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Oh, I've actually just started learning it a month ago. 

I can play twinkle twinkle little star on it and the start of mickey mouse clubhouse 

Its not a lot, but baby steps, right? How long have you been playing? Russian bow hold or Franco- Belgian bow hold? So glad to see a fellow violinist here. 

Also i know you're new here, but please try not to post twice in a row. That's called double posting. If you want to say something more, you can always edit your first post. When I first joined I double posted and got rebuked by Chaos for it (he's the head admin of this site).

Since then, I've made sure not to double post. :lol:

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  • 4 weeks later...

@Robin Hatter whoops sorry for the late reply. I just saw it. 

Unspecifically my favorite time of the day is night. 

Specifically, it's 1:am. There's just something about the feeling that you're the only one awake.

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  • 3 months later...
On 6/12/2022 at 6:39 AM, Robin Sedai said:

British spelling, American spelling, or a mixture of the two?

Oh gods I'm so sorry I'm so late. 

Also, British spelling for life. 

On 6/13/2022 at 8:04 AM, Morningtide said:

What is your favorite thing to read in the middle of the night? Also, if you're like me, what is your favorite thing to raid from the kitchen at said time?

Again, sorry for being late. 

My favourite thing to read in the middle of the night is anything dark and gothic

Hmmm favorite thing to raid from kitchen? 

MAYONNAISE i love mayonnaise

On 6/19/2022 at 6:20 AM, Tani said:

Who's Henry Winter? The one in the little blurb beneath your username?


I know, I know, I'm an uncultured swine.

He is an character from The Secret History by Donna Tartt (which happens to be my favourite book of all time)

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1 hour ago, Shining Silhouette said:


What's your favorite piece of music to play on the violin?

Favorite piece in general?

What do you listen to in your spare time?

Well since i am but a humble beginner, i will say my favorite piece to play is my heart will go on by Celine Dion

Favorite piece in general is anything by Ravel

I listen to a lot classical music and a lot of dramatic contemporary music (think: Hozier)

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  • 3 months later...
On 11/30/2022 at 8:23 PM, Ookla the Unknowing said:

Favorite piece of music?

Lacrimosa- Mozart 

18 hours ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

What's your least favorite book?

A wrinkle in time 

9 hours ago, Ookla the 3 Frogs ina Coat said:

Choose one to save: Adam Parrish, Kaladin Stormblessed, Inej Ghafa (idk much about her but she seems like good character lol).


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I don't know

Something about it doesn't vibe right with me 

The vibes are too light and positive and "ooooh everything is so amazing and happy endings exist"

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4 hours ago, Elf of Ooklas said:

I don't know

Something about it doesn't vibe right with me 

The vibes are too light and positive and "ooooh everything is so amazing and happy endings exist"

but........ but that's a good thing about it.... for me at least....

I love that series so much, especially the comic book, so seeing anyone insult it hurts my soul :( i understand it's not everyone's cup of tea though. but surely there are worse books out there! like have you read the third fowl twins book? (if you haven't, i most certainly would not, as i know you enjoy the original series a lot, as do i. the third fowl twin book kinda ruined it for me a bit)

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yeah i have, like when it was just released. i did like it, though. 

well, its just the least favourite of the books I have read. The thing is, i tend to see the world through a darker lense, and i like books and fiction itself that showcases that. 

Maybe when i was younger it would have been different. I tried re-reading Harry Potter recently and gave up cause Harry was too good and it was nauseating for me 

if i had to pick a book i havent read, id probably pick this- 

"Kissing the Coronavirus" by M.J Edwards

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