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Long Game 78: The Legend of Zelda: The False Heroes


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Catchup posts are rarely useful for anyone and are a pain to read but that won't stop me

2 hours ago, DrakeMarshall said:

Tbh I'm starting to get wary of this much early role analysis in a game where I'm judging role analysis is pretty much actively harmful to the village

First of all this is incredibly counter to last game, though I understand it's because of Link and Zelda being found.

talking about what roles go where isn't harmful to the village unless someone trusts it too much and then beedle turns out to be an Elim who finds Zelda off the bat or something. No one is speculating about who has what role in thread, which is what is harmful.

2 hours ago, DrakeMarshall said:


I know nothing about homestuck except that I just died in a homestuck themed mafia game because I suck at geoguesser. take out of that what you will.

2 hours ago, DrakeMarshall said:

So from this I am conclusing that Illwei is either "neutral" or "wolfy" what do you guys think :)

WHOA whoa whoa that's exactly what ISN'T going to happen reread the post and change your answer good sir smh

1 hour ago, |TJ| said:

Lmaoooo I remember reading this from somewhere, I think it was the MU quiz? Or no, it was the infinite scroll mafia page? But it's definitely a copypasta :P. 


1 hour ago, |TJ| said:

Aaaand I'm getting LG73 vibes in which you were free with information, particularly with items.

I am no longer accepting this attack on TUO. He has been like this in every game since then, even though he keeps getting killed D1 for it. I'm shielding TUO today and calling you opportunistic for trying to jump on this yet again, though it keeps happening and isn't ever useful or right.


50 minutes ago, Ashbringer said:

The thread wasn't updating right.




TJ why don't you want a PM with me? ;-;;

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6 minutes ago, Illwei said:

I am no longer accepting this attack on TUO. He has been like this in every game since then, even though he keeps getting killed D1 for it. I'm shielding TUO today and calling you opportunistic for trying to jump on this yet again, though it keeps happening and isn't ever useful or right.



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Just now, Kasimir said:

Then I won't feel any more guilt about voting on you, you're clearly Evil beyond all reasonable doubt, MR skyship flashbacks >>

Then again if I was postman I wouldn't be able to open a PM with you yet, having opened one with TJ instead, of course

Even though I seem to be the third wheel from TJ's perspective smh

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I wouldn’t mind a PM with Kas. We could use it to grouch at each other until I get the GM PM for the MR.

Hey! Listen! I have no idea what’s going on with the roles, but we probably should start thinking a small bit about consolidating votes. It’s late here, but I’m likely going to switch tomorrow to someone that already has a vote.

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4 hours ago, |TJ| said:

Aaaand I'm getting LG73 vibes in which you were free with information, particularly with items.

Whenever given the chance, I have advocated for sharing strategies the elims might be doing, whether I was village or not because I'm an inherently curious person by nature. I just dialed it up for this game. 



That is true. I literally went through the list of items and there were only two that I was interested in. There is a second slot as well as Beedle choosing someone else over me. My reason for going for it is to be protected from any low info/guaranteed kill. I personally think that the Durian, Carrot, and maybe Lightning Rod are probably the most powerful items. The Durian is essentially a Carrot that won't potentially kill me and is guaranteed to save me, instead of of 50% chance of saving me. The Lightning Rod is useful and I will be getting it soon. The Frog is also useful once you have several items.

@Biplet @StrikerEZ, does using the Tireless Frog override another stat boost?

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39 minutes ago, Illwei said:

I am no longer accepting this attack on TUO. He has been like this in every game since then, even though he keeps getting killed D1 for it. I'm shielding TUO today and calling you opportunistic for trying to jump on this yet again, though it keeps happening and isn't ever useful or right.

That wasn't why I voted for him. That's was what began my suspicion on him. My vote is for him going for the Durian after claiming vanilla villager which is just weird for me. That's why my vote was along with that statement and not along with the one you quoted. 

And I think you're exaggerating TUO's deaths. As far as I recall, I've voted on him for behaving in a similar way just once, I think in MR50. And he's definitely not getting killed D1 often either, lately he's just been skirting to mid-end game without saying much. In his own words, he said he was going to try something different. So he hasn't been this way in every game since and he hasn't been getting killed D1, so.... in conclusion your reaction was very strong and it seems you are jumping on me on the pretense that I was jumping on TUO [and well now Kas jumped on you :P]. I did use the same reason to vote for Books on multiple instances (rightly, might I add) so I don't know if you're just mixing that up or just deliberately exaggerating it.

And to repeat, I was willing to let it go this time, if not for the Durian request as a vanilla.

2 hours ago, Kasimir said:

Sure, open one. I'll spend the rest of the game ignoring it and chilling. Let's see how well that works for you :P 

rood -.-

1 hour ago, Illwei said:

TJ why don't you want a PM with me? ;-;;

I want I waant! I just said Kas' name first because... Illwei, em, you see we can talk in any game we play! But Kas plays very rarely and...so... well... :P.

Seeee @Kasimir, here's someone who appreciates a PM from me hmph

1 hour ago, Illwei said:

Even though I seem to be the third wheel from TJ's perspective smh

Hey hey, third wheel is the strongest wheel! :P

4 minutes ago, The Unknown Order said:

My reason for going for it is to be protected from any low info/guaranteed kill.

Again, why would you prioritize that over a double life for Zelda and Link? And if you don't want to be a low info kill, make sure you talk loads so that you cannot, by definition, be a low-info kill as you would have talked about different stuff, info could be gleamed from your death :P.

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24 minutes ago, |TJ| said:

[and well now Kas jumped on you :P].

Seeee @Kasimir, here's someone who appreciates a PM from me hmph

Hey hey, third wheel is the strongest wheel! :P

1. It'd be jumping on Eiwlil if I actually read her posts. Smh what do you take me for I'm having a chill game. What's analysis never heard of it. 

2. Then go PM her. Problem solved :P

3. Whoa whoa whoa don't let me break up your relationship there. Eh Chingles, see lah. Like this also can boh! 

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Hey all! Morning thoughts. 

- @The Unknown Order 's innate curiousity seems to have developed overnight as their playstyle has changed since the last LG. I'm still waiting on an explanation/acknowledgment of that, and rationale why their open information strategy is helpful to the village. So far all I've seen is that it has some possible individual benefits. Why should we think you're on our side? 

-I agree that Pyro's post about spamming the GM PM felt performanative. Villagers do that, elims have a doc

-Illwei usually has some expected outcomes in mind from their gambit, how villagers or elims will react. It concerns me that they developed no insights from their chaos claim. What was the goal? Also, their new pfp looks super sus 

-If Yeet faked not knowing how votes work, they've basically got away with doing nothing this round. Time to change that. Now that you know how, who ya voting for @YeetAroundABush

-Still waiting on @purplewhiteandgold to offer their assessment of the Frog Plan. I like frogs over durians so normal people going for the protect don't have to advertise it, but I can see the benefits of both.

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4 new pages o.O

Right okay I now see that there's pretty much no way for Beedle to be elim without the game being radically biased against the village cuz having the power to control what items go where while knowing everyone's alignment would be too OP. The frog item plan seems okay I guess - although there's a number of ways this could go:

1. Only Zelda requests for the frog 

2. A single non-zelda villager requests the frog 

3. 5. A single elim requests for the frog

4. Multiple people request for the frog, including Zelda

5. Multiple people request for the frog, excluding Zelda

6. No one requests for the frog

Scenarios 1 and 2 would be indistinguishable for Beedle, so please make sure you don't completely trust and immediately disclose yourself to the frog requester if you find yourself in a PM with them at some point. But anyway there might be other factors at play too, so it's ultimately at your own discretion. Scenario 3 seems perhaps the most unlikely because in my opinion it's too bold of a move for an elim to make this early into the game. Scenario 4 would provide Beedle with a nice little pool of players to eventually discover Zelda, however scenario 4 would pretty much be indistinguishable from scenario 5 to Beedle so...all the more reason not to trust people. If the elims have a Postman and a Sheikah, they would probably try to pocket you in PMs if they get lucky enough to scan you. Scenario 6 would just be sad. 

8 hours ago, DrakeMarshall said:

Now maybe I'm readin too much into this but Stick could you walk me through why you are assuming that the elimin team includes Revali?

I mean, why not? :P It's healthy to assume and thereby anticipate the worst.

8 hours ago, |TJ| said:

The Unknown Order Durian is more important to Link and Zelda. You being a vanilla and going for it doesn't make sense

Kas also expressed intentions of going for the Durian :ph34r: 

I do agree that Zelda/Link should probably go for the Durian instead of the frog. But for the plan to be anywhere near effective the thread needs to decide on one item. Of course though, to Zelda/Link: feel free to act as you see fit, you dont need to go ahead with the plan if you dont want to.

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13 minutes ago, _Stick_ said:

Kas also expressed intentions of going for the Durian :ph34r: 

I am actually, quite literally, having durian right now tonight at the same time with my mates :P

I felt the need to announce it to the thread because I am apparently a troll but we blame Wyrm's bad influence, but also because Black Pearl durian is delicious and I hope to cause someone to drool with envy :P

(I know the stores always advertise Cat Mountain King but seriously it's durian season now, despite our lockdown lite :P )

Edited to add: I can neither confirm nor deny if I will be putting in an item request, much less what I would ask for if I were to do so. That's for me to know, for Striker and Biplet to laugh at, and for Beedle to find out :P

There, that should cover everything.

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3 minutes ago, _Stick_ said:

Kas also expressed intentions of going for the Durian :ph34r: 

Okay so Kas replied, but here's why I didn't mention it.
The important distinction is that he didn't claim to be a vanilla. My problem is mainly, not claiming to go for the Durian, but doing so after claiming vanilla. I deliberately didn't bring attention to the fact because I thought...well...you know.. I figured he might have some important role if he announced he was going for it :P.

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8 hours ago, |TJ| said:

[1]And I see we're continuing c/ping their posts for the rest of the game? smh Mat, don't fall for it :P. And I wanna search for this game :P.

[2]The Unknown Order Durian is more important to Link and Zelda. You being a vanilla and going for it doesn't make sense.

  1. Pfft I didn't fall for it I was like the only one who saw it when it was first posted, and thought it sounded like someone else before that :P.
  2. Ehhhh I'm struggling on where to put the line of normal!TUO and elim!TUO. You're right in that TUO was being info friendly as elim in that other game, and is in this one again, and you're also right about how they seem to have a different playstyle than last game. But I also think you've been more decisive than normal this game, so idk. Not sure if I'd vote alongside you or Illwei right now so that's kinda weird.

Village (all slight it's d1 cmon)- Pyro Szeth Archer Ash Steel? Yeet

Elim (even more slight it's d1 cmon)- TJ TUO (don't ask how that works) Drake? Stick?

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24 minutes ago, |TJ| said:

Okay so Kas replied, but here's why I didn't mention it.
The important distinction is that he didn't claim to be a vanilla. My problem is mainly, not claiming to go for the Durian, but doing so after claiming vanilla. I deliberately didn't bring attention to the fact because I thought...well...you know.. I figured he might have some important role if he announced he was going for it :P.

Wow. Hurtful :(

You were my bro, TJ! You were supposed to bring balance to the thread, not leave it in darkness!

You thought I would actually ignore my own repeated yelling for Village to practice opsec? Man, you can consider any PM from or involving you ignored this game :(

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Hey people! Sorry that I didn't post anything earlier. I'm going to have to spend some time reading what has happened so far before I actually post anything of value.

Also, a lot of the stuff in my RP post is repeated multiple times, so consider yourself warned.


My name is Eshe. I am a cook who has been here for 6 months, and am panicking slightly. I am from Hateno Village, and am a shy person. I am 17 years old, and want to travel all over the world to learn recipes. My name is Eshe. I am a cook who has been here for 6 months, and am panicking slightly. I am from Hateno Village, and am a shy person. I am 17 years old, and want to travel all over the world to learn recipes. My name is Eshe. I am a cook who has been here for 6 months, and am panicking slightly. I am from Hateno Village, and am a shy person. I am 17 years old, and want to travel all over the world to learn recipes. KorVaal repeated the information about who she was acting as over and over again in her mind as she washed dishes in the kitchen. She was good at impersonating people, but not as good as most Kandra. She'd have to work much harder if she'd have to undergo intense scrutiny. My father is a farmer, and my mother died when I was 4. I don't like farming, and am glad my father lets me do all the cooking. My 2 older brothers help my father farm. We grow wheat, carrots, and have an apple orchard. We also have 3 goats, 4 cows, a horse, and a dog. My father is a farmer, and my mother died when I was 4. I don't like farming, and am glad my father lets me do all the cooking. My 2 older brothers help my father farm. We grow wheat, carrots, and have an apple orchard. We also have 3 goats, 4 cows, a horse, and a dog. My father is a farmer, and my mother died when I was 4. I don't like farming, and am glad my father lets me do all the cooking. My 2 older brothers help my father farm. We grow wheat, carrots, and have an apple orchard. We also have 3 goats, 4 cows, a horse, and a dog. She sighed as she finished washing the dishes. Everything was much simpler before these Yiga people decided to infiltrate the castle. She thought, irritated. 

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14 hours ago, Steeldancer said:

Alright that's it. I was trying to just contribute to activity for now, but uh, well, Illwei is weirding me out hard. I get they're being chaotic or...something... but whatever it is it does not vibe with me. So, uh illwei

13 hours ago, Steeldancer said:

So is this mainly normal for them? That's good to hear. 

I'm still objecting to the utter chaos through my vote, but I guess that's not indicative of suspicious behavior. 

I need to work harder if Illwei's being more chaotic than me...

On 6/22/2021 at 0:21 PM, Archer said:

Zelda and Link

They should both request a Tireless Frog today so Beedle knows who they are. If three people request one, the third is an elim poser. To protect their identities, none of us should roleclaim. I expect any elim in danger of being exed will claim to be a confirmed good role, either to survive or help their team discover valuable information in the event of a counter-claim. We therefore cannot rely on mechanical analysis alone; everyone please do your part to be village read so we can gauge the likelihood of an eleventh hour claim being true without relying on counter-claims.

Because of course only Zelda and Link want frogs... and of course we can totally trust that Beedle's not elim...

And anyway, why does anyone need to know who Zelda and Link are? It's preferrable if the villagers do, but we don't know who all the elim are or how many there are... and if we share Zelda or Link with the wrong person then they're dead. Bad Idea. No, Don't Do It. The best way to keep a secret is to keep it secret.

I'm officially joining the group of people who grouch for PM role safety

10 hours ago, Kasimir said:

Oh c'mon, we have durian parties here :P Can't while we're in lockdown lite but I'm heading out this evening to go buy a bunch of durians to munch on while reading the thread because 'tis the season, and some mates of mine are having a Zoom durian party instead. Life is good.

Edited to add:

I'd like to call an airstrike down on Ezlo please. Hats shouldn't talk like that.

DrakeMarshall because I currently have no reads and Kas asked for it.

Also durian is good. It smells bad, and I've never eaten it, but it's good. I had some durian candy recently. (lucky duckling!)


Can I have a PM with Kas?

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13 hours ago, Steeldancer said:

I'm still objecting to the utter chaos through my vote, but I guess that's not indicative of suspicious behavior. 

Controlled chaos is can be good for the village

11 hours ago, Kasimir said:

I can see a case for either. More aggressive/risk-friendly Zelda at least might want to get off more scans. Zelda/Link with smaller risk appetite might want a durian. Or they might distrust Beedle anyway and go for an item (durian) which other Champions (exception of Daruk) have a reason to go for.

Analysis? In my Chill game? More likely than you'd think smh

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2 minutes ago, Illwei said:

Analysis? In my Chill game? More likely than you'd think smh

*holds out thesaurus*

Hi you dropped this. Oh wait, why has 'chill' been crossed out and replaced with 'utterly useless'? :P 

2 minutes ago, Illwei said:

Controlled chaos is can be good for the village


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4 minutes ago, Illwei said:

Controlled chaos is can be good for the village

As a member of said village, all I get out of it is confusion. Thus my objection to it. Granted, it doesn't help the elims either, probably. 
I'd like a PM with someone. I'm lonely. 

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8 hours ago, The Unknown Order said:

@Biplet @StrikerEZ, does using the Tireless Frog override another stat boost?

Any item that gives you a stat boost (ie any item except the Mighty Bananas or the Lightning Rod) will override any previous stat boost you already have.

Also, thank you everyone for only adding one page during my sleep time. :P

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 - He Identified that my post wasn't me, which shows to me an investment in actually solving me IMO
 - Starting the Zelda theory, Claiming Zelda

 - Claiming Zelda. Pyro would theoretically be more wary of drawing attention to himself especially being the first person.
Alv, Tani, (Azmine-less so), anyone else I'm missing who claimed Zelda and isn't Archer or Pyro
 - I'd think at most there's one elim in the pool of everyone who claimed Zelda. too much attention.

Araris, Kas, TUO:
 - doing the whole "fake roleclaiming" thing. Mostly TUO.


27 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

Hi you dropped this. Oh wait, why has 'chill' been crossed out and replaced with 'utterly useless'? :P 

right right right you just wanna sit in your little corner and solve your game right right

25 minutes ago, Steeldancer said:

As a member of said village, all I get out of it is confusion

That's expected. Give it a bit.

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Ok, what the heck happened? I check my phone before I go to bed, and then when I wake up there are 37 new posts on the thread! It just took me half an hour to read through everything that went down. I’m currently wary of Illwei - she’s normally chaotic, but not this chaotic. I’m keeping my poke vote for now, since hyliara still hasn’t posted. However, this may change soon if I get some more solid reads on people. I’m still not too keen on Archer’s plan, but as long as Beedle is aware of the possibilities, I don’t think it can do any harm.

Eri—Earl was having a bad day. Someone was dead, and he couldn’t stop thinking that that person could’ve been him. Hadn’t something like this happened before? He couldn’t remember.

That was strange.

Well, he certainly had never felt like this before. He simultaneously wanted to vomit and to run from the castle screaming. A Hyrule Castle guard shouldn’t show such cowardice. Neither should a proud Fifth Generation kandra.

What was a kandra?

Earl was shaken from his thoughts by the castle bells ringing. He was to report for guard duty today at promptly 5:30 AM, and travel back to the Homeland —

The Homeland?

He now had just thirty minutes to get from the barracks, where he was eating breakfast, to his post at the inner gates. He needed to hurry up - the walk there would take around twenty minutes, and he still had to put on his uniform and brush his hair. However, he started wondering: who among him was a Yiga?

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