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Hi all,

Wyrm has gone to sleep now, or should be sleeping (IDK he's not very good at the actually sleeping bit, but nobody's perfect I guess.)

Anyway, in more relevant news, this is a GM Announcement.

@Illwei has requested for a pinch-hitter and @Mist has kindly agreed to sub in for her. Please be kind, and please don't C1 her off the - wait, what am I saying, right, just please be kind >>

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2 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

Please be kind, and please don't C1 her off the - wait, what am I saying, right, just please be kind >>

What’s that supposed to mean? :P 

Do you not want us to have a Mist opportunity?

…Anyway, welcome, Mist :P 

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3 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

Do you not want us to have a Mist opportunity?

Wow, so many smart-arses in this thread today, but you have my upvote >>

Tfw you're the GM and even you forget people want to get voted on in this game >>

...I can think of at least three things Wyrm would say but he's sleeping or should be, so I shall triumphantly leave the thread without having to deal with that disrespect.

Edited by Kasimir
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Haven't heard that pun before ello guys.

Hm. After Elan's vote at the end of the cycle, my first instinct is to avoid voting on Striker and Mat.

(Hehehe okay switching phone keyboards to the one that has learned all of your names :D)

Okay I'll go reread the threads, now that I've reached the end, look for a few more reads. 

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2 minutes ago, Mist said:

Haven't heard that pun before ello guys.

Pretty sure I’ve made that pun before, actually…

2 minutes ago, Mist said:

Hm. After Elan's vote at the end of the cycle, my first instinct is to avoid voting on Striker and Mat.

I mean, I can only speak for myself but at least one of those would be a excellent person to vote on

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Sorry I haven't been on much. Yesterday's shift was rough, and today wasn't much better in terms of how my mental health is doing. I'm going to leave some votes on Archer and Mat. These are two people I trust, and I like the idea of doing another tie for WL, since that worked out for us last time. :P



Szeth_Pancakes (3): Tani, Mat, Archer
Archer (3): Liranil, Striker
Biplet (1): Araris


Matrim's Dice (1): Striker
Steeldancer (1): Tani
Fifth Scholar (1): Archer
Alvron (1): Mat


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Thanks! I'm still suspicious of you though! 

I think we're looking pretty good for the vote that matters. That could all change quickly though, so hey Illwei, wanna vote? Lotus? Everyone else in this game? I don't think the elims will try to hammer this one through, but ya never know. 

I'd prefer to vote for active people before less active ones because as I think Mat said, reads are a thing. I've got village reads, might as well follow them. Mat is still evil too though. Voted Elandera and doesn't get a pass because they blatantly buddied up to them in the first two rounds, along with Striker. At least Fifth challenged them on stuff. 

Howdy, Mist! I like your instincts! 

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34 minutes ago, Archer said:

Voted Elandera and doesn't get a pass because they blatantly buddied up to them in the first two rounds, along with Striker.

The blatant part is where this reasoning looses me tbh. Like I’d be that obvious, but that’s a mindgame for you so you’re welcome :P 

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16 hours ago, Kasimir said:

I haven't been Evil since 2015 (and hope it stays that way) so I'm a safe bet ;) 

You were evil in 2016 Kas.  Clearly sleep deprived.  You should go take another nap.  Try for 5 hours this time.

Just close your eyes, forget your sighs a little while
Dream dream dream.
Each little tear will disappear into a smile
Dream dream dream.
It's wonderful, how wonderful the world will see
Dream dream dream.

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6 minutes ago, Alvron said:

You were evil in 2016 Kas.  Clearly sleep deprived.

I've never counted MR9 or LG20 on my personal tally because I barely lasted a cycle or two before having to get subbed out and abandoning the team. Granted, RL reasons for both, but I still feel substantial guilt over them and they form part of the reason I generally tried not to sign up for games anymore if I doubted I could put in basic commitment. But of course now I'm retired.

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1 minute ago, Kasimir said:

But of course now I'm retired

Then you should sleep more.  And don't tell me that isn't what you meant.  I can read between the lines. :P 

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Well Jim, what's your thoughts at the moment?

My thoughts? My thoughts are that anyone who voted Elan is suspicious but not necessarily a Elim. Out of all the players, however, I feel that Biplet feels the most likely to be village, as she has been hanging around but not really voting, as I feel an inactive elimination would be more inclined to do.

Avlon as well for being not super active.

Anyway, thats all we have time for today folks!

Edited by Lotus
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45 minutes ago, Lotus said:

I feel that Biplet feels the most likely to be village, as she has been hanging around but not really voting, as I feel an inactive elimination would be more inclined to do.

Could you explain this? Especially the last part, about the ‘inactive elimination’

Cause I shorten that to ‘inactive elim’ and would think you forgot we’re trying to exe villagers except you say that you think Bip is most likely to be village

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1 hour ago, Lotus said:

Avlon as well for being not super active.

1 hour ago, Araris Valerian said:

Oh yeah, I'm going to vote Alvron for WL.

Nooo.  Why must you vote for me??  I'm happy being hidden.  :P 

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27 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

Could you explain this? Especially the last part, about the ‘inactive elimination’

Cause I shorten that to ‘inactive elim’ and would think you forgot we’re trying to exe villagers except you say that you think Bip is most likely to be village

Well I can take this question, bob. what I meant was a elim who was lower activity would be more likely to still vote then a village who has lower activity

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9 minutes ago, Lotus said:

Well I can take this question, bob. what I meant was a elim who was lower activity would be more likely to still vote then a village who has lower activity

Ah I see, thanks

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Alright. At this point it appears that I am going to be voted into the IC. Thank you all for choosing right :D 

Since I really don't want to mess that up, Lotus. They've been hanging around, but not posting much of substance, which seems very village-y to me. I'm happy with the Alvron WL train, for the same reason - they've been posting, but it's been 50 percent reminders for Kas to sleep, 30 percent banter, and only 20 percent actual game discussion.

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On 29/06/2021 at 0:42 PM, StrikerEZ said:


Anyway, well, uh, I guess congrats to me for getting WL, coolio. Very much surprised by Elandera's flip, so uhh, that's fun.

Gonna say it again, but I read these kind of “pure reaction” posts as evil by default, so noting Striker as a suspicion (or rather more of one than he was already). 

On 29/06/2021 at 0:52 PM, Archer said:

Everybody who supported Elandera at any point, kindly explain why you should be trusted. Because it's not a great look. 

I voted the best I could when looking at a very complicated knot of interactions? Mat was no longer a viable candidate since Tani had moved off, I wasn’t about to elevate Striker, and you and Szeth were still giving me all the bad vibes (kinda still are, even though you’re apparently right about everything and I’m not). Only choice left was Elan, and I’d liked her contributions and tone far more than the other candidates. Not that I was right in the end, but I tried :P 

On 29/06/2021 at 1:07 PM, Steeldancer said:

Alright folks, alright folks, I know it doesn't look good. I was just taking the advice of a friend

Sorry dude, though it’s kinda your fault for trusting my 12:30 AM brain which hasn’t been village since you left for your mission and has a lot of catching up to do :P 

On 29/06/2021 at 1:07 PM, Steeldancer said:

I'm never voting for anyone else in that train ever again...

This is perhaps a little extreme, given we have (possibly) five cycles left and four players alive who voted last round on people not named Elandera. Holding off for this cycle might be wise, but I’d be fine putting Mat up for the Circle in a round or two, given that my position on him hasn’t moved much with Elan’s flip. Not sure if I like this kind of statement, especially if the Elandera votes were half- or majority-village (which, from my perspective, just means one of you, Araris and Mat is still good :P). 

On 29/06/2021 at 3:14 PM, Archer said:

So, what have we learned? Elandera is closely tied to Matrim and Striker, so both look suspicious. All three have a crusade against Szeth which they've really leaned into. Based on how on the nose their comment about the buddying up was, I suspect they're eee/v, but I'd like to hold of voting them until after I and Fifth get elected just in case it's distancing. Fifth and myself look good for challenging El at various points. And Araris looks scummy for using 'trust the people voting for her, so I do too' to vote Elandera. I'm not too worried about Steeldancer's vote, but just to be safe I'll avoid supporting them for now because they supported an elim's election. And Tani doesn't look like the elims tried to elect them as one of their own, rather, they used her election for village cred and to get the double voter on their side. I think I'd suspect Lotus over her. 


Once again I’m gonna challenge everything you say even though you keep voting on me. :P If you suspect Araris for using the logic “I trust Elan more because of her voters,” you have to apply that same suspicion to me, as that was one of the tipping factors in deciding my vote. And if Steel’s vote seemed fine to you but you don’t want to elect someone who voted Elan last cycle, you shouldn’t be voting on me either. 


I wrote all this analysis yesterday afternoon (>24 hrs ago) and then committed to not posting it until I’d gotten some RP written. A few RL things (snakes invading the chicken coop, shifts at work, talking with family) meant that it never got much beyond the outline stage. Here’s two paragraphs of it, which I’ll post now with the now-very-outdated analysis to avoid losing it in the text editor, and then I’ll read the last 30-40 posts, respond and vote. One of these days I’ll get time and my RP will be decent instead of rushed :) 


Darrel coughed up blood. His cubicle was still occupied, the only one filled in after the strike. Olaf had told him it was important to defy the other workers and show up in the closed factory. He’d wondered why. Now, with two bodies strewn on the floor, he’d begun to understand. 

Olaf’s telegram to the foundry had gone through early, earlier than even he’d imagined. Starrick’s response was so swift it almost preceded the heads-up message which Olaf had sent Darrel. He’d barely had time to slip the odious leather gloves on and grab his dueling cane before the door to his office burst open and two of the boss’ thugs—perhaps even literal ones—peered in menacingly. “The Boss needs you,” they’d said. Well, they’d discovered that the Boss was going to have to learn patience when dealing with the old noble houses. The pair of men were still slumped unconscious, perhaps comatose, the gloves’ smoke making their breathing ragged and shallow. Of course, Darrel himself wasn’t as young and spry as he used to be. He tenderly felt at the broken rib where the first man’s club had struck him, hacking up another clump of blood mixed with phlegm. When was the last time he’d not been able to heal with Investiture? Tathingdwen? It was a sobering thought. Perhaps he was really too worn thin to keep up the subterfuge and double-agency. Rusts, he didn’t even know whose side Olaf was on in this. He just handled the contacts. And it looked like another one was coming down the aisle.

There. Time to play catch-up.

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9 minutes ago, Fifth Scholar said:

Gonna say it again, but I read these kind of “pure reaction” posts as evil by default, so noting Striker as a suspicion (or rather more of one than he was already). 

I mean, I definitely make those kinds of “pure reaction” posts all the time, regardless of my alignment. So I’d call that NAI. Not gonna argue it’s something I only do as a villager, because it’s definitely not, but I don’t just do it as an elim either.

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