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Peter Sayeth Bands of Mourning's Ending is Crazy, Alcatraz 5, White Sand


Welcome to "Peter Sayeth," a new feature on 17th Shard where we talk about what Peter Ahlstrom, awesome person and Brandon's assistant, teases on social media. We totally don't stalk him. That would be silly and creepy. Ahem.

This month Peter has talked about a lot of goodies, one of which is delightfully trolly about The Bands of Mourning's ending.

Once again, I have reached the end of The Bands of Mourning. Bwahaha, I cannot wait to see all of your reactions. But of course I have to.

Gah, we want it right now. Send your angry letters of this knowledge to [REDACTED].

Did you forget that Alcatraz 5 was a thing? It is, and is clearly on the horizon:

I have finished going through Alcatraz vs the Evil Librarians book 5: The Dark Talent. Now it's in Brandon's hands. Thus ends hell month.

Maybe it's time for you to reread Alcatraz! (Or wait for their rereleases.)

Next up, the White Sand comic:

The lettering for chapter 1 of the White Sand comic was in my to-review queue for a month, but I was finally able to get it done today.

Remember that White Sand is a cosmere graphic novel. It was originally one of Brandon's earliest works. I need this right now.

Peter is also very happy with how the Shadows of Self ebook turned out, and the images look good. Great to hear! Then, lastly, Peter yesterday began The Bands of Mourning copyedit. We've yet to get Shadows, and yet Bands is just on the horizon!

As you can see, we are getting a ton of Brandon Sanderson goodies in the next year. This is going to be awesome.


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Oh dear.

Shhhh pretend you didn't see this. We need sustainable, quick news articles! :(

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After Shadows of Self, I'm not sure I want a "crazy" ending...

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