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© Graeme Brandham
Credit @Graemebrandham

Tag the Mercenary


Tag the Mercenary. It's been about a month since my last image. Christmas and work were very busy so it's been lovely to finally get a Sunday afternoon to sit back and finish this piece. This is Tag, one of the mercenaries who works for Tvlakv in the @brandsanderson book #TheWayOfKings This is still early on in my "illustrate my way through the book" journey and I'm excited to finally allow myself to get onto the next chapter which I believe is when we first meet Jasnah... A potential candidate for a drawing, but also so is the King of Kharbranth. Who knows aye, we shall see who inspires me more. In this image I wanted to make him a contrast to my previous figures with their rich patterned clothes. Here Tag is wearing much plainer and more appropriate work clothes suited to working with the Chulls and dealing with the warmth of the sun. (I always imagined the shattered plains to be quite a warm place). His little stick is how they steer the Chulls. By touching the brush side of the stick to one of their antenna he gently steers them through the rocky landscape. At some point I will add Bluth to the collection as well, but as anyone who has read these books already knows, there is a better place to introduce him. I hope this character portrait brings you a little smile and helps illuminate a lesser known character in the universe.




© Graeme Brandham

From the album:

A documentary photographers journey through Roshar

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