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Everything posted by TheSilverDragon

  1. They were pretty aligned with what I had in mind for her.Also, when is the next big fight with the possibility of an exploration in any of the threads so Converter could reincarnate there when she dies.
  2. All cool, she'll just die, and then reappear in a close by explosion, which hopefully happens within the bubble.
  3. Hello guys, I'm back from an extended brake from the org, and getting caught back up with the story.
  4. Seavul Karlon sat at a table, listing to everyone's accusations. Every where he looked, Seavul could see fear and distrust. If I was one of the conspirators, he thought to himself, this is exactly what I would be doing. Getting everyone to distrust everyone else, and then pick them off one by one. Seavul walked in between the crowed tables, looking for a place to sit, until he saw Merilee Kavadar. Seavul slid into the seat next to Merilee and started up a conversation. "So I hear that a lot of people think you are a conspirator. Is that true?" He paused to see her reaction before going on. "Not to say that you are or anything, but is it?" he asked eagerly. Thought I would do some RPing, though I'm not that good.
  5. I was rereading words of radiance and while in the Lift section came across these two quotes: " 'What did you ask for, when you visited my mother?' ” -- Wyndle (Lift's Spreen) " 'Mother has given up on your kind. I can feel it. She doesn’t care any longer. Now that He’s gone . . .' ” -- Wyndle Wyndle's mother has got to be the Nightwatcher, because he asks "What did you ask for" implying Lift asked for a boon. Then "He" that is gone has got to be Honor, and the Cultivation has a thing for Honor, so him being gone would make cultivation depressed. There fore, Nightwatcher and Cultivation are the same! What do you guys think?
  6. Converter does loose energy proportional to how much she holds as the time. And how fast she loses it depends on her emotional state. With a lot of energy, Converter has to use it extremely fast, or it just dissipates back into her surroundings. She wouldn't be able to absorb enough energy, and then be able to use it, before it dissipates. What she could do is melt a little ice in her hands and then drip some into a crack/key whole of her manacles. She could then freeze the ice, causing it to expand and then repeat the process, breaking apart her restraints. After that, Converter could then do the same thing on the walls of her prison.
  7. I had an amazing idea of how Converter could escape from her prison. If she can get enough water into the locks of her restraints,and then freeze it, then the lock would break and she could escape her restraints. Don't know what happens after that but... what do you guys think?
  8. The ankle would be bitten off, but it would be a clean cut. Kind of what would happen if a shard blade cut a non living thing, except on a human.
  9. I'd be up for it. Sounds awesome, except how exactly would one RP it?
  10. No, I was thinking that what ever he eats is destroyed instantly, and only a little makes it to his belly. Kind of like the tensors, they don't leave as much dust behind as they should. When he eats something his mouth unhinges, like a snake, so if something is moving in his direction he can eat it, like a bullet for instance. As for epics who can resurrect, he can eat them, and they resurrect like normal. If an epic can heal, I think Engulf could probably just consume them like normal, but if they are invulnerable he could get them in his mouth but wouldn't be able to 'swallow' them The ability remain his until he takes another one. There isn't a time restriction for the time between bites except how long it takes to close his mouth and open it again.
  11. I have an epic idea that I might want to put in Salem. Name: Engulf Primary Power: The ability to eat anything up to the size of a large bus in one bite. Examples : Tables, cars, people, double quarter pounder with cheese, refrigerators... Secondary Power: The ability to take one one attribute from the last thing he ate. He can only take one ability at a time though. Examples: Engulf eats a table, he can then turn his skin into wood. If he ate a bus he can turn his body into the outside of the buss, or he could grow wheels for feet. If he ate an epic, he could take one of their powers.
  12. I was reading this whole conversations about the creepy epics while listing to I Want You gone from Portal 2. Fitting I think. I think I'll get a Wraith Post in before the night closes. A post about how pathetic he thinks he is. A quick question. Could I make Wraith have invincibility for a split second after he turns back in to human form? It would make things a whole lot more interesting...
  13. Only day 2? We were on question 11 when I left. Three whole question threads! I shudder to think of the mountain of pony pictures that entitles. *shudders* PS: the pugs are Cute by the way
  14. Out of the forested mountain of Scout Camp came a figure. In one hand he held a burning pile of tinder and in the other a bunch of obscure knots. He finally got to a computer and typed, "I'M BACK!!!!!!" Sorry about disappearing on you guys, but camp came up on me really fast, and well, they don't have internet out in the woods. SO what did I miss.
  15. The forceful could be stationary, and if the person walked off of.it, it would disappear.
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