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Everything posted by TheSilverDragon

  1. Would that be ok if she was? If not, I can tone her powers down a bit. On her backstory, I can add in that she saw Calamity in the morning before she went to work. Only thing that would be different would be that she would know she was an epic, but that really wouldn't change her actions that much.
  2. New backstory for Converter, since the one I had didn't work out. She still worked in a top secret military research facility, but one day she comes one day and notices she can absorb energy from the power core (maybe nuclear). She tries to take in more, and finds that she can, but feels like she has too much power inside of her. She then tries to release some, and succeed a little too well. She let out all of the power she had stored, killing the workers around her. The security guards were alerted and they tried to detain (not Tue would d I was looking for) her. She fights back, figuring out her new powers, and kills most of them. She claims the facility as her own, and has a vanilla go and get her something to drink. The vanilla comes back with a glass of water, and Converter drinks it, but the vanilla put some cleaning chemicals in it, and so Converter starts to choke, and eventually dies. When she did, her body exploded, destroying the facility. She then reforms in the middle of a fight between an epic and the police.
  3. So this what I was thinking, but I can change it. It was kind of how most epics don't know they are epics at first, but then realize they have powers. She woke up not knowing, but died before she could figure it out. She went through her rendering when she reincarnated at the face off between the police and the other epic.
  4. She can hold a fair amount of energy, don't know how to quantify it though. Her resurrection exploration is all of the energy she has stored at the moment. She can reappear anywhere in the world, so there really s no limitation, there just has to an exploration Also calamity didn't turn her into an epic when she died, that was before, but she didn't know she was one.
  5. Here is my full EPIC bio Name: Converter Primary power: the ability to absorb any type of energy within a 5 foot radius. She can then convert that energy into any type she wants and release it. Secondary: reincarnation, when she dies, all of her saved energy is released in one big explosion, and her body is then formed out of a different explosion. She has some control over were her body reforms, but not a lot. Backstory: She was working in a super Secretary military research facility that was exploring the possibilities of using the new epics powers. (This s relatively close to the start of calamity) One day, at work, she tripped and fell off a walkway and died. She then had a talk with Calamity, who then sent her back to earth. She formed in the middle of a fight between an epic and the police. A story bullet came her way,, and she absorbed its kinetic energy. She then wanted to test her powers, so she fought both the epic and the police and won. She's been "traveling" around the glob via explosions when she dies. Personality: She really doesn't care about anything. She feels immortal, so she just tries to do anything she feels that would be fun. Right now she is in a rut of trying to kill powerful epics just because. Costume: white pants, white shirt, with a white cape with twin lightning bolts on it. I was thinking that she could form in an exploration in Corvallis once the fighting starts or before in some exploration of some sort.
  6. I have an idea. What if Bubbles could create small bubbles around people and then have them fuse to the big bubble letting them in or out without dropping the big bubble. Kind of like Endocytosis.
  7. What happens when Dragons turns back into a human. Little people running around Cordvallis! I'm all for it
  8. Is it? If it is, then I'm kind of sad... Does anyone know? Also, when the epic dies, all the stored energy the epic had is released.
  9. Hey, I've had this epic idea for some time, kind of based off the magic system of one of the books I'm writing. He/she, haven't decided gender yet, can absorb energy and then transform it into a different type of energy and expend it. For example, some one shoots a bullet at the Epic, the Epic can absorb the bullet's kinetic energy, and then release it as heat or electricity. The Epic would also have reincarnation, so when the Epic dies, the Epic reforms out of a big expenditure of energy, ie an explosion. So what do you guys think PS. Writing singular gender neutral is HARD!
  10. Wraith stared gloomily into his empty hand. The hand that had recently held a cookie. Why do all good things have to came to an end? he wondered sadly. There should be more Epics that can make cookies. Then the whole world would be a better place. Wraith sat there a moment, contemplating a world full of epics that could make cookies on demand. It was a wonderful world. Just as he was thinking about how many people would get type two diabetes, he head something he thought he would never hear again, bagpipes. Where in Calamity did someone get bagpipes? He wondered to himself. And why would they be here? He thought about it a little bit more, and then realized that this was were he would most likely expect to find bagpipes. Curiosity piqued, Wraith turned into smoke and set off in the direction of the music, not really sure of what he would find. * * * Wraith cleared a cluster of prehistoric trees, and was met with one of the oddest sights he had seen, and that was saying something. A man, with a kilt, a discarded unicycle by him, in a Darth Vader mask, playing the bagpipes, that was belching fire, leading a pack of dinosaurs, attacking a man that was covered in mist. Behind the misty guy, two girls in collars stood by watching the whole spectacle. One looked like she would have been anywhere else but here, and the other was watching with feverish admiration. Who in Calamity are these people, and why are they attacking each other? Wraith thought, bewildered. I haven’t seen either one of them in my life, but one of them must be in Funtimes’ alliance because there here, but who? He looked at both of them, sizing them up, trying to see which one would be in an alliance with Dr. Funtimes. The bagpiper was the most likely candidate, with him being the oddest of the two. That the dinosaur was on his side said that he was most likely to be in an alliance with the sparkly hippy doctor. The black misty guy didn’t seem like one who would tolerate Funtimes, so that ruled him out. Making up his mind to help the bagpiper, Wraith mentally let out a war cry and threw his smoke body at the misty guy’s head in hopes of impairing his vision.
  11. Wraith can turn into smoke and back. When he turns back to normal and if he is in a tight space, say a bottle, he would break the bottle. That also applies to humans if they breath him in.
  12. I was just writing Wraith's reaction to the fight, and by cause doesn't know either side, but thinks that one of them must be part of funtimes's alliance, but cause they're in the museum, so he decides to side with the unicyclist, because he reminds him of funtimes. The hat would have just been another reason to side with the unicylist.
  13. Got a question, does the bicyclists still have the guac hat or not? Might be helpful to know.
  14. I wish that was true, just a little bit. It would be fun to see what that would be like.
  15. I have a question about hemalurgy, and I thought this would be the best place to go, even though I disprove of your practices. So you know how when you spike someone, and some of the power is lost? Where does that power go? Is it just gone or could you get it back some how?
  16. "Melons, did someone say melons?" A while wolf said as he popped into the room.
  17. Hello, welcome to the site, officially. Glad you joined, I only pestered you for what, a month or two?. Anyways, have an upvote.
  18. Well the choice of what guild is fairly obvious, join The Pack of the Cosmere. You get to become a wolf. Well that is if the Dark Ally gives back winter anytime soon.
  19. No, there spirit web has just been, slightly, rearranged.
  20. One that wants to keep people alive. IT WAS JUST ONE E.
  21. Acting alpha of The Pack of the Cosmer, until someone storming gives back Winter

    1. Kobold King

      Kobold King

      I forgot to keep up with that plot line. Did the Pack ever rescue Winter from the Dark Alley?

  22. Welcome to the site. Take an up vote, but never a cookie. If you value your spirit web, do not take the cookies, nor anything anyone from the dark ally tries to give you. The name alone should make you think twice about eating anything they give you. That and also the slight metallic taste. If you value courage and bravery join The Pack of the Cosmer, located here. If not, well, my only words of advice are as follow: "DON'T EAT THE COOKIES!!!!!!"
  23. I welcome you to the sheer awesomeness that is 17th shard, where we delve into the inter workings of the cosmer and never, I repeat never eat cookies. The dark ally is everywhere.
  24. Wait, there was a pun? I had no idea! And yes, I would love to be invited to the pm. Just a tinny bit.
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