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Sketches on the Bus, Because Syn Gets Bored Easily

Mystic Syn

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I love how people are suddenly making art threads, almost as if they’re finding inspiration from somewhere.





Someone I drew last night as I was watching WandaVision with my brother



Bonus :ph34r:






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Guest King Bean

nice bod. *i know i'm crepie* also, how do you do all these! I can barely make a decent sketch by watching like one hundred tutorials!

Edited by King Bean
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15 hours ago, King Bean said:

also, how do you do all these! I can barely make a decent sketch by watching like one hundred tutorials!

If ya want the short and sweet answer:

Might be cliché and obvious………… tHEN DO IT, YA hopefully HUMAN BEING.

There’s more to drawing than just watching tutorials. Drawing, and art in general, are like sports, but not as physical. You gotta practice to be better. You don’t just wake up one day and go: “Man o’ man, I feel like painting the Mona Lisa or Starry Night today *goes and does it perfectly within the next ten minutes*”

Lemme just put it to you in simple terms:


Like with learning how to workout, there are no shortcuts. No easy ways to give you skills, no fast way to art like Da Vinci, and no cheap ways to be good. You need to just start where you’re at, take a deep breath, and keep going. You’re not going to be perfect, but let’s face it: Nobody is perfect, including myself; no, especially myself.

Tutorials help––by golly, they help a lot, especially when you’re just starting out––but there’s only so much they can do if you don’t practice. You need to work on the skill on your own if you want it to be better.

Don’t believe that I was and am still bad at art? Here’s a post I made where I redrew something and shared the OG reminder: the OG was drawn years ago, and the redraw was done around that time I posted it:

If you look up some artists’ and if they have some thingy or whatever that shows their progress over the year(s), then look at that and remind yourself that it’s their progress over the year(s).

There’s no complicated solutions to getting better at art, and there never will be. You have to practice and learn on your own what’s good for you and what you enjoy drawing.

Moral of the story: Practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, praCTICE, PRACTICE.


Anyways, y’all can see that I’m so done with talking about this and people wondering if there’s some easy solution or if I took some super special super secret super culty class about art, but no. It’s not like that and will never be like that.

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