certain we trust the one we're electing to the Inner Circle.

The WL is important for the next election, yes, but the WL's double vote CAN be beaten, and the Inner Circle member's alignment is important for winning.

So I have to disagree. I think we should put our most trusted person in the Inner Circle.

That said, I'd rather I weren't ICed this round. I like trying to solve Avalon games.


Oh for a Lady of the Lake...

@Kasimir? Please? She does start acting only on the second round...

Edited by Tani
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4 minutes ago, Tani said:

@Kasimir? Please? She does start acting only on the second round...

Unfortunately, my policy is not to modify the rules of a game for reasons that not involve breaks or balance, especially not this early. Given I don't even know if the Election mechanic is stable with Avalon roles, I'm also hesitant to allow further mechanics to be introduced in this iteration.

Reminder: You all have somewhat under nineteen-and-a-half hours to get your votes in (orders, if you're Evil.) Rollover will be at 2300hrs SGT, GMT+8 today (well, technically my today.)

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1 hour ago, Szeth_Pancakes said:

It’s just, with so little else to go on, we should be looking at the people who are trying to get themselves Elected, and think about not voting for them. Instead, we should vote for people who have been saying less about their own Election, who are naturally more likely to be village. I know it’s a stretch, but it’s D1, and we need to shrink the pool of potential Elections somehow.

I love autocorrect

Hmm I do actually like this explanation. This is true. This phrasing works better for me.

*sigh* I’m gonna have to get used to playing on mobile :P.

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One more pre-emptive reminder:

Nothing has yet happened though one player caught themselves in time and swapped to private channels. I know I'm dead in LG78, and I know trash-talking with me has become a SE tradition for some players but please be reminded your IM is still alive in that game and is in your GM PMs. Please do not talk to me in your GM PMs about LG78. Thank you. :P 

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15 hours ago, Kasimir said:

So, just woke up and had food but it's been a tiring week running on two hours of sleep for me so I feel I'm excused :P 

For those wondering.  This.  This right here is why we tell Kas to sleep.  BTW, Kas, go to sleep!

3 hours ago, Wyrmhero said:

Just to keep you updated on #Kaswatch, Kas fell asleep in the middle of our conversation on Discord after only a few games of Age of Empires. I guess playing Teutons again and again is just too boring :P.

Thank you for #Kaswatch Wyrm. Please keep us updated.

Unknown and Dannex have both been on since I made my inactive post but neither have posted.  Interesting.  Unknown did state that they will have limited internet for a bit so that's something but @Dannex, why you no comment?  Hoping to get voted out perhaps?

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17 minutes ago, Alvron said:

Thank you for #Kaswatch Wyrm. Please keep us updated.

Unfortunately I can't for a little while, as unlike some, I head off to bed at a sensible time. I will leave you with this confession straight from the GM himself.



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4 hours ago, Ashbringer said:

Okay, ties. Ties will probably just result in people (Elims and Villagers alike, actually) hammering in an attempt to get themselves elected to the Council. We want to get exed in this game, sort of.

Hammering will be as effective in this game as in other games. Which is to say, not at all effective until lylo. Ties early on aren't inherently a bad thing. I don't know if I agree with the statements that it's more likely to get us a villager elected (unless we have one vote on everyone, then statistically, yes, it's more likely), but it also doesn't give elims a chance to hammer without consequence.

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42 minutes ago, Alvron said:

@Dannex, why you no comment?  Hoping to get voted out perhaps?

Sry, I’ve just been more focused on the LG. I still gotta reread the rules for this, I kinda have no idea what’s happening. :unsure:

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38 minutes ago, Wyrmhero said:

Unfortunately I can't for a little while, as unlike some, I head off to bed at a sensible time. I will leave you with this confession straight from the GM himself.

Go to sleep, Mr Wyrm >>

Note: As usual, I have now updated the Rule Clarifications post to encompass and collect responses to all questions asked so far. Please do let me know if I've missed anything, but otherwise this should cover it. Apologies for the time taken.

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@Szeth_Pancakes Just tagging because I can’t get the quotes to work right on mobile since they’re on separate pages. I definitely disagree about the “avoid people talking about their own election” thing. Everyone, regardless of alignment, wants to get elected this game. It serves every single player’s wincon to try and get elected somehow. At worst, arguing for one’s own election is NAI. At best, it’s more village leaning, because a villager is going to be even more paranoid about who they elect, and they are the only player they know is village and would be safe to elect. Also, I wasn’t even trying to get people to stop voting for me necessarily, if that’s what they really wanted to do. I was mostly joking and saying “hey, I guess I appreciate the trust, but ouch you guys really don’t want me to play a game for longer then a cycle or two, do you? :P” Like, that’s the vibe I was going for with that post. Would I be upset at all if people elected me? No, I wouldn’t. But I would like to actually play this game.

Anyway, those are my thoughts on things. I’m about to go back to work, and I have no idea what the votes are like right now, so I’m leaving my votes where they are for now.

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So there's a good chance I won't be on at rollover tomorrow due to other obligations so I'm gonna go ahead and get some votes out.

Tani I think is our best option for WL because all their posts read pretty village to me, and yeah they do have experience with Avalon iirc. I still don't have a really solid grasp on the rules so electing someone that has previous experience might be beneficial for those of us in the same boat as me.

Question, can I vote on the same person for WL and IC? I feel like I'd be fine with Tani in either

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2 minutes ago, Biplet said:

Question, can I vote on the same person for WL and IC? I feel like I'd be fine with Tani in either

I think so, don’t see why not :P At least one of them won’t happen, though.

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Due to IRL circumstances I probably won't be hopping on for a while. As such I'm going to pull one out of my butt and vote, uh, for people I like. fifth scholar alvron . I have no reason for these votes whatsoever, but I also don't have time to come up with anything better. Sorry about that. 

Edited by Steeldancer
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12 minutes ago, Biplet said:

Question, can I vote on the same person for WL and IC? I feel like I'd be fine with Tani in either

Yes. This will functionally work like an extortion: if your IC vote goes through, then assuming Tani is also top WL candidate, WL status will pass to the candidate with the second-highest votes.

10 minutes ago, Illwei said:

this must be so sad for you now that I've turned you gay tbh

Smh Eiwlil, you have no idea how sad it makes me :( 

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3 hours ago, Dannex said:

Sry, I’ve just been more focused on the LG. I still gotta reread the rules for this, I kinda have no idea what’s happening. :unsure:

Basically we're trying to redvote (ICe) and purplevote (WL) the people we think are villagers.

38 minutes ago, Steeldancer said:

Due to IRL circumstances I probably won't be hopping on for a while. As such I'm going to pull one out of my butt and vote, uh, for people I like. fifth scholar alvron . I have no reason for these votes whatsoever, but I also don't have time to come up with anything better. Sorry about that. 

Ummmm this looks elimmy. If you don't have opinions of whos vil you shouldn't vote.

Slight vil read on Matrim, but Imma hold back on voting for this round.

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1 hour ago, StrikerEZ said:

Everyone, regardless of alignment, wants to get elected this game.

I don't.  Under no circumstances should anyone vote for me.  EMqYlbxRo13K50x1H0zXr5OW3GmB5ywfDwHMg0UMXjlzYjq4blSgdE8-WG7YxvPpJYCSFHbEgjLI5pCvDDHiVJaBHrInPIIpp_Q92502FzTs9sVDzZVpuSdxiuXzsOFxM9dm7b9R

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7 minutes ago, StrikerEZ said:

Anyone have a VC?

Under the caveat that I have been up since around 1 or 2AM:


Worker Leader Vote:

Tani (4): Mat, Elan, Archer, Bip
Mat (2): Striker, TJ
Striker (2): Araris, Fifth
Alvron (1): Steel
Illwei (1): Lotus

Inner Circle Vote:

Fifth (2): Araris, Steel
TJ (2): Mat, Archer
Archer (1): Striker
Bip (1): Lotus
Steel (1): Fifth
Tani (1): TJ

This is the official votecount I currently have. Any mistakes, you might want to @ me before there's an actual rollover mistake :P 

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