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Long Game 78: The Legend of Zelda: The False Heroes


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I’ve been getting a bit sick over the past couple days and haven’t been able to do any real analyzing yet because of how tired and low-energy I’ve been :/ However, based on what many people are saying and from my own observations, Stick seems to be somewhat covering up for Illwei’s actions and trying to potentially keep elims from being noticed.

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Hello again. buckle up because im celebrating not having to post in 200ish word chunks anymore

@Kasimir I just want to say I take back anything I may have ever said about being sad over your death. You know why :P

Also, why the beans are we executing Stick? Like, I was legit pretty heckin suspicious of them last cycle, but their response was... Pretty villagery, to me. Like, I have a hard time picturing a genuine eliminator having such a chill response to a TMI accusation, but idk. I'm also not seeing a whole lotta defense apart from my own.

Anyways, I have a handful of additional posts I want to reply to, and then a bit of analysis, and then of course there is voting!

On 6/25/2021 at 4:39 PM, Archer said:

The obvious lead is their reads list. Surely they'd try to sneak their teammate onto it, get them some trust cover. I believe Tani was in that sweet spot of being a one plus trust. I highlighted the spot I was interested in in my last post. 

I'll be off world most of Saturday and the rest of tonight. Hi, Kayla! 

IIRC last night you said I was in that sweet spot moreso than Tani. Is there a reason you are backing off on that?

On 6/25/2021 at 6:20 PM, Matrim's Dice said:

This made me read Illwei/Drake as a possible e/e even before Illwei was outed tbh


On 6/25/2021 at 6:22 PM, Jondesu said:

It’s possible, I suppose, but if I were Illwei, I’d have been asking someone about a villager for a read. Too easy to start casting suspicion on a teammate without reason by bringing up their name. She might think differently, of course.

Ngl, right now I’m sorta reading you/Illwei/Steel as teammates. Masterfully distancing if so, but totally believable to my cynical mind. I’m still not quite ready to cast a vote though.

So I disagree with both of you guys :P

I mean, I'm pretty sure Illwei was angling for a misex somewhere down the line because if LG77 is any indication they don't find it hard to elim read me. But for folks that aren't me, I don't think I would find such an interaction strongly alignment indicative, if it was someone else who was the subject of this post.

22 hours ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

I am still alive. I'd expect an elim to be among the people who mentioned Illwei being village for her Zelda claim, though probably not the first one. TUO more likely village for immediately voting them I think, although that vote didn't actually count so maybe not. Steel as well. Looks like only Matrim and somewhat Drake marked Illwei as village, so somewhat elim on Drake for this. Don't think e!Matrim would be so quick to promote a teammate.

I mean, I expected claiming Zelda as a village play. It's a sound way to bait out the Kohga kill. Since Illwei was the first and I had a hard time finding a motive other than baiting out the Kohga kill, that felt like a village move to me.

Apparently not. In retrospect, the fact that it was on D1 probably should have tipped me off. A serious attempt to bait out the Kohga kill should have been on like D2 or D3 ish.

15 hours ago, Ashbringer said:

Enter Illwei

Here's a little guide for this. For now, I'm just marking interactions, whether positive or negative, with Illwei on D1. Confirmed Villagers are Green, Confirmed Elims are Red. Interactions are marked as such: just stating a name is +1, tagging or reading non-null is +2, quoting or voting is +3, whether it's Illwei interacting with a player or the player interacting with Illwei. (This is just using CTRL + F "Illwei", so I might miss some Eiwlil's. In fact, I probably missed a lot, so the math's probably off. Very off. But the approximate totals are in place.)


  Reveal hidden contents
  • Illwei summarizes the roles, mentions no players
  • Pyro tags Illwei and tells her Kohga is confirmed Elim (lol)
  • Illwei quotes Araris, thinks there's a 5-6 Elim person team with King Rhoam / vote blocker, quotes Pyro about tagged message, thinks those who say Beedle could be Elims are Elims (at the time, this was: NOT Mat, NOT Archer, maybe Devotary, NOT TJ, Stick, maybe Steel... so a +1 to Devo and Steel and a +3 to Stick.)
  • Matrim quotes Illwei about the lack of sense of E!Beedle
  • Illwei posts Copypasta #1
  • Pyro and Archer post jokes in response to Illwei... I'll give a +1 to them both.
  • TUO joke-attempt-votes Illwei?
  • Mat points out the oddity in Illwei's voice
  • Illwei posts Copypasta #2
  • Mat points out the oddity in Illwei's voice again, reads her village
  • Illwei quotes Mat, claims to have pocketed him "100% effective" (Joke)
  • Archer mentions Illwei
  • Illwei quotes Archer
  • Mat is... ninja'd by Illwei? 0
  • Illwei quotes Steel (about how to do colored mobile text, so... only a +1)
  • Dannex doesn't believe Illwei is Zelda (lol)
  • Archer notes that "Illwei hasn't adequately explained why they aren't afraid of the elim super kill, so I'd tend to agree with that." 
  • Mat quotes Illwei, noting about the copypasta
  • Illwei quotes Dannex
  • Archer quotes Illwei about her intentions
  • Illwei quotes Archer, says "How bold of you to assume i have conclusions"
  • Whiffle quotes Illwei, agrees that Beedle couldn't be Elim
  • Illwei quotes Whiffle, agrees Beedle is Village
  • Whiffle quotes Illwei
  • Azmine quotes Illwei
  • Mat mentions Illwei
  • Tani mentions Illwei
  • Illwei quotes Azmine
  • Illwei makes Biplet very confused
  • Steel mentions Illwei, is confused by their chaoticness, votes Illwei
  • Illwei quotes Steel, states that this is normal ish for Illwei
  • Mat mentions that this is indeed normal for Illwei, if a bit more than usual
  • Illwei quotes Mat
  • Steel mentions Illwei, maintains vote
  • Drake quotes Illwei, thinks Beedle could be Elim, gives Illwei minor village points
  • Mat mentions that this is Illwei's copypasta
  • TJ quotes Illwei, mainly talking about copypastas and Beedle
  • Drake quotes Illwei
  • Illwei quotes Drake, TJ, Ash, mentions and defends TUO for being "free with information" and votes for TJ for being opportunistic about it.
  • Kas votes for Illwei
  • Illwei quotes Kas, requests a PM with him
  • Illwei and Kas back and forth for a really dang long time that I'm not going to count because we know their alignments and storm that
  • TJ quotes Illwei, explaining vote for TUO more and considering Illwei exaggerating
  • Archer mentions Illwei, wonders where the payoff on the gambit is
  • Mat mentions Illwei in passing
  • Tani mentions Illwei in passing
  • Illwei quotes Steel (advising for controlled chaos) and Kas
  • Steel quotes Illwei, says chaos confuses him
  • Illwei posts a readlist. Quotes Steel. Thinks only one person who fake-claimed Zelda is elim (Alv, Tani, Azmine, NOT Archer).
  • Szeth mentions Illwei, is "wary" of them 
  • Mat quotes, votes on TJ alongside Illwei
  • Illwei posts a readlist. Quotes Mat, thinks there's also only one person in the fake-claiming group who's Elim (Araris, Kas, TUO).
  • Mat quotes Illwei
  • Illwei quotes Dannex, Mat, Archer, continues bad-reading those advocating E!Beedle
  • Illwei quotes Mat
  • Illwei quotes YeetAroundABush
  • Pyro tags Illwei saying the Zelda claim was a joke.
  • Illwei quotes Pyro
  • Drake quotes Illwei, thinks role analysis is not great in this game. 
  • Archer mentions Illwei, votes for Steel
  • Steel removes vote from Illwei
  • Ash reads Illwei slight Elim
  • Illwei quotes Drake, Steel, tags Ash, votes Pyro
  • Ash quotes Illwei
  • Drake quotes Illwei
  • Illwei quotes Ash, tags Drake
  • Pyro quotes Illwei
  • Drake gives Illwei a slight Village read
  • Steel is still confused by Illwei
  • Mat says he usually village reads Illwei
  • Archer quotes Illwei
  • Illwei quotes Ash
  • Archer mentions Illwei, agrees that rule analysis / vanilla analysis is probably not the best
  • Tani mentions Illwei (Eiwlil)
  • Ash mentions Illwei (Eiwlil)
  • Ash mentions Illwei
  • Illwei quotes Ash, Kas, purplewhiteandgold, is concerned about the buildup of the Pyro exe
  • TJ quotes Illwei, doesn't think Mat/Illwei are e/e, reads Illwei village
  • Mat read Illwei's copypasta as "so obviously fake"
  • (Stick mentions Illwei twice, but only in vote counts)



Illwei's hard-to-parse readlists:

  Reveal hidden contents


 - He Identified that my post wasn't me, which shows to me an investment in actually solving me IMO
 - Starting the Zelda theory, Claiming Zelda

 - Claiming Zelda. Pyro would theoretically be more wary of drawing attention to himself especially being the first person.
Alv, Tani, (Azmine-less so), anyone else I'm missing who claimed Zelda and isn't Archer or Pyro
 - I'd think at most there's one elim in the pool of everyone who claimed Zelda. too much attention.

Araris, Kas, TUO:
 - doing the whole "fake roleclaiming" thing. Mostly TUO.


 - He Identified that my post wasn't me, which shows to me an investment in actually solving me IMO
 - Starting the Zelda theory, Claiming Zelda

 - Claiming Zelda. Pyro would theoretically be more wary of drawing attention to himself especially being the first person.
Alv, Tani, (Azmine-less so), anyone else I'm missing who claimed Zelda and isn't Archer or Pyro
 - I'd think at most there's one elim in the pool of everyone who claimed Zelda. too much attention.

Araris, Kas, TUO:
 - doing the whole "fake roleclaiming" thing. Mostly TUO.

 - Everything feels forced, tonally. not on my kill list yet, giving a pass for the whole...hasn't been on for 2 years thing, needs time to adjust


 - He Identified that my post wasn't me, which shows to me an investment in actually solving me IMO
 - Starting the Zelda theory, Claiming Zelda

 - Claiming Zelda. Pyro would theoretically be more wary of drawing attention to himself, being the first person.

Alv, Tani, (Azmine-less so), anyone else I'm missing who claimed Zelda and isn't Archer or Pyro
 - I'd think at most there's one elim in the pool of everyone who claimed Zelda. too much attention.
Araris, Kas, TUO:
 - doing the whole "fake roleclaiming" thing. Mostly TUO.
 - Pure tone pretty much. Enthusiasm/Excitement. will move down if it doesn't translate into solving.

 - Everything feels forced, tonally. not on my kill list yet, giving a pass for the whole...hasn't been on for 2 years thing, needs time to adjust



Final tally of points: 

(Remind me to recalculate this because it's nowhere near exact whatsoever)

  Reveal hidden contents
  • Matrim: 34
  • Kasimir: Really dang big, but an outlier
  • TUO: 5
  • Ash: 18
  • Azmine: 8
  • Archer: 20
  • Dannex: 7
  • Szeth: 3
  • Steel: 18
  • Araris: 4
  • kayla: 0
  • TJ: 16
  • Devotary: 1
  • Stick: 3
  • Illwei: is Illwei
  • Jondesu:
  • Alvron: 2
  • Drake: 25
  • Pyro: 6
  • Random:
  • Whiffle: 9
  • attic: 0
  • YeetAround: 3
  • purple: 3
  • Tani: 5
  • quillinthestars: 0


So notable things?

Illwei said that she was reading those who thought E!Beedle was possible, as Elims. At the time, only Stick was advocating for E!Beedle and Devotary and Steel were iffy about it.

Illwei and Mat bounced off each other a LOT, second only to Illwei and Kas. For now, I think that's normal... actually, because of the timing of some things I'd give Mat village points for some posts, but could go either way.

Illwei eventually gave Steel an Elim read, the only one of the group, but never voted on them.

Illwei also interacted a lot with Archer and Drake and Ashbringer. Archer specifically asked Illwei why they weren't worried about the Kohga kill when she claimed Zelda. Drake read Illwei slightly village, but had no... it didn't seem like there were a lot of actual content in their interactions. Ash read Illwei slightly Elim for the copypasta.

So, that gives us Stick, Devotary, Steel, Mat, Archer, Drake, Ash, as potential leads for people Illwei interacted with, positive or negative or otherwise. 

To narrow it down, which is why I wanted to do that if-Illwei-slipped thing in the first place... only Drake was also not on to see Illwei's outing. Devotary also had very small dealings with Illwei, as she only said (essentially) "Beedle could be Elim" rather than Stick's "we should plan for Beedle maybe being Elim".

I'm also not going to vote for me, although I have no objective reason to discount it.

So... Stick, Steel, Mat, Archer. There's probably some posts that I still need loaded in the thread, but I'll start with Stick


Village points for being the first person to actually go back and read through and analyze all of Illwei's past posts.

14 hours ago, WhiffleWaffles said:


Right, I remember a thing I wanted to say. How Illwei responded to you using the terms "goodie" and "baddie" really felt to me like you two were meeting the first time, ie you hadn't spoken in a doc previously. Village points for you!

8 hours ago, Matrim's Dice said:

Why are all my elim reads elim reading each other lol

Well I have a pretty strong basis for believing at least one of those reads is mistaken, but hey probably same for my reads.

8 hours ago, Dannex said:

Distancing? =P

Now, you seem to be implying that my distancing skills would be transparent :P I am offend! Very offend! My distancing skills are simply The Best, end of story :P they definitely don't involve murdering teammates without their consent anyone who told you I sometimes do that is slandering me

7 hours ago, Steeldancer said:

things just really changed in terms of my Hawaii trip, and it's been really stressful IRL so I'm not sure I'm gonna have time today for anything

Because of that, analysis isn't going to happen. I feel icky about it but I'm going to vote stick because it's the largest lynch at the moment, and I don't really have time to figure out who else to vote on. Sorry about that. 

Drake no like this vote

5 hours ago, Alvron said:

Hmm, I'm going to vote for Tani.  Wei have them semi trusted on reads list for claiming Zelda and said that it's very unlikely that there would be more than one elim doing that.  Since Wei has been proven to be evil and was also one to claim Zelda, I think there statement is suspect and of those that I saw claiming to be Zelda (Archer, Pyro, myself and Tani) Pyro is dead and I'm me so that leaves Archer and Tani.  Archer remained high on Wei's list so I doubt they are an elim as it would be too obvious so that leaves Tani.  It's not much to go on but it's all I got. :( 

Vote Tally:
Drake (1): TJ
Ash (1): Araris
Pancakes (1): Waffles (Hmm, trying to start a food fight???)
Tani (2): Stick, Alv
Stick (2) : Mat, Tani

Plus this makes it a tie and you know how I feel about them. :P 

I am pleased to have a fellow advocate of tied votes back in the game :D for some reason people here don't seem to like them as much these days.

4 hours ago, Archer said:

After a splendid date today, I got my dates confused and thought this turn ended on Monday. I’m glad I checked. Here’s some probably rushed notes.

- Although I’m sure an elim doc with Illwei in it had a lot of off topic stuff to get through, and thus important things might have gotten buried, I’ve become convinced that Jondesu’s apparent ignorance of Kas’ claim etc is village indicative.

-re: “Mat what's your read on Drake rn”: this was a neutral statement. If it’d been ground work for an exe vote, it could have been teammate talk, but nothing came of it

-I think voting for Steel is overly paranoid. It would have been difficult for Illwei to justify not exing Steel if it came to it after they were their only elim read. That said, the person Ash picks as the second likeliest to be an elim when he does his narrowing down lists is always evil, so Steel may actually be evil after all. :P. Also, voting on a train because it’s currently the largest isn’t great reasoning, especially when largest at the time means two votes.

-I’m also confused why TUO hasn’t gotten much mention. I think it’d be more productive to exe someone other than them today, because I think it’s a true tossup over if Illwei defence of them was support for a teammate or just bluster. TUO being evil clears TJ, so it’d be awesome if Zelda could scan TUO tonight. My other pick would probably be Drake, but that’s just for selfish reasons so I know if my PM is safe to use. And then if Link successfully kills someone… we’ve got four potential elim reveals coming during this cycle, which is fabulous. Surely at least one of them is right, right? We can figure out how to avoid overlap during the Night.

-Stick has little connection to Illwei. I don’t like exing them because it feels like we're not chasing down the leads from Illwei's flip, which I'm sure makes the elims rather happy

-Alvron… bluetexted his desire to start a food fight. Of course you know this means war. Waffles, you have my bow. Also, he missed Steel’s vote on Stick, so to make it a tie, I’ll need to add my support. Tani, for the same reasons. Position on Illwei's reads list, plus they seem like a likely e!Drake teammate since they retracted their vote on him D1. They explained it away as being joking, but I think it was more distancing gone wrong. It concerns me that Drake and Tani have yet to vote, giving them ample opportunity to influence the exe. We gotta pad our margins better, guys and gals 

Wait wait wait are you also a disciple of tied votes? :o

But real talk, probably not a great look to defend Tani because you apparently think I'm e/e with them but tbh this vote feels very counterwagony. Which, is fine, I mean I definitely likes me a good counterwagon and I'm not a huge fan of the Stick vote, but... I find it a wee bit sus that you apparently aren't basing your vote on any kind of comparison to Stick, when arguably defending Stick is at least half of what your vote accomplished.

4 hours ago, quillinthestars said:

I think it’s been an interesting turn, it’s hard to say how much information we really have since a lot seems to be gut feelings on interactions instead of concrete facts. I know I haven’t had much to say, cause I don’t know many of you veteran players much at all, especially when it comes to discussion of previous games and play styles. Any thoughts on reads I might have had have already been said, but I don’t quite feel ready to be putting my vote down anywhere yet this day. However, one thing is for certain, and that’s that my fellow new players have been veeeery quiet. Come on guys, share with the class, no need to be shy in front of the big kids! Purple, attic, and Yeet, I wanna know what you have to say. Especially our newest player Kayla, I know you love to talk about this sort of thing

It always be like that.

I wouldn't worry too much about people alluding to past games or known playstyles, these are occasionally useful tools for analysis but they are one of many in your toolbox :)


Alright, enough of my quotenotes, so now l give you an updated reads list, absolutely context free guaranteed! unless you ask i suppose

It's only been a cycle but I feel like a lot has changed:

Color Key

  • Village Read
  • Slight Village Read
  • Very Slight Village Read
  • Neutral / No Read
  • Very Slight Elim Read
  • Slight Elim Read
  • Elim Read

Player List

  1. Matrim's Dice
  2. The Unknown Order
  3. Ashbringer
  4. Azmine_king
  5. Archer
  6. Dannex
  7. Szeth_Pancakes
  8. Steeldancer
  9. Araris Valerian
  10. kaylakrue
  11. |TJ|
  12. Devotary of Spontaneity
  13. _Stick_
  14. Jondesu
  15. Alvron
  16. DrakeMarshall
  17. Random Bystander
  18. WhiffleWaffles
  19. attic_gremlin
  20. YeetAroundABush
  21. purplewhiteandgold
  22. Tani
  23. quillinthestar

Basically, I have reasons to trust Ashrbringer, Whiffle, and Dannex now, and I distrust Szeth and Araris. I also took back my trust on Tani and replaced it with something more ambivalent, although I still have misgivings about both the Stick and the Tani vote honestly.

I'm inclined to keep my reads on Steel and Stick, if partially because I figure some of my D1 reads had to be correct. Feels like a monty hall problem kinda thing but idk I never took a stats class for some reason.

Anyways new and improved tallybot activate! :) this way I can pretend it worked the first time and that I didn't almost hit submit on a vote tally that registered votes on players who aren't playing this game

Vote Tally
_Stick_ (5): Ashbringer, Matrim's Dice, Steeldancer, Tani, purplewhiteandgold
Szeth_Pancakes (2): WhiffleWaffles, DrakeMarshall
Tani (2): Alvron, Archer
Steeldancer (1): Jondesu
DrakeMarshall (1): |TJ|
|TJ| (1): _Stick_
Ashbringer (1): Araris Valerian

In conclusion, I would like to try voting for Szeth @Szeth_Pancakes for now. I am open to being convinced otherwise, but will mainly only be convinced by one of the other two names I put in orange seeming like a more viable wagon :) or I suppose if Szeth wants to explain their thoughts more but nah that would probably never work

If it comes down to it I'd rather see Tani get exed than Stick but if you're like me and don't particularly like either votes this is the third option I am suggesting. Sorry Szeth if I'm wrong but this feels like it would be a more useful vote.

Edited by DrakeMarshall
updated vote tally to reflect my vote; and added a missing word
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Having just re-read all of Szeth's posts, I've decided that I don't think they're particularly elimy because there's just some posts that strike me as very genuine and villager-y. For instance, this post explaining their vote on Pyro, and this other post that was in response to Mat's vote on them - I feel like saying 'I just wanted to say something, and that’s the only thing I could think of' is a very elim-y mindset to have but only a villager would actually voice this, in my opinion.

Currently reading elim: TJ, Tani

Currently reading slight elim: purple, yeet (partly gut, partly posts)

Currently reading ever so slightly elim: Steel


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Well, looks like somebody getting a spicy item tonight :,( Limited edition since our Beedle is dead

I can't say for sure whether the people currently voting on me are all villagers but I'd guess there's at least one elim in there. So I'm urging everyone to change their votes to me now please so that there's a higher chance of a villager getting my item

There are 15 minutes left till the end of turn maybe I shouldve done this earlier xD Dont know if anybodys gonna see this before turn ends

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No wait I’m dumb and convinced myself that Illwei was probably the only elim on her train because it was a v/v exe and there wasn’t a need for half of the Pyro voters to be elim. That includes Stick. While I guess it’s possible I’d rather go another route first.

It also includes Szeth, funnily enough. I trust Tani enough.

This won’t do anything but Drake

(Stick ninja’d me :P)

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15 hours ago, _Stick_ said:

This increases my suspicions on TJ because it reminds me of illwei's and Stink's interactions in that one Kas game where they were elim teammates (forgot the number LG73 OR 74).

I rarely PM anyone other than Kas and Illwei, so this was a normal reaction for me preferring to PM Kas before her :P.

14 hours ago, DrakeMarshall said:

Do you mean V/E? Bc otherwise, this doesn't work. Which... I feel like a villager would be a lil more likely to catch that but idk.

Okay clarifying - I do not see Matrim e/e along with Illwei, so yes, I mean Matrim/Illwei as V/E :P

14 hours ago, DrakeMarshall said:

I don't suppose you have any reasons of your own to provide?

If not than fine, it's sometimes valid to side with another player's reasoning, but it's also... Easy.

Yeah, and I'll add the fact that I find you claiming that RNG choose Pyro a bit... iffy? Too chancy? Gave your a reason to pile votes without you needing to provide a reason.

And yeah, I'm reading Stick as village, so I'm not going to vote for her. Drake's posts from this cycle made me ease up on his elim read, and I sorta want to vote on Tani to protect Stick. Any with vote count? And there's 90 more minutes in the cycle right?

Edited by |TJ|
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1 minute ago, |TJ| said:

And there's 90 more minutes in the cycle right?

one minute i think?

edit: one more minute in the turn I mean, the cycle is gonna go on for much longer :P.

Edited by _Stick_
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Savia hadn't been in employment of Hyrule Castle's maid staff for long before the lockdown. Training had only finished just two weeks before King Rhoam sounded the alarm and shut them all inside, preventing anyone from getting in or out.

Sure, Savia didn't get out much, but being forcefully locked up was a lot different than choosing not to leave. She found herself missing the local market and all it's wares. What she would give to buy some fresh, homegrown fruit for herself, or some delicious milk from the local ranch. And she especially missed sending letters home to her family in Hateno. All letters out of the castle had been suspended. Only communication within.

Savia sighed. It would be okay. The King would find those nasty Yiga imposters and oust them, and surely the champions and Princess Zelda would be able to keep them all safe for the time being. Savia had never met the famed Divine Beast pilots, but she'd heard stories of their impressive abilities. She didn't feel unsafe in these halls.

However, rounding the corner, broom clutched in hand, Savia saw something... unbelievable.

That Jobz man, the one who claimed to have invented apples, Hylia above, stood in the center of the hall, arguing in hushed tones with... a hat.

A talking, green hat.

Savia stumbled back, broom clattering to the floor. The noise caught the attention of the arguing party, who whipped their heads--er, or entire hat body--to face her. Savia lifted on shaking finger to point at the hat. "Y-Yiga."

The hat's eyes--goddess, it had eyes!--widened. "No, no no no, I'm not a Yiga!"

Savia clambered back, snatching her broom up and holding it out like a weapon. "Stay back!"

She'd heard tales of the Yiga's impressive abilities of deception and disguise. Could they even disguise themselves as inanimate objects? It didn't seem too far fetched at this point. Savia's heart pounded in here ears. Oh Hylia, oh Hylia, she was face to face with an assassin.

She ran.

"Hey, wait, listen!"

She didn't listen. Savia ran until she slammed nearly face first into a guard, dropping her broom yet again in her rush. "Y-Yiga!" She panted, coughing. "Yiga in the castle! Disguised as a hat!"

The guard's eyes widened, and he sounded the alarm.

Soon enough, the halls flooded with people searching for the Yiga hat, but to no avail. The hat seemed to have disappeared entirely, leaving behind only Steve Jobz, the man seen arguing with the hat.

What if... was there even a hat? Am I crazy?

What if Jobz was the Yiga?

It seemed everyone else had the same thought, because guards dragged the Jobz man into the main hall and tossed him on the floor. "I swear, I'm no Yiga! Listen to me!"

King Rhoam looked down on him with distaste. "Conspiring in the hallway, I've been told. Disguising yourself, are you?"

Jobz shook his head frantically, eyes wide and face pale. King Rhoam did not budge. He looked at a guard. "Take him away."

The guards dragged Jobz away screaming.


_Stick_ has been removed! They were a Hyrulean!

Stick (4): Ashbringer, Steeldancer, purplewhiteandgold, Tani
Drake (4): Matrim's Dice, Archer, Devotary, TJ
Szeth_Pancakes (2): DrakeMarshall, WhiffleWaffles
Ashbringer (1): Araris Valerian
Steeldancer (1): Jondesu
TJ (1): Stick
Tani (1): Alvron

@Azmine_king @Random Bystander this is an inactivity filter warning. If you don't post this turn, you will be removed or replaced by a pinch hitter.

Player List:

  1. @Matrim's Dice - Jaralph, needing to brush up on his Hyrule Historia
  2. Kasimir Hyrulean Beedle
  3. @The Unknown Order - Gavrill, seriously bewildered because he is having a firemoss hallucination.
  4. @Ashbringer - Faleast and AraRaash, who will certainly find a way to keep each other busy while stuck in a strange dimension.
  5. @Azmine_king
  6. @Archer - Linkov, an elf with a sword who shouts "I'M LINKOV"
  7. @Dannex - DaaNex, a kandra
  8. @Szeth_Pancakes - Earl, a knight(?)
  9. @Steeldancer - Linebeck, swindler, salesman, local hero
  10. @Araris Valerian - Navi, Hey! Listen!
  11. @kaylakrue
  12. @|TJ| - Shakhtar, character that develops a personality the longer it exists
  13. @Devotary of Spontaneity - Kele, ex-Yiga, a bit confused but has the spirit
  14. _Stick_ - Hyrulean
  15. Illwei Master Kohga
  16. @Jondesu - Cimu
  17. @Alvron - Jamut Whitemane, no idea what's going on
  18. @DrakeMarshall - Zoel, an intelligent green hat who is definitely not Ezlo, what are you talking about?
  19. The Young Pyromancer - Hyrulean Knight
  20. @Random Bystander - KorVaal the Kandra, currently impersonating a Hylian woman named Eshe
  21. @WhiffleWaffles - Sagessa, she's pretty cool
  22. @attic_gremlin - Horatio Archibald Stibbons, Hyrule Castle's elusive, mustachioed butler
  23. @YeetAroundABush - Nott Yigah, from the esteemed and most noble house of Yigah
  24. @purplewhiteandgold - Vee, a maid at the castle and a bit new to all this
  25. @Tani - Reva
  26. @quillinthestars - Conepine, he's... he's just a pinecone cat

This turn will end at 9:30 am CDT on Monday, June 28th. This marks rollover returning to the normal time unless future circumstances crop up and make us change it again.

PMs will be sent out shortly if they haven't already.

Edited by Biplet
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Storytime! I hopped on the Shard shortly after I woke up, thinking that I had a half hour to go. Then someone mentioned rollover was imminent, so I look at the last VC and go aaaaaaaah. Stick is in a comfortable lead for reasons I dislike, but hello, Mat and Devo are voting for Drake now so that's the only viable CW I can support with two minutes to go. So I submit an action to use Mighty Bananas and vote on Drake. Afterwards, the GMs told me I had misunderstood what Mighty Bananas does. I thought it doubled my vote, turns out it cancels one and needs to be targeted.
So that didn't go through, and Stick died instead. (Which is fair, by the way. The mistake was mine.) They were my best clear off of Illwei's flip, so I'm baffled how they got so many votes. I definitely think it was helped along by the elims.
Anyway, let's go around and suggest who we'd like Zelda to scan tonight and Link to kill. My picks would be Tani/Drake and TUO. I suspect the NK will be Dannex.

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2 minutes ago, |TJ| said:

Uhhhhh, where's my vote on Drake? 


I missed it somehow. The VC has been edited to reflect your vote and we'll just pretend RNG would've killed stick anyway

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Well, that’s disappointing. I’ve read the thread, and I see a lot of disagreement with my reads, for a few different reasons, but I’m still fairly convinced. If I’d gotten on in time, however, I might have switched to Drake as I think the reasoning on them might have been slightly better than Stick, but that might be some hindsight talking too. I dunno.

Anything to do this night cycle? @Dannex, guessing you didn’t get as juicy a scan result last round?

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22 minutes ago, Jondesu said:

@Dannex, guessing you didn’t get as juicy a scan result last round?

No, no I didn’t.

This is a strange, info digging question that is mildly tingling my elim-dar

Kohga is the only conf elim role, I have absolutely no reason to publically share the results of any other scan. Doing so at this point would almost always be harmful to the village. So why ask?

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I have returned!


Do you have any thoughts about the roles/items in the game? What is your favorite color and style of hat? :D

- DrakeMarshall

I will now answer this multiple days later, I think all the items were simple and not that game changing, not that it matters as much now that the Beedle is dead. I did request a hearty durian I never got. My favorite color is a nice royal purple, I think top hats are pretty neat

Edited by Azmine_king
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1 hour ago, Dannex said:

No, no I didn’t.

This is a strange, info digging question that is mildly tingling my elim-dar

Kohga is the only conf elim role, I have absolutely no reason to publically share the results of any other scan. Doing so at this point would almost always be harmful to the village. So why ask?

Because I have nothing else to do? I wasn’t asking you to actually share any results, and I realized after I posted that no results would clear anyone since it’s a role scan and not alignment scan, but I assure you it wasn’t asked in bad faith.

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I don't really have anything on Stick, so I'm just going to go with my earlier suspicion of Drake.


No wait I’m dumb and convinced myself that Illwei was probably the only elim on her train because it was a v/v exe and there wasn’t a need for half of the Pyro voters to be elim. That includes Stick. While I guess it’s possible I’d rather go another route first.

It also includes Szeth, funnily enough. I trust Tani enough.

This won’t do anything but Drake

(Stick ninja’d me :P)


Gah. I think rollover is in a minute so here's a vote change. Don't like the stick wagon at all. Drake

Wheee I love surprise bandwagons that develop while I'm asleep. Of those votes, Archer's was by far the most understandable. Devotary and Matrim less so, and while I'm obviously biased on the topic I'm having a hard time not flagging Matrim's post in particular as a tad disingenuous. not gonna complain if it gets me scanned sooner though

Anyways in those cases where a reason was given, the main one seems to be that I am being connected with Illwei, yes?

Because I think there are some things that should hint that I'm probably not on a team with Illwei. One way or another, I am pretty sure I would've had some idea of what was going on with Illwei's copypasta posts, which.. I very didn't. I'm not sure I woulda even read it as village in that case. Also, if we were on a team, we would've been making pretty minimal effort to distance, since the game started. The main thing here is that if you want to say we made some kind of plan to do this (which, honestly, is probably something I might do), it seems pretty unlikely for an eliminator team to be in agreement on something like that and be able to execute it right out of the gates.

But honestly I am almost as concerned by the reasoning behind the Stick vote. In a game of this size, there is a lot of "null" space to hide in, and in an exe between two villagers the elims could pretty safely just... not intervene. I kind of want to look at the non-voters or the people who didn't place their vote somewhere it was likely to have influenced things. Particularly Araris, who is usually quite opposed to that sort of thing. But also Szeth, honestly (I know they weren't really online later in the cycle but idk I feel like they were usually not that shy about dropping a vote in LG77 even so).

That is all.

Edited by DrakeMarshall
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27 minutes ago, DrakeMarshall said:

Of those votes, Archer's was by far the most understandable. Devotary and Matrim less so, and while I'm obviously biased on the topic I'm having a hard time not flagging Matrim's post in particular as a tad disingenuous

I view my reason as similar or more tangible than Archer’s, so idk man :P.

28 minutes ago, DrakeMarshall said:

One way or another, I am pretty sure I would've had some idea of what was going on with Illwei's copypasta posts,

I doubt this tbh

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3 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

I view my reason as similar or more tangible than Archer’s, so idk man :P.

My concern is largely with what you stated you were trying to accomplish with that vote.


I doubt this tbh

I mean, if I was in a doc with Illwei and I saw a post like that, I figure I'd have asked people or whatever to see what was going on. Idk wouldn't you?

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12 minutes ago, DrakeMarshall said:

My concern is largely with what you stated you were trying to accomplish with that vote.

I mean, if I was in a doc with Illwei and I saw a post like that, I figure I'd have asked people or whatever to see what was going on. Idk wouldn't you?

I was trying to not kill Stick :P.

I mean yeah but I don’t think Illwei would answer :P 

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