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Everything posted by TheSilverDragon

  1. Ok, thanks. I'll rewrite the post a little bit. She could probably be bit by tear glass, and then see the super ghoul attack blossom? (It is blossom right)
  2. Converter sat in a high-back chair that she had one of her human slaves move out of her house, because she was getting bored of her house. It was a lot more exciting to execute criminals outside, she had decided that morning, and promptly had her human slaves move her “court” outside. She now lounged in her chair, plucking grapes from a platter that a trembling human held for her. She looked out across the crowd she had commanded to assemble and could see the terror in their eyes. They were there to see her put down a man that dared talk back to her. The man in question was standing in front of her, with two of her guards holding their guns at his head. “Do you know why you’re here?” Converter lazily asked the man in front of her. The man just stood there, looking defiantly at her. Who does this human think he is? Converter wondered. I am more powerful than this normal. He should be groveling before me, not standing defiantly before me. The air around her began to shimmer as more heat began to escape in response to her rising anger. "Give me your gun," She ordered one of her guards. The burly man tossed Converter his assault rifle, and drew his pistol. She caught the gun and then pointed it at the man. She could see the terror in his eyes as he began to see that he was going to die. Punny human. Converter thought. She weighed the gun in her hand, and then tossed it, not back at the guard, but to the prisoner in front of her. The man fumbled with the gun in surprise, almost dropping it, but managed to hold onto it in the end. “Shoot me,” Converter ordered. The man raised in eyebrows in shock as if to say “You want me to shoot you?” He shrugged and then raised the gun and shot her. The bullet had barely even touched her before she had stripped it of its kinetic energy, stopping it dead. The bullet fell into her lap and then bounced into the grass. “Shoot me again,” she said. The man happily obliged, letting out a torrent of bullets. Each one he shot was stopped before it could do any real harm. A small pile of spent shells formed at her feet. The man soon realized that he wasn't getting anywhere, and stopped shooting. He stood there, gun hanging limply from one of his hands, a look of pure horror on his face as he began to see the inevitability of his death. He took a deep breath and gave one final shot, but not from the gun. “You’re just like all the other epics. Lazy, mean, and a coward!” He shouted at her, but then fell silent. How dare he talk like that to me, she fumed. I am clearly his superior, I can kill anyone I want, but he can’t even scratch me. Who the Sparks does this slontze think he is? Converter rose from her chair and walked towards the man, leaving a trail of blackened footprints in her wake. The man tried to run, but Converter used some of the kinetic energy she had absorbed to jump in front of him. The man raised the gun and tried to hit her across the face with the but of it, only to have it be stopped as soon as it touched her. Spark’n slontze. She thought as she reached out and touched his arm. She sucked out all of his heat, freezing the terrified look on to his face for the rest of time. “Let this be an example to all of you.” She yelled to the humans gathered around her. “You can do nothing. You can’t fight me. You can’t run from me. You are nothing.” Converter swept her eyes over the crowd, enjoying how they cringed as she looked at them, fearful of what she might do. What she didn't see was a woman behind her pull out a small pistol and shoot her in the back. Converter felt a jolt as the bullet pierced her skin, and puncturing her heart. She fell to her knees as darkness began to descend. He last thoughts was Fools before her body erupted as all of her stored energy bursted out once she was dead. * * * Converter’s body formed from a small explosion in the city of Corvallis, not that she knew that. She opened her eyes, only to realize that she was twenty feet off the ground. She looked down and saw a small group of humans surrounded by what looked like police in full riot gear. She didn't have much time to think about that as the ground rushed to giver a warm welcome. Converter reoriented herself so her feet pointed downwards, and before she hit the ground, she absorbed all of her own kinetic energy. Dropping the last couple of inches, she was met with a full out riot. Screams and shouts, humans fighting each other, the police, everywhere mass confusion. The only sense of cohesion was a single phrase, “Freedom or Joy!” A small canister came to a stop her her feet, and then began to spew out some sort of gas. As soon it touched her face, her eyes began to sting, and tears ran down her face. Spark’n tear gas. She thought as she sent some kinetic energy into the gas, pushing it away from her face. She tried to look around, but was unable to see anything because of the tears that were still streaming down her face. Suddenly the crowd stopped chanting, like someone had hit an off switch. Out of the quietness came the voice of someone, talking about some incident that had happened in the past, and how the people should work hard to gain their happiness back. Converter blinked away the last of her tears and looked around to see the source of the speech. Looking up, she saw a woman, who could only be an epic, floating above the crowd. Converter sat back to see what the epic would do about the riot, I’ll help out if she needs it she thought to herself, thinking about how she would go about it.
  3. I think it would be easier to to the air flow around her self rather than another person, since all the air is touching her.
  4. Yes, but is hard to reach because the more energy she holds, the more escapes. She couldn't absorb all the Sun's energy or something like that. Her upper limit would probably be something like a small volcanic explosion.
  5. Brain storming why not ask rainwater. Isn't she good with storms. Better yet, ask the stormfather, he's the father of storms. a Sizable explosion is one that has a blast radius of five to seven feet, if any type of energy. Frank m what I Understand of physics, If something heavy is dropped on her, she absorbers it's kinetic energy, and keeps on absorbing it, until she can get out from under it. The heavy thing still goes down, but it goes down a lot slower.
  6. I leave you guys alone for a day, and you're already five pages into another question thread? Unbelievable.
  7. We need a term then. I suggest That-one-period-of-time-right-after-reincarnation-where-epics-try-to-kill-everyone. A bit wordy, but it's descriptive.
  8. None of my characters fit me, but Wraith was actually partnered off of one of my friends.
  9. I've always wondered if Brandond's other book are in the reckoners universe. After all, it is set on earth, some someone might have read them.
  10. Yes she does. She goes through a rendering, then goes back to normal-ish behaviour, and then, as she gets bored of a place, she starts acting epicy, but before long she gets killed because of her own carelessness.Pm me about it.
  11. I have now deleted that last comment out of my brain.
  12. Have you ever heard of an epic mating with a vanilla?
  13. True, on both accounts. On a different note, would epics be considered a different species, or just a subspecies?
  14. I have a new question for the funtimes list How many Old epics are there, like 80's/90's. Is the reason why we haven't seen any because most older people have already faced many of their fears?
  15. AHHHHHHHH, I've signed up for the newsletter, but haven't gotten it yet. I'ts killing me!!!!!!
  16. Can someone say narcissist, or what? And does this mean that everyone will see Converter's entrance? A lot of people are going to get killed, just saying.
  17. I like.What is his lawn . Can he make his lawn big, or include the whole city.
  18. It doesn't have to be in Salem, just some city in Oregon. Who's backstory by the way
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