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Jasnah being brilliant in WoK [spoilers] [discuss]


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1 minute ago, StanLemon said:


All true, but it would be a pointless deception. The only character who from Jasnah's pov could have questioned why a gem didn't break would be Taravangian, who at the time she didn't consider particularly bright. A much simpler deception that still would have made sense is to Soulcast the stone and say that it was fortunate the stress didn't break her gemstone

There were Ardents there if I recall correctly.

Edited by Frustration
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1 minute ago, StanLemon said:

All true, but it would be a pointless deception. The only character who from Jasnah's pov could have questioned why a gem didn't break would be Taravangian, who at the time she didn't consider particularly bright. A much simpler deception that still would have made sense is to Soulcast the stone and say that it was fortunate the stress didn't break her gemstone

Actually, I don't think Jasnah lost a gemstone soulcasting the stone. Even so, there were servants around, and if someone observant (Such as the ghostbloods) were to interview people who had seen Jasnah soulcast, they might notice that she never or almost never broke gemstones. 

3 minutes ago, Frustration said:

There were Ardents there if I recall correctly.

I checked the book and I don't believe there are any, although there were lighteyed servants.

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4 minutes ago, StanLemon said:

Not to completely derail things but I noticed this line while looking for quotes. Foreshadowing for Pure Tones maybe?

Yeah. That and humming helping you soulcast. I would guess that humming Honor or Cultivation's tone would help. (Imagine what could happen with Ruin's tone)

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I've been digging trying to keep up with all of this intriguing discussion, and found that one of my original conclusions may have been incorrect.  This WoB seems to indicate that the type of gemstone is indeed important, though it IS old - https://wob.coppermind.net/events/149-rithmatist-albuquerque-signing/#e2784

Now I'm wondering if I got the wrong impression from the rampant Transformation happening at the end of OB and during Jasnah's wild run in RoW. 

That is, during the Battle of Thaylen Field, it seems that the Perpendicularity may have made for the ease of Transformation rather than the abundance of random light from scattered spheres/gemstones.

Edited by Arod
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6 minutes ago, Arod said:

This WoB seems to indicate that the type of gemstone is indeed important, though it IS old - https://wob.coppermind.net/events/149-rithmatist-albuquerque-signing/#e2784

It's more inportant for Fabrial soulcasters, Radiants would only notice a small diference, when using different gems.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 10/13/2021 at 8:10 PM, mathiau said:

Maybe it's the the Pulse of Soulcasting?

Some interesting relevant phrasing from the Stoneshaping AA entry:


Stone seems to be uniformly willing to obey the commands of a Surgebinder attuned to Cohesion. This is curious, as stone is often among the most difficult of materials to work with in Soulcasting—even more difficult than living beings, depending on those beings’ emotional, mental, and spiritual states.

Sorta reminds me of the explanation Raboniel gives for why Lights respond to tones:


“I have heard,” Raboniel said, “that the Lights respond to sound because it is reminiscent of the voice of the Shards commanding them to obey.”

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Personally, I think Soulcasting DOES require certain gemstones.  When Shallan soulcast the Goblet into blood, she'd had a Garnet with her.  She didn't try to soulcast it into anything.  She certainly wasn't thinking about Blood.  But it said "I will change", and then turned into blood.  Why?  Because the only gemstone Shallan had at the time was a Garnet.  

Jasnah asked for a Garnet when soulcasting Shallan's blood.  Maybe it's possible to just use whatever Stormlight you have, or to draw it into yourself first and then use it.  But I think using the right FLAVOR of gemstone will just make it easier.  Less resistance.  So Jasnah wanted a Garnet, because she doesn't do Blood or organic things very well.  She wanted the help. 

When Shallan tried to soulcast the Stick into Fire, I think she just didn't have the right gemstones, and not enough experience to get around that problem.

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12 minutes ago, Tglassy said:

Personally, I think Soulcasting DOES require certain gemstones.  When Shallan soulcast the Goblet into blood, she'd had a Garnet with her.  She didn't try to soulcast it into anything.  She certainly wasn't thinking about Blood.  But it said "I will change", and then turned into blood.  Why?  Because the only gemstone Shallan had at the time was a Garnet. 

While it might have minor differences, for a Radiant it wouldn't matter


The Forumlurker (paraphrased)

If a Radiant tried to Soulcast directly with the Stormlight from the highstorm, what essences could they create?

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

They could basically do whatever they want. There wouldn't be any limitations, but only for Radiant Soulcasters.

Stuttgart signing (May 17, 2019)


19 minutes ago, Tglassy said:

Jasnah asked for a Garnet when soulcasting Shallan's blood.  Maybe it's possible to just use whatever Stormlight you have, or to draw it into yourself first and then use it.  But I think using the right FLAVOR of gemstone will just make it easier.  Less resistance.  So Jasnah wanted a Garnet, because she doesn't do Blood or organic things very well.  She wanted the help. 

Blood is one of the essences so she wouldn't need the help, she just wanted to continue her sharade.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Looks like we have confirmation that drawing stormlight out of a gemstone too quickly will break it:


Hut on a Hill

One last question, why do gems crack when Stormlight is drawn out of them quickly?

Brandon Sanderson

When the Stormlight is coming out--you'll notice that there's the slightest physical presence of lots of spren, seons. A lot of this Investiture does have a physical side to it you can feel and that much Stormlight coming through... like when it's leaking out, it is generally going through micro cracks in the structure--where the crystal lattice didn't line up or flaws in the structure--and it coming out quickly like that, it's like hitting it with a hammer from inside along those fault lines. Much less likely to happen based on how good your gemstone is.

YouTube Live Fan Mail Opening 1 (Oct. 30, 2021)


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