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Everything posted by TheSilverDragon

  1. My friend is reading WoK, and I steal it from.him. get to about chapter five before he wants it back. Lends it to me.afterwards and I read it in two days. Go.a while without Sanderson, then find Elantrus on a book shelf. Read that. Find firstborn, read all of.it and become.obessed. Try and get .y parents to read it... they ban me from talking about it.
  2. So while we're, on the topic of minor power changes, can Wraith be invincible for .027 seconds after he turns back into a human. It would help a lot when he turns dark... :ph34r: :ph34r:
  3. I know how you feel, but i only left for a day or two. Can't imagine leaving for a week, though that's what I'm going to do during the summer. I was thinking that Converter gets captured, but someone else frees her, like Phoenix or Iconoclast.
  4. I'm changing my character's name to Kreoh.
  5. I vote in favor, just so we can destroy every thing a lot fast. Though we could just douse everything in white paint and let Voidgaze at it if we wanted everything destroyed fast.
  6. So it came to.me, when I saw the quote about nighblood being a shardblade, that shouldn't every shard have a unique shardblade. Honor and cultivation have the Shardblades that everyone thinks of. Sel's, forgot the shard's name, has nightblood. Riun's would probably be a spike that has spiked a lot of people. No ideas of Presevation's though. Odium's would most likely a voidspren in blade form. I can't think of any other shards right now, but what do you guys think?
  7. After Lightward yells at The Unicycleist, I'm going to have Wraith go up to him and ask to be in his alliance. Could Nighthoud give him an intro like, "And this stupid slontz tried to attack me as well." Or something like that?
  8. Copper and zinc. That what would sell me for being a Feruchemist. Test taking made easy. Also, I would only have to get the metals once, instead of having to replenish them.
  9. Yea but that was before any of the inquisitors for compounding.
  10. So what would a Scadrial Shardblade be made out of? It stands to reason that every shad could have a shardblade.
  11. So what would happen if you made a sword out of atium?
  12. I think that nightblood is a SHARDblade, because he is probably a splinter of a shard. Any weapon that is a piece of a shard, so a sword made of atium, for example, would be considered a shardblade.
  13. What f the way sodium splinters is different that bow adolusium was splintered.
  14. So would they splinter into multiples sixteen or would they splinter into their respective numbers? Or does do they just splinter into random numbers. Noticing a pattern with numbers I the cosmer, I didn't think it would be random. Anyone have info for this?
  15. Got a question. If sightline wore drunk goggles, would they affect his vision? What if he got drunk?
  16. So can I be an elantrian? You haven't answered.
  17. So, I'm a special case. I'm in collage, and high school, so yeah... College is way more fun than high school, but it is more work, so the trade off is pretty fair. Calculus!!!!!! I'm loving it so much, I'm just sad that we have to take tests. Why can't we just sit in class and learn stuff?
  18. I think this is going to be like What Happened in Oreagan. So no rules, but a planing thread so everyone kind of knows what's going on.
  19. I really liked her post. I now am really liking Chase's character.
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