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Everything posted by TheSilverDragon

  1. Post edit now. Tell me if many thing else needs.to.be changed because I'm.really bad.at this stuff.
  2. Ahh sparks! Forgot about those hail stones. Converter would probably push one out of the way and try to throw the others at rainmaker. The epic in the last paragraph is supposed to be inhuman. I really don't know how to interact with him right now. I should be able to edit her post soon.
  3. pic to be inserted 'cause I'm on my tablet right now Without the giant hail stone pinning her down, Converter was able to survey the battle ground. It seemed that they were in the middle of a run down baseball field. Part of the backstop was still standing, and she could make out were the bases were. The air around Converter billowed and churned, but it never quite hit her. It seemed as if it stopped right before it even touched her. Odd. Converter stuck her hand into the air vortex, only to have it blown back. So it the wind doesn't touch me, just blows around me, Converter thought. Interesting. Converter walked forwards, but she was prepared for the winds this time. She instantly started absorbing the wind’s kinetic energy when it hit her. She was at an impasse right now. She couldn’t move, because she was absorbing all of the kinetic energy, but if she stopped she would be blown back so she stopped moving to gather some energy for future use. Always be prepared, She thought to herself. I think someone important said that, but it doesn't’ matter who. I’m more important than them anyways. A flash of something whipped past her vision, getting sucked up into the winds around her. She turned her head and saw a man throwing a blast of fire towards her head. What the spark’n, she realized what the epic was trying to do before she finished the sentence in her head. “It won’t spark’n work,” she tried to yell, but the Calamity cursed winds blew her words away before they got anywhere. The bolt of fire was snuffed out before it could even get within three feet of her. Pathetic. She then watched as he was doused with water, and then shot. Spark’n pathetic excuse for an epic. SHe was still looking at the pile of ashes that was that was left of the idiotic epic, when a loud thump sounded behind her. Turning around, she saw a large truck settle after being dropped. In the back were large chains. They think they can chain me up? I’ll burn anyone who tries to even touch me. Just then something large and white dropped in front of her and she felt something hit her back. Sparks, not again![/] Converter thought as giant hail stones fell from the sky to surround her. One would think that using hailstones would get old after a while. Converter was crouched down again, and was getting really angry at Rainmaker. I will kill you she threatened inside of her head. I just need to get out of here first. She pushed her hands up against the cold block of ice in front of her, and started to absorb all of it’s heat energy. It didn’t give her that much energy, but it was something at least. With her hands on the hailstone, she sent a jolt of kinetic energy into it, shoving it out of her way, and it knocked down the leaning backstop. She then sent her self after it, but at a slower speed. The winds around her knocked her back towards the three hailstones and before she could do anything, she was thrown into them. Sparks that hurt she thought to herself as she got her wits back together after the hit. She immediately started to absorb all of the wind’s kinetic energy. TUrning her head, Converter could see Rainmaker standing there, watching her. She will die! Converter vowed to herself. With the kinetic energy she had gotten from the wind, Converter threw one of the three remaining hailstones back at the weather epic. Lets see if she likes her own medicine. Converter thought bitterly. Movement in the corner of her vision caught her eye and she saw two people walked from the truck and started towards her with chains in their hands. A small contingent of what looked like store mannequins set up a perimeter around Converter. What in the name of Calamity? Converter thought. Why do they spark’n have mannequins? The two Epics, at least Converter assumed they were Epics because Rainmaker didn’t seem stupid enough to send normals against her, got close to her and Converter readed herself for a fight.
  4. B-b-b-but that means that all of our other characters are real. I will be hiding under my desk now.
  5. Sorry, been doing yard work the whole day. Just clarification for Converter, there are no normals around her right now, but there were right?
  6. When you worried if you were transported to Roshar, and people found out that you could write! and not just in glyphs.
  7. are the bases there or the outline of the field?
  8. When you sign your friend's year book like this. EDIT: Also when you see the song "Speak for me" and thought it said "Spike For Me"
  9. Thank you. I will get Converter's post up as soon as possible. EDIT: So they're in a baseball field?
  10. Question, were is the Converter/Rainmaker fight taking place specifically? Could anyone of you tell me a general area where it it could be taking place. I'm just trying to picture the area.
  11. I need to add mine to theist. Namely Cheesemaster.
  12. But what if he made a contract with her for a set number of.favors in return for a place to.stay and normals to control.
  13. Well, my dad's here to pick me up so I'll be singing out for the time being. Hopefully he answers!!!
  14. Yes, and depending on the answer, we could say Epics are a different species.
  15. Is is because you want to know what happens if one of our insane ships works out?
  16. Probably better, but I've allready asked that one in my post thing.
  17. how about Why has the number of new Epics dropped since Calamity first appeared?
  18. good thing I didn't ask any of those questions. I just barely saw the new list.
  19. I can make an account since I've never asked.him.a question. On another note, I was playing Apple's to Apple's and got the odious card. So I shouted out," bow before me, I am Odium!" The best part was that no one looked at me oddly.
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