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Everything posted by TheSilverDragon

  1. Yeah it would be... not that I would know from personal experience or anything So is this vote to bring me out of the shadows or do you really think I'm a Trader because I'm not. (Sadly I have no way of proving this) I have a question, why is lurking a bad thing. I know that eliminators could lurk because they don't want to post and be found out, but I lurk all the time, eliminator or town.
  2. Ok, I see your point. I guess I got a life carried away, but in my defence it was fun. Anyways, even though you make a good point, trying to "skip around" the code words didn't immediately makes me an eliminator, other people have very good reason to be protictve of their code words.
  3. First of the Star walked through the dark jungle, the faint light of the moon filtering through the mesh of canopy overhead. Star kept a sharp eye out for, well anything. Nothing was safe here in the jungle, though that was kind of the point. Star had come to the island to test herself, to prove to her parents that she was strong enough to do what she wanted. Looking back on her decision to come here, Star realized her mistake. This wasn't some place you came to prove yourself, it was a hell that you were lucky to survive. Memory Even though it was a terrible place, Star loved it here. In the tight embrace of the thick canopy overhead, she felt as if she could be herself. Someone who her parents had tried really hard to squash, and almost succeeded. For years her parents had tried to crush her rebellious, free lived spirit, trying to make Star into the perfect obedient daughter. When Star wanted to be out in the deep blue see, splashing around with her three older brothers, she was instead inside, learning how to make bread or weave. Boring, monotonous work that her mother assured her that was vital. Hope Star spent then years like that, ever since she was eight, trying to live up to her parents expectations. On the night of her prearranged wedding day, Star decided she had had enough. She had carefully snuck out of the small hut she hand her family shared and had grabbed a small boat. Not thinking about what she was doing, she gently pushed the small craft out into the inky black ocean and set sail for anywhere but home. Luck A small prick from the sharp point of a tinny black thorn on a vine brought Star back to the presnet. Right, focus, she though, one mistep and it won't matter that I escaped that life because I'll be dead. YEAH!!!!!!! My first real RP post!! it is indeed cause for much celebration and festivities! Don't expect this much RP, this is special one time event because it is Saturday and I like to procrastinate things I'm guessing this is to draw me into the conversation right? Green everyone Yellow also black color purple white C1 lynches can be both good and bad, so I really don't have an opinion on them so if it is your wish, go ahead and lynch someone, just please don't lynch me, I wan't to live!!!!!! Now for random word time: Anguish, color, future, fat, dishonest, hover, architect, mind, python, light, ivy, bent, mouse, pot, flower, table, music, lair, lay, lie, carry, touch, finger Oh, forgot I needed to say all of those twice: Anguish, color, future, fat, dishonest, hover, architect, mind, python, light, ivy, bent, mouse, pot, flower, table, music, lair, lay, lie, carry, touch, finger
  4. And then she thinks she died and when to.shiny heaven How did you like the intro piece?
  5. Here's Star Thief sample and backstory Star Thief was rolling around on her bed, deeply asleep in a terrible nightmare. "No, mommy!" She cried out suddenly and started thrashing more. "No! Please mommy, wake up. Mommy, please mommy. Mommy! Mommy!" Whith that final scream, she woke up. "Mommy?" She asked, sitting up and looking around. "Mommy?" She stared into the darkness of her room trying to find her mom, but couldn't. She sighed and conjured a small 'shiny' that illuminated her room, and reflected off the other shinys she kept. Watches, bracelets, earrings, coins, anything that was shiny were scattered around her room like a magpie's nest. Their reflective surfaces sparkled in the light of her summoned shiny. The shinyness of the shinys caused her to forget about her bad dream, and she immediately made a dozen more small shinys and caused them to start spinning around the room, lights spilling off of the shiny surfaces, making pretty lights on the walls. Star Thief hopped out of bed and looked at all of her shinys, trying to decide which one to wear. As she looked, a bright shiny silver necklace caught her eye. Star teleported the necklace into her open hand and put it on. She turned around and looked at her reflection staring back at her from the many shinys. /Today/she thought, /is going to be a good day./ Backstory: When Star was little, 8 years old, an armed robber robed her house when she and her parents were not home. The robber was just about to leave when Star and her parents walked up to the house after taking a walk. The robber got got scared, so he pulled his gun out and shot at the family. One shot grazed her dad's arm and another took her mom in the head and killed her instantly. Her mom fell on top of Star, blood running from her head onto the grass in front of her. Because of the traumatic matter of her mom's death, Star got PTSD, though it affected her different than most. She never progressed mentally, so she still acts like an eight year-old girl. Her dad on the other hand, turned to drinking, and eventually died while driving drunk. Star then was given over to the state, but ran away, and lived on the streets were she got her affinity for shinys.
  6. Star Thief bounced down the street, looking at all of the bright shinys around her. A small coin reflecting the sun, a copper pot in a window, and a big shiny gold want change around a man's wrist. Star bent down to pick up the best shiny of them all, the coin, and pocketed it. Just then a man bumped into her, causing the coin to roll k it of her fingers and down a drainage hole. "Hey!" She crude at her assailant. "You made me lose my shiny!" She looked at the man for a moment. "I know you, you're Arraenae. You have to be a Reckoner because you made me lose me shiny" I have no other reason for voting Arraeunae other than to provoke discussion.
  7. All of spheres could be the same temperature, regardless of their size.Ok, but then who is the boss?
  8. I was thinking that the spheres all add up to the biggest one, so smaller zones would be less powerful. So would it be ok for her to have limited telekinesis? Like she could only move things that are sparkly/shiny?
  9. No, not really. The smaller ones are just smaller versions of the bigger one, so they would have less energy not more.
  10. She can't teleport her self though, don't know if that changes things though. They're probably just made of energy, so the whole Converter/Star Thief combo works really well. They can be walked through, though the person who walked through one would be burned by them, just like if it was a flame. Was also going to change the heat production to be tied to how big the spheres are. Like for the small number s only a temperature of 70, but for the huge ones, a temperature of 160 degrees Fahrenheit.
  11. The stars are about 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Small is 1 cubic foot of volume, and it came be anything, Including what others are touching.
  12. Idea for epic that Converter can meet outside of the bubble.
  13. Waiting probably would not be a problem, and Converter could be traveling during the time jump. I really need to catch up on the dalles.
  14. Converter could show up in another thread for a while when she reincarnates.
  15. I think she should form a ways outside of the bubble, but still able to see it. That way, she has to spend time steaming bout rainmaker killing her. She could form from the explosion caused by a lighting epic sticking some gasoline.
  16. I am starting to think that she should probably end up outside the bubble, her frustration of not.being able to kill rainmaker should be fun, along with giving her a reason to hate the other queens. I am thinking of writing a converter post with her in the cell trying to escape, and then realising that the air will run out and then kill herself. I don't know where she Wil appear, so I'm open to suggestions on that.
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