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Everything posted by TheSilverDragon

  1. I do this all the time!!!!! Any movie I see, I immediately think how cooler it would be with mistborns, or windrunners. I was watching Agents of Shield and Sorry but I just realized that some people might not have watched it yet and still want to.
  2. I used to think 300 pages was a good size for a book. Now I try not read anything under 500.
  3. Here be dragons...

    1. Kobold King

      Kobold King

      Silver ones, to be precise.

  4. Don't know what my teacher will think of that. EDIT: What about The Zion Lutheran Church,104 W 10th St The Dalles, Oregon. It looks like a place Reader would put his office.
  5. What is the a dress of reader's office in the Dalles? I'm supposed to write a dear Reader letter, so...
  6. No, not really, and Wraith is waiting for Lightward to come back. By the way, my friend made alomantic flash cars so you can memorize the symbols for all the metals. Click here to see.
  7. I thought about that once, and decide I am WAY to week for lifting that bridge. I'll just be the water boy.
  8. The dragon thought about it for a second. "So we need someone who really needs to die right? EDIT:sorry about the spoilers.
  9. You know you're a Sanderfan when you cower in terror when someone says "Obliterate"
  10. That is, if you get one of the spicked with iron supplements.
  11. It's better than a fourteen-year-old serial killer though. They would have the maturity level of a two year old.
  12. The dragon looked at his hands, "um, I'll keep them the way they are. I was thinking about something along the lines of what Winter does when she allows people to transforms into wolves.'
  13. “who are you?” and identity is a big thing. As in Aluminum?
  14. "I was wondering if you had a spike, or any tech, that would allow me to turn into a human. Do you know how frustrating it is to not have opposable thumbs?"
  15. Epic that Converter might run into if she dies. Name: C-4 Primary Power: The ability to turn any object, smaller than 2 ft X 2 ft X 2 ft, into C-4. He can also turn parts of bigger things into C-4 but once he turns a bit of something into C-4, then he can't turn the rest of it into C-4 Secondary Power: The ability to detonate any amount of C-4 he can see.
  16. A dragon landed in front of what he believed was the entrance to the DA. He looked around nervously, seeming unsure about what he was about to do. He cleared his throat, singing some weeds in the process. "I've got a question for the Dark Alley."
  17. She's not stupid, just arrogant. I'm thinking she dies somehow, don't know yet, and reincarnates somewhere a little outside of Corvallis. She enslaves, threatens, meets up another epic, probably with some type of heat abilities, and then gets back to Corvallis as soon as possible to kill Rainmaker.
  18. Now this is the question, to be or not to be? Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings... sorry but it had to be said. Anyways, that is the question right now, what do you guys think? I'm open to suggestions. EDIT: it kind of fits perfectly with my essay I'm writing on the Death Penalty.
  19. Yes, she still uses electricity. I am to. If she absorbs all the air's kinetic energy, it would create a good insulation around her. Most likely. Other than that, have no idea.
  20. You guys are mean. I spent a total of three, yes THREE seconds trying to click the link. Those seconds were mine to use!!
  21. And then I would have to change the title of her post from, Converter's electrifying experience, to something else.
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