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Long Game 78: The Legend of Zelda: The False Heroes


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2 hours ago, Alvron said:

Unfortunately, we have lost.  It has been several hours since I asked for the PM and despite Striker and Biplet having been on since Quill said he would place orders, the PM has not been opened which means.

Steel is Elim Urbosa and Quill is the elim Postman. Or possibly the other way around.

For a while there I did wonder if Mist was an inactive Urbosa but have since disregarded that theory as well as the theory that they were an elim.  I specifically asked Quill when they had opened a PM with Steel and had Steel confirm it.  With that happening it meant either Quill was not an elim or both Steel and Quill are elim buddies.  Unfortunately it took me until this cycle and Devotary's death for me to put the last few pieces together.  And because there are two of them, even if I had my kill, yes I am Link, we still will not be able to win.  Urbosa/Steel will roleblock Waffles while Quill kills me.
Yes, I could try and bluff or not say anything hoping they kill you Ash but that would only buy us one more cycle in which I still wouldn't be able to survive.  Mist is very likely in their pocket thanks to the PM Quill opened which means we would not be able to get a lynch on one of them regardless of it going to another Day, so instead, I'll admit that I'm Link so the game doesn't drag on longer than necessary.

But before I log for the Night, one final thing Steel.  This whole post is a lie.  I'm not Link, Ash is.  Have fun. :P 

I... I'm not Urbosa. Nor am I evil. By my calculations, you might be evil though. But we can discuss that further at length here in a bit. 

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@Alvron I can assure you that I put in the PM order 11 hours ago. Neither Bip nor Striker have read my GM PM since I sent the message. I don’t know why, but I promise you I put in the order.

I also agree with Steeldancer, I think you’re the elim. I also feel certain that they’re not Urbosa as you claim, since they’ve claimed a different role to me, and someone else has claimed Urbosa to me.

However, maybe you’re telling the truth about there being two elims left. As far as I’m concerned, between you and Ash, one of you is the other postman. I wouldn’t be too surprised if you’re both evil, I’ve been uncertain of both of you this whole game. It would make sense why I never got my PM with the postman too, if they’re elim and trying to hide from me.

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1 hour ago, quillinthestars said:

@Alvron I can assure you that I put in the PM order 11 hours ago. Neither Bip nor Striker have read my GM PM since I sent the message. I don’t know why, but I promise you I put in the order.

sorry, striker sprained his wrist last night XD

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Kyson stood at attention, flanking the grand hall with his fellow knights. Or, what remained of them, as some had died in the bloodbath the day before, and others had fled amidst the chaos. He suppressed yet another sigh at thinking about it. No use dwelling. Put it away, move on. That's what he did. That's how you became a good knight.

Hopefully tonight would be uneventful. After the chaos of the fight, he couldn't imagine even more chaos. It seemed unfair.

Of course, Hylia didn't care about fairness.

Kyson squeezed his eyes shut as a continuous shout from the next hall over grew louder as the messenger ran. He stumbled into the grand hall, shouting, blubbering, face white as a sheet."B-body in the hall! Body in the hall! Oh goddess Hylia above, oh three golden, oh--" his face drained of all color, and he collapsed forward, unconscious.

Kyson sighed and stalked out of the grand hall, flanked by his fellow knights. The body wasn't too far from the grand hall, tucked into a corner.

But as he approached it, Kyson's hair stood on end. There was no blood. Certainly, the person was dead, whoever they were, but the distinct absence of blood made his skin crawl. Had someone moved the body and dumped it here? With a sigh, he knelt to observe it.

There was something supremely inhuman about the way it looked. Not a drop of blood to be found, limbs bent in weird ways but not as if broken, rather as if they just functioned that way. A single stab wound in the chest was the only injury he could find.

Kyson shuddered. What in the world? He stood and, once again flanked by his fellow knights, left the body in the hall, guarded by some others, to go report it to the proper authorities.


Ashbinger has been kill! They were a Hyrulean Postman.

There will be a removal during this Day turn. There is no vote minimum (though no one is removed if no one votes), and tied votes result in a random tied player getting removed.

This turn will end at 9:30 am CDT on Sunday, July 18th.

Player List:

  1. Matrim's Dice Hyrulean Mipha
  2. Kasimir Hyrulean Beedle
  3. The Unknown Order - Hyrulean
  4. Ashbringer - Hyrulean Postman
  5. Azmine_king - Hyrulean
  6. Archer Hyrulean Sheikah
  7. Dannex - Hyrulean Sheikah
  8. Szeth_Pancakes Hyrulean
  9. @Steeldancer - Linebeck, swindler, salesman, local hero
  10. Araris Valerian Yiga King Rhoam
  11. kaylakrue - Yiga Revali
  12. |TJ| - Princess Zelda
  13. Devotary of Spontaneity - Hyrulean
  14. Illwei Master Kohga
  15. Jondesu Hyrulean
  16. @Alvron - Jamut Whitemane, no idea what's going on
  17. DrakeMarshall Yiga Postman
  18. The Young Pyromancer - Hyrulean Knight
  19. Random Bystander Hyrulean
  20. @WhiffleWaffles - Sagessa, she's pretty cool
  21. attic_gremlin Hyrulean Daruk
  22. @Mist
  23. purplewhiteandgold Yiga
  24. Tani - Hyrulean
  25. @quillinthestars - Conepine, he's... he's just a pinecone cat

PMs should be sent out already.

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My apologies Quill.  A PM has indeed been opened so you couldn't have made the kill.
Other than that, I have no idea anymore. Every time I think I'm on to something I'm wrong.

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Alright so here's the deal. Time to come completely clean. I'm Link, and Alvron is probably the last elim. He's definitely evil, and I'm pretty sure he's the last one, if I'm wrong about that the last is probably Mist and I'll kill her during the night turn. 
My reasoning as of such is this. I'm Link. Quillin is definitely a village postman. Mist is probably not evil because the previous player was inactive when a kill happened, iirc. Waffles didn't murder me last night, meaning she's definitely a village knight. That leaves Alvron. That was solidified when he made his last post last night, so he's definitely evil. 
Now that I can finally get this off my chest, I can finally release some of the stress that I've been holding all game. Honestly it was kind of annoying, and stressful getting such an important role right off the bat returning to SE, and that kind of kept me from, idk, being myself, cuz I was hyper nervous about everything. All things considered, I didn't do a terrible job this game. I hit quite a few elims, although not all the kills you guys ascribed to Link were actually me. I also pulled a few massive dumb dumbs this game. I was the one who killed TJ, unfortunately. That, was not exactly my best moment. I thought TJ was evil based on his interactions with Drake and Illwei, so I killed him. And goodness gracious I was wrong. 
I was also really dumb in the fact that I didn't grab a durian while I had the chance. I decided to grab a banana because, well... I thought it was funny? I don't know. And then Beedle got killed off and it was too late, so that hasn't exactly been reassuring all game.
My favorite kill this game was probably Kayla. I killed her for a particular post, which was a nice post where she said "Oh everyone has been so helpful." When I first read it I was like, "aww" but then I was thinking about it and thought to myself, who has been helpful to her? Nobody was talking to her in thread, really. So it had to be PMs, or... an elim doc? So I killed her and I was right! 
I've also kept pretty much all of my analysis off-thread for that very reason, because my suspicions were the people I killed, and I didn't want to be identified based on that. That's the same reason I didn't kill Drake, because I was already suspicious of him in-thread so I let him get lynched instead. 
One other note. I was not the one who killed Purple, that must have been a redirection off of waffles. Honestly I just forgot to put in a kill that night. Very awkward. I was still a bit hesitant at the time about the knight, because (what if it's a 5 head thing to fool me? Or just a massive miscommunication?), so I didn't hard clear the knight for it but I figured they were probably village. I've been wrong more than once this game, so that's why I still voted on Waffles. 
Also, in regards to the PM thing. I did kill off a few of my own PM partners, but Alvron dangit I want an explanation for why literally everyone I had a PM with just died! Although, I expect you'll probably double down on your Link claim to confuse the village. 
Yeah, that's about it for the moment. 

Edited by Steeldancer
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Honestly, at this point, I'm just excited to see how to write-up goes. We're left with quite an interesting cast of characters. I opened a PM with Alvron cause, ya know, what else am I going to do this turn, I've already got PMs with the other 3 of you. I'll be casting my vote next post, I just thought I would give him a chance to try and defend himself first. I like to think I'm nice like that /lh

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OOC/G: I'm on mobile but I missed a lot last cycle and I need to catch up on it and now this cycle. I'll respond and give my input and a vote when I can, but I'm preparing for company right now and am unable to really read and discuss atm. I'm on mobile and blue text isn't working so please pretend this is blue text. xD /lh 

Edited by WhiffleWaffles
blue text my beloved <3 (Added blue text and that's it lol)
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Love that post Steel.  Gives just enough information to seem real and nothing to really poke holes in.  One question though, why did you kill Araris.  Personally I killed him due to history.  In all the games that Araris, Devotary and myself have played together, not once that I can recall have we all been village together so I had a 50/50 shot which I felt was better than targeting anyone else.
Also, Purple wouldn't have died N5 if I was evil.  At that stage I was already talking to Waffles and told them who I thought was going to be the next target.  So why would I then target the very same person?  Sure you could make the argument that I was trying to build trust with them but that's simply not my style.  Of course only you and I know that given Waffles, Quill and Mist haven't played many games with me so they have no way of knowing my style.

Since you've admitted to having some Bananas, that means you can cancel a vote so that's something for everyone to keep in mind.  Personally, I think it would be far more enjoyable if instead we got three votes on you and two votes on me as that would let you cancel a vote bringing it to a tie and you know how I feel about them. :)  What say you?  Care to wager the entire game on the roll of the dice?

Edit:  Or if you don't trust me to honour a tie :P then how about we each have two votes on us.  That way even if I have some secret Bananas then I wouldn't be able to kill you.  I'm more than willing to leave it in your hands.  2 votes apiece with you having Bananas that can decide the game.  Will you go for the win?  Or let the Gods of Luck and Chance make the call?

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10 hours ago, Biplet said:

Ashbinger has been kill! They were a Hyrulean Postman.

Aw man! >:( Well, we know who the other Postman is now. Quill could either be an elim Postman or a village Postman, however it's more likely that he's Village since the elims have their own doc, had one Postman of their own, and had three big roles on their side. 

10 hours ago, Alvron said:

My apologies Quill.  A PM has indeed been opened so you couldn't have made the kill.
Other than that, I have no idea anymore. Every time I think I'm on to something I'm wrong.

I feel like that's been me pretty much this entire game, haha. However, to be fair me and Quill are brand new players. At least for me, this is the first mafia game I've ever played. I still cannot get over the fact that Kayla was Yiga Revali. It's so ironic considering Revali is one of her only favorite Champions in the Legend of Zelda. And she was a pinch hitter player too! I would've expected her to be more active in the public thread if she were an elim, but I guess she likely kept it all in the elim doc to eliminate suspicion considering at least four of us knew each other previously from discord. 

9 hours ago, quillinthestars said:

Honestly, at this point, I'm just excited to see how to write-up goes. We're left with quite an interesting cast of characters. I opened a PM with Alvron cause, ya know, what else am I going to do this turn, I've already got PMs with the other 3 of you. I'll be casting my vote next post, I just thought I would give him a chance to try and defend himself first. I like to think I'm nice like that /lh

Same, both Striker and Biplet are excellent writers. However, Striker better take it easy with that sprained wrist. 

9 hours ago, Mist said:

What happens if Link and the last Yiga die at the same time?

You role-claimed last cycle, correct? You role-claimed Urbosa. I think you have the ability to roleblock a player. If you're village, you're going to roleblock who you suspect is the most elim out of the remaining 5 players. If you were to roleblock an elim, and I defended Link, and Link killed the elim, that would guarantee us a win! However, we'll have to wait and see if we even make it to the night cycle. If we do, then you can take your action I think? I'd have to look but if you're village Urbosa, we believe in you Mist! 

4 hours ago, Alvron said:

Since you've admitted to having some Bananas, that means you can cancel a vote so that's something for everyone to keep in mind.  Personally, I think it would be far more enjoyable if instead we got three votes on you and two votes on me as that would let you cancel a vote bringing it to a tie and you know how I feel about them. :)  What say you?  Care to wager the entire game on the roll of the dice?

Although I'm a huge Dungeons and Dragons fan and I totally don't have a dice addiction (hehe :P) is that risk worth it? 

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1 hour ago, WhiffleWaffles said:

Although I'm a huge Dungeons and Dragons fan and I totally don't have a dice addiction (hehe :P) is that risk worth it? 

In my opinion, yes. :P  If I'm Link and you vote for me, the Village loses.  If I'm evil and you vote for me, the Village wins.  A 50/50 chance.  Steel and I know the truth but you only suspect what is true and what isn't.

Instead I ask you to consider what is more fun.
1: Steel and I knowing what will happen at rollover by having all the votes on one of us.
2: Having the votes tied and no one knowing what's going to happen next.

As I have said to you in PM, I'm all about having fun. As long as you're having fun, nothing else matters.

Now, of course if I was evil, then I would be doing exactly what I am doing, trying to confuse things and tie the votes up so there's a chance of me winning.  But, I would also do the same if I was Link you just don't know it.

2 hours ago, WhiffleWaffles said:

I feel like that's been me pretty much this entire game, haha. However, to be fair me and Quill are brand new players. At least for me, this is the first mafia game I've ever played.

Yeah, I've been off my game quite a bit the last few days due to RL stuff but this is also fairly standard for me.  In PMs I can sort my thoughts out better as I'm only typing for one but in thread, I tend to be all over the place as I try to explain my thoughts in a way that everyone can understand.  I'm not sure if it's part of my bipolar or something else entirely but hey, that's what makes me me.

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6 minutes ago, Alvron said:

Yeah, I've been off my game quite a bit the last few days due to RL stuff but this is also fairly standard for me.  In PMs I can sort my thoughts out better as I'm only typing for one but in thread, I tend to be all over the place as I try to explain my thoughts in a way that everyone can understand.  I'm not sure if it's part of my bipolar or something else entirely but hey, that's what makes me me.


6 minutes ago, Alvron said:

In my opinion, yes. :P  If I'm Link and you vote for me, the Village loses.  If I'm evil and you vote for me, the Village wins.  A 50/50 chance.  Steel and I know the truth but you only suspect what is true and what isn't.

True haha. We'll see how it goes. 

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I’m also going to have to go Alvron.[/color] I’d rather make a choice and be wrong and own up to it, rather than just sit by idly and leave it to a roll of the dice. Plus, it’s hard to believe anything Alvron says. Especially when they’re whole profile talks about how they’re a successful master manipulator.

They’ve talked about having bananas, but they also told me they already have a durian in their stomach in out PM, so we’ll see if either of those are true I suppose. I’m sure there’s a minor bit of truth to their messages, all the best lies are built around truth. But they also monologue like a movie villain about why they must be innocent and that just sits wrong with me.

Edit: ooc: color formatting please why, I’ll fix this on my computer in the morning, mobile my despised. Edit 2: I just want you all to know this is Biplet’s fault I copied the code from her any and all issues are Not My Fault

Edited by quillinthestars
Wow I totally messed up the color formatting
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Araris was more of a whim kill for me, Alvron. Araris has always been the kind of person who very much flies under the radar. At that point in the game I didn't really have very many strong suspicions so I started looking to kill inactives and people who are impossible to read, such as you, Devotary, and Araris. I didn't have any solid evidence on him, I just kind of killed him. 

A great deal of luck was exercised this game. 

(Also, pss pss this game should end either way right before mine starts so feel free to sign up). 

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4 hours ago, quillinthestars said:

Hey by the way, who had PMs with Ashbringer other than Waffles?

I'm assuming Ashbringer would've opened other PM's with players but it seems, so far since no one has come forward, that I may have been the only surviving player to have a PM with them? 

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15 hours ago, quillinthestars said:

Especially when they’re whole profile talks about how they’re a successful master manipulator.

I'm sorry, did you expect my profile to say how many mistakes I've made or testimonials about how others have duped me?  It's my profile, of course it's going to portray me in a certain light and not list my failures.  I have been betrayed by those I trust and I have betrayed those that trusted me.  I have failed to see the obvious and I have seen the smallest of mistakes.  I have fallen for the simplest of gambits and pulled off the most daring of wins.  There are highs and lows in all games, I'm not going to list them all in my profile.  There simply isn't room so I choose to keep the most interesting.
Half of those that play these games are master manipulators and the other half aren't far behind.  It's the nature of the game.  Play a few more and you will see.

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15 hours ago, quillinthestars said:

Edit 2: I just want you all to know this is Biplet’s fault I copied the code from her any and all issues are Not My Fault

I could unmod you

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15 minutes ago, Alvron said:

Half of those that play these games are master manipulators and the other half aren't far behind.  It's the nature of the game.  Play a few more and you will see.

Oh I’ve played plenty of games, I grew up on Ultimate Werewolf. I’m new to the forum, not mafia :P And from what I’ve delightedly learned, is that honest players are much more likely to have things go their way than those that lie and manipulate. Because no one will trust you, even when you’re telling the truth.

8 minutes ago, Biplet said:

I could unmod you

Don’t you dare that’s against server Rule 5: Be Nice To Quill

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