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Everything posted by Stalagmite

  1. Elantrian Feruchemist, Oh My!
  2. An atium spike is able to steal any one ability. The idea is that maybe you could get around that with awakening.
  3. Could an Elantrian use AonDor to make themselves a mistborn or feruchemist?
  4. It seems like that since NightBlood can consume breaths he might be able to hold more investiture. And with the right command, I bet the spike wouldn't harm you. Where someone is stabbed is extremely important for what ability you get, but we've seen that awakened steel can do some pretty funky things, I bet it'd be able to just start ripping at someone's spirit web and take whatever it wants.
  5. Perhaps a more complicated command like "Take people's abilities and give them to me" would work better
  6. I would bet that a lifeless could become sentient with the blessing of presence.
  7. What would happen used a lot of breath to awaken, say an atium spike in the way used to awaken NightBlood with the command "Steal Everything"? Would the single spike be able to steal all of a persons steal-able attributes?
  8. Use hemalurgy to steal human strength and fill a metalmind with the strength it gives you, then never tap it. same for other human attributes Use bendalloy compounding to make yourself fat (can you do that?) Compound gold, jump into lava Use allomancy instead of metal detectors at the beach Use AonDor exclusively to enhance your laziness (i.e make potato chips and beer from nothing, transform your couch to be more comfy)
  9. How many beads of Lerasium were at the Well of Ascension before Hoid arrived?
  10. We have WoB that Hoid can move forward in time, but does not live all of those years. Allomancy can be used to make time bubbles that move the user forward in time and it's implied that compounding can enhance allomancy as well. Hoid is a feruchemist, and quite likely a mistborn as well. So I think that Hoid uses feruchemy to enhance allomantic Cadmium and move forward in time.
  11. I would much rather be a drab than a bridgeman. Drabs are people, bridgemen are human shields.
  12. But, unless I'm mistaken when you take a power with hemalurgy it becomes powered by ruin, how this would affect AonDor I don't know. It could even mean that distance from Elantris no longer matters.
  13. But while it's suppressed he gains no heightenings like perfect pitch. Hoid probably is making the colors around him more vivid, just no one on Roshar notices it because without having breath yourself it's hard to detect the effect.* *unless the person has a lot of them of course
  14. The death rattles are some kind of foretelling right? Then maybe "but now the Broken One reigns!" refers to the shard of honor which (after the desolation) reigns meaning that mankind has won.
  15. He was insane at that point, he hated Adolin because he could not kill him (Szeth).
  16. Because at his core Szeth is a good person, just a good person who's done terrible things.
  17. If Szeth decided to take him on a rampage in a high storm, he could probably destroy anything because nightblood would have "infinite" investiture to draw upon. He could probably destroy an entire stone fortress with ease.
  18. Spoilers Below, Leave Now If You Don't Want Them Now that Szeth has Nightblood, he's going to need a way to feed him investiture in the form of stormlight. So I think that either Nightblood will somehow grant him the ability to absorb stormlight or Szeth is going to get a spren and become a skybreaker. If he does that he'll have the ability to fly and lash like before, a shardblade/shield, and Nightblood. I think this combo would make him nearly undefeatable. What do y'all think is going to happen with him?
  19. Perhaps when enough breath is put together it has power equal to that of a splinter. I wonder if Nightblood can use stormlight as fuel instead of breaths?
  20. Before I came onto the forums I thought that the blade may have been Odium's version of an honorblade, with black stormlight coming off. But the "Do you want to destroy some evil" thing convinces me now that I know that Vashar is on Roshar. At first I though that it was one of the void-spren trying to corrupt Szeth.
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