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Everything posted by TheSilverDragon

  1. Could I be an elantrian? Name: Reod meaning retribution. Feels that th government f the it has wronged him, still working how though. He now wants to destroy the government for revenge and to also build a better one.
  2. Fixed her post. It now says, " churning mess of air." Not the best substitute, but... Converter.can't absorb any energy that escapes from her, or at least for a while. She's been diverting some energy to maintaining the heat leaves around her, but I don't know how Rainmaker's powers would affect that. Also, how would the winds hold Converter.if she decided to leave?
  3. So should I edit my post or not? If there is a non moving layer of air around Converter, then heat can't travel through it since heat is just kinetic energy, and Converter is absorbing all kinetic energy, so would no heat, or any other type of energy for that matter, can pass through.
  4. Ah, I missed that. I thought they were just blowing around her. I'll fix it. How fast are the winds blowing? Her energy levels are kind of low, but if the winds are blowing hard, she can send the hail ball into the winds and absorb the energy as it come back.
  5. Short Converter post up. Hope you like it.
  6. "Well, little epic, have you had enough of my power?" The epic who called herself Rainmaker, still fighting her from a distance. Coward "You seem immune to my attacks, and you may be able to stave off hypothermia for a time, but eventually I will find a way to destroy you. I will give you one last chance to surrender to me, and allow yourself to be escorted out of Corvallis in peace." In peace? Why would she let me leave in peace? She is weak if she would do that. Let a potential threat walk away, alive. Only a weak Epic would do that. Converter stood up, only to be foiled by the large hailstone resting on her back. Enough of this, she thought, and sent a small pulse of kinetic energy into the ball of ice, sending it sideways into the churning mess of air. “I didn’t mean to end up here,” Converter shouted above the wind. “But now I’m going to stay and make your life,” the last word was lost in the wind.
  7. If you say lying is an art. Which I do by the way.
  8. Can I be one of the bad guys, because, bad buys are ballchull.
  9. The kollas are mining atium. It alludes to it in one of the newspapers.
  10. I think that is what we get when we RP for a series that isn't finished yet.
  11. A bow with aluminium, wooden, or carbon fiber arrows. That would work pretty well. You could add metal rings to them like Vin did. Heat seeking missiles for a steel ferring. They could dove them, but eventually they would catch up.
  12. I was reading the thread, and then wondered what people would think if they saw it. "So... you're reading about My Little Pony, are you? " "Wait, no! I'm planning the destruction of Oregon, not reading MLP." "Yeah, what ever you say."
  13. No, the post was perfect, but now Converter might be just a little bit more mad that she was before. She might do something really stupid. On an unrelated note, what would happen if someone, not naming any names here, were to absorb all the heat in the grown with water on top of it, and then release it back, and then repeat the process? Not saying someone might do that or anything.
  14. Random Fact of the Day: my English teacher has a mad uncle who lives in Oregon in a house built form two by fours stacked on top of each other.
  15. Why did I have to from in this Calamity cursed city, Converter thought to herself. Epics with no manners. Letting normals talk to Epics like that. Pathetic. As Converter walked away, she felt something crashed into her. She instinctively absorbed all energy, and the world went dark as light, heat, and kinetic energy were absorbed. The air around her, except for a little hole for her mouth, became an impenetrable wall, as all of its kinetic energy was absorbed. Converter stopped absorbing light energy, and saw almost nothing. Ice and snow whirled around her in a blizzard, while a large ball of ice sat on top of her. Sparks, she thought as she surveyed the situation. I hate when people use cold against me, it’s so inconvenient. Converter sat there, crouched down because of the hailstone, and waited the attack out.
  16. I think that investiture probably fit into a categorization that is something similler to allomancy. Physical, mental, temporal, and enhancement. Breath and Stormlight are probably in the same category, probably Physical since it has a physical element. Allomancy woudln't fit in to physical because the metal itself isn't the investiture, but a focal point.
  17. Pewter allomancer/ Gold feruchemist. You would be able to store health better, probably, when burning pewter, so you could store more health. Also you would be really hard to kill.
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