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© Johanna Rupprecht (Lyraina)



© Johanna Rupprecht (Lyraina)

From the category:

Stormlight Archive Art

· 1798 images
  • 1798 images
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On 14.11.2016 at 4:09 AM, Emmabug said:

This has been my iPhone lock screen for a long time! It is my favorite Kaladin picture! Syl is exactly how I saw her in the book!

Emmabug, this is a super late reply on my part because when I first saw your comment I was out of the country and didn't have my login with me. Anyway, I just wanted to thank you for your kind words, I feel very honored that you'd choose my painting as your phone lock screen! Glad you enjoy it :)

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5 hours ago, Spren of Kindness said:

Is it okay if I use this as my profile picture?  Because it's absolutely gorgeous!

Thank you! Yes you can use it as an avatar, but I'd appreciate if you can credit me somewhere in your profile. :)

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