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© Graeme Brandham 2024
Credit Graeme Brandham

Jasnah Kholin in the Palanaeum


Jasnah Kholin in the Palanaeum Woo! I have finally finished this. The next chapter was all about Shallan going to meet Jasnah in the Palanaeum in Kharbranth. Quite an important meeting all in all. I wanted this image to capture a family likeness with my earlier image of Gavilar. I hope I have achieved that. Certainly her clothes are in keeping with my previous images of house Kholin. But it was also important for me to capture the other sides of Jasnah as well. Her regality. Her authority. Her ability to not follow convention. (Wearing trousers rather than a dress, and with a safe hand that is still slightly visible). As always i am still mostly understanding these characters through a more Mediterranean/Arabic lens and the design here reflects that. Her hair is less straight. Though I'm sure it would be the length @brandsanderson described if she was to wet it. 🤣 But I hope it's still clearly her. With a more square face, bright eyes, and with an immaculate dress and style befitting her status. In this moment I've drawn her as she might have appeared to Shallan when she was first spotted in a corner of the Palanaeum. A vast library carved into the side of a mountain. The glow behind her is a big gemstone lantern that is refreshed daily with unspent gems of a particular yellow/white light that gives a better reading experience. Compared to times I have drawn Gavilars palace before, I opted for much darker colors to reflect the more underground setting. I hope you all like it. All the best, and onwards to the next chapter! Who will be next!?


Graeme Brandham


© Graeme Brandham 2024

From the album:

A documentary photographers journey through Roshar

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Thanks everyone, you are all very kind. I have to say, the ornateness of this particular piece was a challenge and was part of the reason why it took me so long to get through it. But i'm happy with the effect of it. 
All that said, im looking forward to something much simpler for the next chapter with the slaves of bridge 4...

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This is beautiful as always! I really like how you drew her jewelry, and I can totally see the resemblance to your gavilar picture.

Edited by justice magician
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Yay! More amazing work from you. Are you planning on doing character from other books, or will you just stick to stormlight? Either way can’t wait to see more

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