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Introducing Shardle


Having seen the smash success of Wordle, we here at the 17th Shard decided to ride its coattails with our own clone release a themed version! The pool of Shardles is hand-filtered by our staff from the titles of Coppermind wiki articles about the Cosmere, Cytoverse, and Reckoners universes, with a new one available at your local midnight each day. (Note that by default you can still guess normal English words to try to find letters, due to the number of recognizable Coppermind titles being so small, but this can be disabled in the settings.)

You probably know how the base game rolls by now, so we'll focus on our new features:

  • Explanations: When the answer is revealed, a short one-sentence explanation of the term is shown, along with a link to the relevant Coppermind page for more. If you'd like to guess without potentially getting spoilers, you can disable this in the settings.

Popup containing statistics about the user's games, with the sentence "Trell is the god worshiped by the religion of Trelagism on Scadrial." above and a link to his Coppermind page.

  • Time Machine: Travel back in time and play old games! These will not count towards streaks or scores.

A calendar for the month of April 2022, with the text "Play old Shardles! (These will not contribute to your statistics.)" above it.

  • G L O W: A fancy schmancy glow effect is used to warn about words that are not on the list. More specifically, a red glow means a word is invalid and cannot be guessed, while a yellow glow means a word will be accepted as a guess to help you get more information, but will never actually be the answer.

A five-by-six grid of squares, with the letters "P A D A N" being typed in the top row. When the word is completed, the squares with letters start pulsing with a soft red glow.A five-by-six grid of squares, with the letters "T O T E M" being typed in the top row. When the word is completed, the squares with letters start pulsing with a soft yellow-orange glow.

And really, what more do you need than to stare at that mesmerizing pulsing all day? Go play Shardle today!

Feel free to share your results on our Discord server, in the Wordle thread under our gaming channel, or share your feedback or issues in the #17s channel! We've also set up a forum thread for you to share your results.


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5 hours ago, nerpspren said:

Yellow glow:

"These words are accepted"

Technically, these letters, but still, lol.

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Robin Sedai

Posted (edited)

Interesting. I usually don't play Wordle, but this was a lot of fun!

Edit: Oh, and the site is very nice. Many thanks to the staff who made it!

Edited by Robin Sedai

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Lego Mistborn

Posted (edited)

Now to compile a list of all valid answers, and use them to make a wordle solver, just because I can.

Edited by Ta'veren Kaladin

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I honestly thought that this was an April Fool's joke... and today I decided to see what the joke was about. 

I was surprised to see that it was a real thing! Wow!

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Am I the only one who finds shardle extremely difficult? Like, I thought I would know some of these things, but in all the time I've been playing I haven't gotten a single answer. It's quite annoying. I think it's a good game though, it's just a lot harder than I shout It'd be.

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