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Hokay well sleep is a thing so yeah

Here's my stuff up until page 6 of the big combo thread. 

1. Matrim's Dice--sus: involved with Elandera
2. Tani-- cautious about claiming, more experienced
3. Araris Valerian--: not sure why he followed something uncomfy.
4. Szeth_Pancakes--likey the reads,
5. Dannex--
6. Lotus--
7. Steeldancer--: huh. Campaigning is interesting.
8. The Unknown Order--
9. Fifth Scholar--
10. Ashbringer--
11. StrikerEZ--sus: involved with Elandera. Voted on self. But TJ suggested they're village. Hmm.
12. Alvron-- suggests voting inactives, me likey
13. |TJ|--village: Striker vil?
14. Elandera--elim: bit sus of Szeth/Striker pair
15. Liranil--
16. Archer--: recommended Tani for WL. Overly simple strategy at beginning. I don't like them saying they could find a reason to vote for anyone very much, because that's something I've thought as elim.
17. Illwei Mist--trust
18. Biplet--

Archer likes Fifth.
Oh yeah election thing. I should do that. Unless Illwei did.
And RP is also a question.
Goodness red being good is taking a sec. Just means I need to read carefully.

Votes. I should do that. Hmm. Szeth, Alvron. 

Danex, Lotus, TUO, Fifth, Ash.

You know what yep, I liked the inactives idea, I'll stick my red vote there for now (and probably till end of cycle heh I should listen to y'all too) TUO hm got some reads in one post

Szeth I appreciate the early reads and the activity. I think you'll pay attention and use a double vote well.

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Alright, caught up, which was surprisingly easy for 40 posts. :P Thoughts W/o multiquoting because I need sleep:

- I like the idea of seeing what Alv will do as WL.

- The Biplet train is weird to me, and after last cycle I’m more leery of Araris, so I’m not sure she’s the best semi active to vote in if we want to go that route. Though I’d really rather not vote in semiactives anyway, as it seems like a good excuse to avoid the hard work of analysis and lets the Elims get away with slipping in their less vocal players.

- Archer is actually probably village but I disagree with most of his takes, whereas I think Tani is evil but nonetheless making quite a few good points, perhaps intentionally

- I retain my uneasiness about Steel, but am glad that he’s participating more actively and still doing his fun RP :P 

- Mat is village, here I stand. Also, on a similar note, still getting the evil vibes from Szeth and I’m not a huge fan of his election or the reasoning of those pushing it, so there I stand as well. 

- Current read of Striker: ????? (hey this is becoming a motif)

Good night.

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1 hour ago, StrikerEZ said:

Anyone got a VC? I’m on mobile and don’t want to try and make one right now. :P

As requested:


Inner Circle Votes:

Archer (3): Liranil, Striker
Szeth (3): Tani, Mat, Archer
Bip (2): Araris, Lotus
Mat (1): Fifth
Lotus (1): Szeth
TUO (1): Mist

Worker Leader Votes:

Alv (5): Mat, Araris, Szeth, Lotus, Fifth
Steel (1): Tani
Mat (1): Striker
Szeth (1): Mist
Fifth (1): Archer

Check out the size of that Alverlanche guys :P 

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Everyone who's just jumping on 'Mat's sus because he was involved with Elan' is in turn off to me, the later someone says that the more sus I get :P. It's an easy thing for the elims to say. Striker... I have no clue :P.

That alone wants to make me elim lean Mist, which since she voted TUO and TUO also jumped on the Mat sus because of Elan reasoning (and... village read Striker, interesting, wonder what the difference between us is) I'm fine with that :P. So e!Mist = e!TUO = e!Striker?

7 hours ago, Fifth Scholar said:

- Mat is village, here I stand. Also, on a similar note, still getting the evil vibes from Szeth and I’m not a huge fan of his election or the reasoning of those pushing it, so there I stand as well. 

THANK you xD Disagree on Szeth but still thank you

That post was enough for me to solidify a village read on you.

Reads: (In no particular order/strength)

  • Village: Mat, Szeth, Tani, Fifth, Bip, Alv
  • Null: Archer (+), Striker (-), Steel (+), Lotus (+), Liranil, Dannex, Araris, Ash
  • Elim: Mist/TUO by association

I'd be good exeing anyone in the Village category tomorrow, and likely anyone in the Null+ as well. I do not want to exe anyone in the Elim or Null- categories (though the latter is more up for debate as it's just Striker :P) and I wouldn't want to exe anyone who's just Null until I get an actual read on them.

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Are we alright with the tie on Archer/Szeth or do we want the Biplets to move to Szeth or the Szeths to move to Biplet and reasons? I'll sit this one out  (edit) because I started it, but will abide by whatever yous agree.

edit2: Also we gots like thirty minutes so better talk fast.

edit3: Aaaand im the only one on. Humph. (rollover is 11am here dont yell at me plz)

@Mist (edit4 including the tag) I'd love it if you moved your TUO IC vote to Szeth to break the tie?

Edited by Tani
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Personally, I'd like to be in the lead, but I'm okay with Szeth being elected. Biplet I'm pretty neutral on, so I'd rather she stay in 3rd than be a contender. I could remove my vote from Szeth, but I'm paranoid of Striker moving their vote and blowing both our chances. 

Edit: Also, Mat, you're really trying to sell TUO and Mist as top elim suspects? :P. Really? 

Edited by Archer
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6 minutes ago, Tani said:

Are we alright with the tie on Archer/Szeth or do we want the Biplets to move to Szeth or the Szeths to move to Biplet and reasons? I'll sit this one out because I started it, but will abide by whatever yous agree.

Meh, I’m still elim reading Szeth and you together, so you switching to Bip might be an improvement in the sense that it would remove some of my paranoia there, but I’d still rather Archer be elected than either of the other two. (If we’re really going for last-minute consolidations, does anyone care to join me on Matrim? :D)

5 minutes ago, Archer said:

Personally, I'd like to be in the lead, but I'm okay with Szeth being elected. Biplet I'm pretty neutral on, so I'd rather she stay in 3rd than be a contender. I could remove my vote from Szeth, but I'm paranoid of Striker moving their vote and blowing both our chances. 

TBH if Striker decides to put Bip on the Circle because of nepotism, your vote change or lack thereof probably won’t matter too much, so if you’d rather yourself get in than Szeth (and since I’d rather you be elected than Szeth), you might as well remove your vote now so you don’t scare anyone by hammering. I’ll probably stay on Mat as my safest non-Alv village read, so if you want that to be a wagon in contention and add your vote to it, that’d also be cool. 

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16 minutes ago, Archer said:

Edit: Also, Mat, you're really trying to sell TUO and Mist as top elim suspects? :P. Really? 

From my POV yes. Take that how you will but don’t confbias me.

6 minutes ago, Tani said:

Mat, I thought you didn't like being "elimmed by association." So why are you doing it to others?

this though is actually fair

It’s only kind of by association? Like, both Mist and TUO jumped on late with the Mat sus for Elan vote and then Mist voted TUO so it’s not like I’m making something up.

edit: Archer

No ties

Edited by Matrim's Dice
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If people trust Archer enough to elect Szeth based on their advice, then theybshould trust Archer enough to wlect him, right? If Szeth flips vil, that doesn't prove that Archer's vil, and if he flips elim, that doesn't mean Archer's elim.

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Ah yes association. Like how you and Elandera associated a lot! Village read each other etc. 

Tani, Biplet village read Striker, who I'm reading as an elim. That's my holdup about voting them. If you don't think I'm village, why are you voting for me? If you do, then support my bid. Or Szeth's. I'm starting to worry you're setting yourself to shift over to e!Biplet, but I'd be happy to be proved wrong

Edit: Liranil is my new top village read y'all. What she said

Doubel edit: MAAAAT I knew you were a good one never should have doubted you 

Edited by Archer
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This is a pleasant surprise! I feel like Alvron got elected a little too easily, because the elims can afford to be more aggressive with the WL vote. Still not feeling Mat and Striker. Liranil is definitely good, she has my support tomorrow (in spirit). Then And Steeldancer owes me a cola. 

Szeth Fifth Steeldancer


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4 minutes ago, Archer said:

Tani, Biplet village read Striker, who I'm reading as an elim. That's my holdup about voting them. If you don't think I'm village, why are you voting for me? If you do, then support my bid. Or Szeth's. I'm starting to worry you're setting yourself to shift over to e!Biplet, but I'd be happy to be proved wrong

I’ll note that Striker is comprising half your support right now, so it’s a little odd how much you’re condemning his decisions given that he had the chance to put pretty much anyone else in the lead, especially Bip, and didn’t. Still prefer you over her and Szeth, but once again the disagreement is strong :P 

Archer’s latest set of posts reads very oddly to me. Logically I should switch to his wagon to consolidate, but it has a big enough lead now that I’m leaving my vote on Mat in protest. I did not like the way this election developed and will be a bit disappointed in how the votes were conducted regardless of the flip (though obviously getting a villager on is good even if I’m suspicious of the last-minute switchers). Mostly I’m just disappointed in myself for artificially dampening my activity early in the cycle when my vote and opinions probably would’ve actually mattered :P 

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I'm honestly fine with voting in both Archer and Szeth...plus I like ties...and I have the power to just make one...I can't resist. :PArcher Szeth

This is honestly the best of both worlds. Most of us trust Szeth, most of us trust Archer. This way we let fate decide which one should be on the council. 

Here's the new VC :P


Inner Circle Votes:

Archer (3): Liranil, Mat, Tani
Szeth (2): Striker
Bip (2): Araris, Lotus
Mat (1): Fifth
Lotus (1): Szeth
TUO (1): Mist

Worker Leader Votes:

Alv (5): Mat, Araris, Szeth, Lotus, Fifth
Steel (2): Tani, Archer
Mat (1): Striker
Szeth (1): Mist

I'm sorry if this explodes, I just thought this was too much fun. :P

Aw man Archer, the tie would've been so much fun! :P

EDIT: Fixed the VC, as I had Archer voting on himself :P

EDIT2: The third vote on Archer should've been Tani, not himself

Edited by StrikerEZ
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*puts on a fake mustache*

Why hello, I am Kas. To prove it, here's some intense RP about healing from emotional trauma. 

The boy watched the mountains sing, whispering their sweet melodies in discordant harmony. And he felt... whole. 

My darn brother Wyrm made me miss rollover again, so by golly, I'm closing it a few minutes late. Sorry folks! 

Please stop posting until I can finish designing, writing, and editing a complete edition of a fictional newspaper! See you in two hours, folks

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12 minutes ago, Tani said:

Archer Szeth Now its a real tie.

Edit: @Archer colas are conditional upon election.


Edit2: Um... @Kasimir when's rollover?

Just after you posted. Kas is asleep. Do not panic. Do not attempt to adjust your set. I am in control of the horizontal and the vertical.


The Turn is over. Kas will be back at a later date to inform you which of you survived. As Co-GM, I cannot take bribes to help you live, but any donations to my charity based in Panama will be appreciated.

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25 minutes ago, Wyrmhero said:

Do not panic.


24 minutes ago, Wyrmhero said:

I am in control of the horizontal and the vertical.

What about depth? And quantum stuff? And time? And all those other things?

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8 minutes ago, Tani said:


What about depth? And quantum stuff? And time? And all those other things?

Well, my degree says 'Master of Physics', so I guess so, yeah.

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6 minutes ago, Wyrmhero said:

Well, my degree says 'Master of Physics', so I guess so, yeah.

Can confirm, he has a selfie with it and I dedicated a tag to him the day he got it since I happened to be GMing :P

43 minutes ago, Wyrmhero said:

Just after you posted. Kas is asleep. Do not panic. Do not attempt to adjust your set. I am in control of the horizontal and the vertical.

Bro, you had one job >>

As, apparently, did I, OTL

Me, before taking a nap:

"I should be up in time, I have a report due at around 3AM, Wyrm's got this, and the votes are stable and I've pre-written the write-up."





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