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Brandon Secretly Wrote Another Book, Stormlight 8


We have a scoop for you today. Recently, a few of us at 17th Shard got to talk to Brandon, and he had a serious bombshell: he secretly wrote a book. Okay, none of us are shocked but that after the announcement of Bands of Mourning, but what we didn't expect was that the project was actually a fully formed Stormlight novel. Not Stormlight 3, but Stormlight 8.

"I've been working on this for a long time," Brandon had said. "I have all the Stormlight books plotted, and it was always the plan to skip certain books. We will get back to Stormlight 3-7 eventually."

We questioned further, and discovered the answer was time travel.

"Time travel has always been a strong component in the science fiction and fantasy community, and I wanted to do it justice. Temporal magics have a role in the Cosmere, as you've seen with cadmium and bendalloy. I've actually seeded this into the Stormlight novels, if you looked closely."

"The Truthwatchers watch every time period," he added.

But if this was truly the eighth Stormlight book, how would readers who have just read the first two avoid massive spoilers to the fifth book, which will still be a decisive climax, splitting the Stormlight Archive into two five book series.

"Since we are following specific characters into the future, they don't know what happens in book five either," Brandon said. When asked on how it would avoid spoiling who lived and died in books 3-7, Brandon just said, "Yeah, it's a fun first few chapters, when they find it all out."

It all makes sense. We're insanely excited to see if Brandon can pull this off. There's no release date for the 500,000 word tome, as it requires rewrites. Brandon joked that Tor may need to invent time travel to develop a machine able to print the massive, door-stopping book.

"I want to keep everyone guessing," Brandon said. "The fans, my characters. And now Tor can be added to the list of people guessing what will happen next."

When asked if he was simply going mad with power, Brandon cackled and did his best Emperor Palpatine impression. It was comparable to Eric's terrible impression, at least a 7/10. But we are sure that Stormlight 8 will be a 10/10. Though, technically, depending on how you count, it would be a 3/10 or 8/10.


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The real joke is that its actually happening, right?


... right? ;-;

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Why is it coming up on my computer as posted at 2:34 am on the 2nd of April? Just when I'd let my defenses down and become a semi-trusting individual once more.

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The moment I saw the title, I got my car keys and ran to the bookstore asking if they had Stormlight 8. He asked me what I meant, I showed him the link, and he pointed to the calendar.

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Haha! To be honest, I thought this was real at first, because it sounds a lot like him. Nice prank!

 Wait, this was a prank...? Ugh shoot. I literally woke up and called my friend screaming about this. Shoot.

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