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Long Game 78: The Legend of Zelda: The False Heroes


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Savia crept through the halls.

She did that a lot lately. Creeping. Ever since she'd caught that strange interaction in the hallway she'd felt eerily unsafe in these halls. The broom in her hands was no longer a cleaning tool, but rather her only defense against the assassins that stalked the halls, prowling, watching, murdering.

Savia longed to flee home, past the trees and fields, past the great wall that protected Hateno from the evil forces of the world. Would that make her a coward? Possibly, but what did it matter if a castle maid was a coward? She held no sword or shield, no way of defending those. If she were gone, there would be one less body to defend.

But of course, that hope was in vain. She couldn't leave the castle. No one could. To hope for escape was in vain. The best she could hope for was that the Yiga would see her as unimportant and leave her alone.

The hope of that fled her as soon as she thought it, because dragging, labored footsteps came from the end of the hall. A figure, shrouded by the shadows, moved toward her.

She should run. Savia willed strength into her legs, begging them to move, but they didn't respond. She was rooted to the spot, shaking like a leaf in the wind, heart racing. What would she do against a Yiga? Fight? Die? She could not outrun them. She was dead.

Her mind flashed to her mother, sitting in their home.

"Oh Savia, must you go? We will find work for you here."

Savia nodded. "The money we could earn from this will save us from financial ruin, I know it." Savia glanced at the pitiful crop yield, just enough to feed her family and nothing to sell. "No bad season will tear us down."

Her mother met her gaze. "The world is a dangerous place, daughter. The Calamity looms near, you hear them speak of it. Would you willingly put yourself at the center of that danger?"

Savia glanced at her younger sister, so tiny, bundling stalks of wheat together and setting them aside for storage. She was so skinny.

She nodded.

Savia had felt so much younger then, so naive, even though that was barely half a year ago. The world had changed since then, her world had changed. Savia would die here in this castle, alone, far away from the family that loved her.

Savia gripped the broom. Her mother had been right.

The figure stepped into the light.

"Help," Link, champion of the Master Sword, silent knight, whispered.

In his arms--burnt, charred arms--he carried Princess Zelda. Blood dripped from her side.

Savia screamed.

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Far at the other end of the castle, in a secluded corner no one thought to check, a body laid, false blood pooling below it, limbs bent awkwardly.

But that was no matter for the mind inside. The flesh melted off these useless, broken bones. The energy to heal them would be better spent leaving this wretched place.

The mind, the form, the essence slipped through the halls. They would find those bones, picked clean, and assume it a horrific trick of the Yiga, to scare them into submission. Let them. What would it matter? He had tried to help, given his resources to save them, even though he had no loyalty to them, and they had squandered it.

Princess Zelda was gone, put away in the Shrine of Resurrection.

The Calamity loomed near.

They were doomed.

So DaaNex slunk out the castle doors and into the wide open space of Hyrule, leaving it all behind.

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TJ has been killed! They were Princess Zelda!

Dannex has been killed! They were a Hyrulean Sheikah!

The Yiga must now only reach Parity to win the game. If Link is killed, the Yiga win.

There will be a removal during this Day turn. There is no vote minimum (though no one is removed if no one votes), and tied votes result in a random tied player getting removed.

This turn will end at 9:30 am CDT on Saturday, July 3rd.

Player List:

  1. Matrim's Dice Hyrulean Mipha
  2. Kasimir Hyrulean Beedle
  3. The Unknown Order - Hyrulean
  4. @Ashbringer - Faleast and AraRaash, who will certainly find a way to keep each other busy while stuck in a strange dimension.
  5. @Azmine_king
  6. @Archer - Linkov, an elf with a sword who shouts "I'M LINKOV"
  7. Dannex - Hyrulean Sheikah
  8. @Szeth_Pancakes - Earl, a knight(?)
  9. @Steeldancer - Linebeck, swindler, salesman, local hero
  10. Araris Valerian Yiga King Rhoam
  11. @kaylakrue
  12. |TJ| - Princess Zelda
  13. @Devotary of Spontaneity - Kele, ex-Yiga, a bit confused but has the spirit
  14. _Stick_ - Hyrulean
  15. Illwei Master Kohga
  16. @Jondesu - Cimu
  17. @Alvron - Jamut Whitemane, no idea what's going on
  18. @DrakeMarshall - Zoel, an intelligent green hat who is definitely not Ezlo, what are you talking about?
  19. The Young Pyromancer - Hyrulean Knight
  20. @Random Bystander - KorVaal the Kandra, currently impersonating a Hylian woman named Eshe
  21. @WhiffleWaffles - Sagessa, she's pretty cool
  22. @attic_gremlin - Horatio Archibald Stibbons, Hyrule Castle's elusive, mustachioed butler
  23. @YeetAroundABush - Nott Yigah, from the esteemed and most noble house of Yigah
  24. @purplewhiteandgold - Vee, a maid at the castle and a bit new to all this
  25. @Tani - Reva
  26. @quillinthestars - Conepine, he's... he's just a pinecone cat
PMs will be sent out shortly if they haven't already.
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Edited by Biplet
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Called it. According to Dannex, by last Night, they'd scanned Drake. So they knew last Day he was evil, and would have sought to kill him over TUO. Which he did, in this post. Which I have saved. For reasons. 


But did Link kill him or Dannex, presumably by mistake off the knight redirect? Also, I have no clue who the knight is, that was mind games. 

Edited by Archer
Used an old link, that's an updated one. Darn thread mergers
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My biggest question now is: Did the elims know that TJ was Zelda when they killed them, or was it just an unlucky (for us) guess? If there is an e!postman, if the e!postman was the one to open the PM between Dannex and TJ, they'd know Zelda's identity as soon as Dannex claimed yesterday. 

Either way, it's definitely worth reviewing who TJ voted on for days 2 and 3. 

also, I'm sure it's redundant to point out that since Link killed a villager, he doesn't get a kill action tonight. I think, since we know our Link isn't a loose canon based on the past days' kills, it's safe to assume it was a knight redirect. We could try to scan for Knight roles if we have any remaining sheikah, but we'd still have to sus out their alignments the old-fashioned way. 

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40 minutes ago, Ashbringer said:

Yippee. Drake.

This essentially means there’s an Elim Knight. So Sheikah, keep an eye out for those. Village Knights, be careful.

Actually it technically could have been a village knight too. (tho why they would redirect anyone on a night when Dannex told Link who was elim is beyond me.)

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I get the feeling that this exe is only going to end one way. Unless anyone has any objections, I'll start the petition to shorten the Day to a 24 hour round. If you're down for that, maybe say so in your GM PM or throw it in a post? 

I've been pondering whether the elim team is 5 or 6 people. Because of the Achilles heel we have with the conf goods, maybe the GMs gave them a smaller team? But Zelda is pretty mighty, so I think it's still best to assume 6. Probably have a Thug, a scanner like Dannex, a knight, and a vanilla. 

We really can't tell whether Dannex or TJ was the elim kill. If they saw the clues that TJ was evil, they would have gone for them, but isn't it crazy that it hit Dannex? I think they targeted Dannex and just caught a lucky break with where the redirect went. As such, it probably wasn't a Postman that snitched. I don't expect them to come forward because we need to give Link all the cover they can get. 

Edited by Archer
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well fart I'm pretty sure I just lost us the game

4 hours ago, Biplet said:

TJ has been killed! They were Princess Zelda!

That.. was not what I expected

Lotta folks are wondering if there's a Knight in the game who redirected Link's kill. I'm sorry to say there isn't.

Think about it. A second Knight wouldn't be remotely balanced. On the eliminator team it lets them redirect Link's kills back to villagers with a decent level of accuracy, which largely invalidates the point of Link. On the village team it's a third village protect role, technically a fourth or a fifth protect role if you count the Durians that Beedle supplies which I personally would count, likely balanced against just a single eliminator strongman kill.

This is probably going to be hard to swallow, but I'm Link.

This is why I was not concerned about dying last night. I expected I could kill a third eliminator at least before being forced to claim to the thread, or that I would get lucky and have a PM with Dannex and explain things to them, or something that wasn't.. this. Apparently not.

I can't provide much evidence for my claim, except that the Link kills have consistently targeted my top suspicion every night and literally nobody else's, and that I am not dead right now which otherwise makes very little sense. I was trying to stay in the zone where the elims would try to exe me instead of kill me, since I didn't get Durian and I was pretty sure the protect roles would (rightfully) be guarding Zelda, but that really doesn't seem to be working out right now.

In short, I'm pretty sure we've went from winning the game to losing it in a single cycle....... because I don't see a way out of this that doesn't involve claiming, and I'm pretty sure there isn't another protect role in the game, so no matter what the elims will kill me tonight. Still, I hold out some small amount of hope that I'm wrong about there being no more protective roles, or that for some reason somebody has a Durian they haven't eaten yet, or.. something. The odds are heavily against us here but I'm not quite ready to give up completely.

For what it's worth my prime suspicion rn is Szeth if anyone cares who my suspicions are at this point. I was right about Araris, at least, but I'm pretty sure the events of last turn overshadows that a bit.


7 minutes ago, Archer said:

I get the feeling that this exe is only going to end one way. Unless anyone has any objections, I'll start the petition to shorten the Day to a 24 hour round.

i have an objection

Edited by DrakeMarshall
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5 minutes ago, DrakeMarshall said:

i have an objection

Fair enough. 

So your theory is that there's no kill protects left in this game. If that's true, you'll die to the night kill tonight. So either we kill you today, or you die tonight. If you're Link, either way we lose. Durians can't be passed, so unless someone volunteers to be exed AND you get passed it because of that, which protects you for a single cycle, we're done, allegedly. 

Your explanation doesn't explain why Zelda tried to move the wagon from TUO to you. It's more likely that they scanned you than Dannex was lying. That post I quoted seems to indicate that TJ knew both you and TUO's alignments and wanted us to make the right exe choice. 

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Just now, Archer said:

Fair enough. 

So your theory is that there's no kill protects left in this game. If that's true, you'll die to the night kill tonight. So either we kill you today, or you die tonight. If you're Link, either way we lose. Durians can't be passed, so unless someone volunteers to be exed AND you get passed it because of that, which protects you for a single cycle, we're done, allegedly. 

Your explanation doesn't explain why Zelda tried to move the wagon from TUO to you. It's more likely that they scanned you than Dannex was lying. That post I quoted seems to indicate that TJ knew both you and TUO's alignments and wanted us to make the right exe choice. 

If Zelda had actually scanned me, and was actually planning to release that information through an intermediary a turn later, why would they vote on me. That would be completely counterproductive to Zelda's goals.

I forgot about items being impossible to pass rip

yeah we've probably lost anyways tbh

Wheeeeeeeee all aboard the Drake train then

The last stop is coming up

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3 hours ago, DrakeMarshall said:

Think about it. A second Knight wouldn't be remotely balanced. On the eliminator team it lets them redirect Link's kills back to villagers with a decent level of accuracy, which largely invalidates the point of Link. On the village team it's a third village protect role, technically a fourth or a fifth protect role if you count the Durians that Beedle supplies which I personally would count, likely balanced against just a single eliminator strongman kill.

Firstly let me say that trying to guess a GMs balance is hardly an easy task which you know full well.
Including a second Knight would in fact be balanced.  The knight is only truly effective if they know who to target.
A village Knight should've been targeting Dannex which looks unlikely.
An elim Knight would know that Links kill was most likely going to be on you and thus would protect you.
Given there is a roleblock and double life role still out there a second knight is very likely.
Since you are also including the Durians then you must also include all the other items which are roleblocks, anti-roleblocks and extra actions.
Overall, a second Knight is very likely but slight odds give it to the elims.
Yes, I know that an elim Knight would've/should've protected Wei N1 but for all we know, they were roleblocked or inactive or some other reason I can't see.
I would also hesitantly give them the Urbosa or Revali role making it a little easier to balance against a village Beedle.

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4 hours ago, Tani said:

Actually it technically could have been a village knight too. (tho why they would redirect anyone on a night when Dannex told Link who was elim is beyond me.)


If there’s a Village Knight, who decided that instead of being on the near-100% confirmed Dannex, they wanted to be on Drake who was going to be attacked by Link and was stated as Elim by aforementioned near-100% confirmed Dannex… I want them out of here. Or a very good explanation.

And by very good explanation I mean one that’s much better than Drake’s, who’s heavily glossing over the fact that in his explanation he just straight up murdered Dannex or Zelda-TJ.

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15 minutes ago, Ashbringer said:


If there’s a Village Knight, who decided that instead of being on the near-100% confirmed Dannex, they wanted to be on Drake who was going to be attacked by Link and was stated as Elim by aforementioned near-100% confirmed Dannex… I want them out of here. Or a very good explanation.

And by very good explanation I mean one that’s much better than Drake’s, who’s heavily glossing over the fact that in his explanation he just straight up murdered Dannex or Zelda-TJ.

Am I? I straight up murdered Zelda-TJ. I also straight-up murdered Araris and Illwei, if that counts for anything.

I would assume the eliminators straight up murdered Dannex. They were confirmed village.

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So does anybody know whether TJ was in fact the person who told Dannex that Drake was evil? We can't necessarily trust that anymore but it might be nice to get a claim.

Last night, a postman put me in a PM with Drake, which he used to claim Zelda. I was pretty sure Drake was lying since he clearly wasn't the person in contact with Dannex. Drake did not mention being Link, but did seem confident that Link wouldn't kill him.

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