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Everything posted by TheSilverDragon

  1. So, if I'm correct, Team Paladin is heading to Salem. If they are, or even if they're not, I have an idea about who could be ruling the city. What if Salem is ruled by a bunch of old epics, like 80+ old epics. With walkers and everything! Headquarters are at 3445 Boone Road SE, Salem, Oregon 97317 (Salem Transitional Care) Epic Ideas Geezer Smash Primary Power: Super strength. About five times what someone his size could lift. Secondary Power: Super Size: Can grow to five times his size. As he grows, his strength grows proportionally And more to come... On a completely different note, Voidus, do you have any idea for Ballchull old epics?
  2. Ok, I'll be writing the pre death part of her post now. *Cackles with glee*
  3. Hey Comatose, I was wondering if it would be ok if Converter appeared while the Queens were frying vanillas? There's bound to be an explosion of some sort.
  4. Well if it made Lightsong into a Returned, then I couldn't be that bad, right?
  5. Just a question, How does Hypno's powers work on Epics?
  6. The question has been asked, now the question is how big of an explosion will obliteration cause?

  7. You know, you guys should really stop being so distracting so I can focus in class. It is really frustrating to have to listen to the professor when there is 2+ pages to read through.
  8. Ok, I see your oint. She won't have danger scene, and she will have to touch the objects she wants to absorb energy.
  9. How much can he change the frequency and intensity of sound? Also, what are "minor" ways he can affect objects. Can he just move them, or could he break glass?
  10. I was thinking that she could go any where in the world. I think that she could have a limited danger sence, so that if something would kill her, she would absorbe its energy, but only cor small things.
  11. Then it gets tricky for stopping bullets. Maybe for living organisms she has to touch them, but inanimate objects she can drain from a distance.
  12. Yes she can. I don't know if that makes her to open. I tried to put some limitation on how long she could hold energy, but tell me what you guys think.
  13. Here is Converter's hopefully final powers Hope you like it
  14. Would Obliteration still be quoting lines out of the bible while dancing?
  15. But afterwards is a totally different matter. When you put it like that, she is kind of op. I hadn't thought about stopping oxygen from circulating, that is a very cool way t use her power. Whould that kill steelheart? Or would his picture stop that? She could always absorb some energy from the sun, or from some birds, insects or even people.
  16. Or when I'm not looking. What she absorbed the heat caused by friction and turned it into kinetic energy? Should she then be able to jump.to the same height each time?
  17. Even if it was a small explosion, Converter would still cause a commotion just being who she is. I'll start writing her death scene, and once the meeting of the queens is over, I'll write her entrance.
  18. So back to my earlier question, when would a sizable explosion happen?
  19. I ment explosions, stupid autocorrect. So if an unknown epic suddenly appeared, what would rainmaker do?
  20. I don't think so. If he can slowly absorb his kenidic energy, and then slowly release it, then I think he wouldn't get whiplash.I came up with this idea when thinking about uses for Converter's power, so really hope this is feasible.
  21. One thing you could have him do is to jump off of something really tall, and right before reaching the ground, absorb all of his kenidic energy. Then have him jump, adding the absorbed energy to boost his jump. Repeated process for a long string of super jumps, kind of like flying.
  22. From what I understand of physics, you would actually have to be falling in order to have kinetic energy, so he would fall a little bit and then move in the other direction that same amount.
  23. Too true. My mom has actually banned me from saying anything Oregon related.
  24. What if is proportional to how much energy she has. 5%-10% of her total energy is leaked depending on her mood.Edit: where do I pm her weakness to? Twi or Comatose.
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