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Everything posted by TheSilverDragon

  1. I FINISHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Downloaded it at four and just barely finished. THAT WAS EPIC!!!!!!!!!!
  2. I will unleash the powers of The Unicyclist. And probably have a nice chat with Parity and Mundivore before all that.
  3. So, Wraith's been sitting up in the floating museum for a little while I don't know what to do with him. Any ideas?
  4. Just finished chapter, wait, what chapter are we on? Well anyways, just finished it, and off to editing. Don't you just love being in control of the lives of your characters?
  5. may the wolves run forever

  6. Hey I've been having some trouble trying to get a picture in my signature. I put one in and when I click save it disappears. Can anyone help me with this?
  7. Hi there. Welcome the the site that will now suck all your free time away from you. Who cares about cookies. Forget treats and join the wolf pack!
  8. Welcome to the Site. Feel free to join the wolf pack. We might be small in number, only two at the time, but we will soon be a force to be reckoned with. Also if you want to have an Epic time, check out the Reckoners RPG.
  9. No, the fact that it's missing ponies makes it all that much better.
  10. Wraith happily munched on his cookie. The cookie was goo, but it just couldn't match the pure goodness of hi white chocolate macadamia nut cookies Wraith used to make before Calamity. I wish it was back them, Wraith thought unhappily, Everything was so much simpler back then. Wraith looked around trying to find a secluded spot to sit down and think. He found a big tree in an area that was mostly dinosaur free. He finished his cookie and wiped the crumbs off his hands on his pants. His thoughts traveled back a few minutes ago when he had been offered the cookie. That was after Dr. Funtimes had threatened that he would be eaten alive by a teapot though, but anyone who offered him cookies was good in his books. Wraith pulled out a notebook that had been strapped to his back and began to draw. Drawing helped him clear his mind and focus. Wraith didn't pay much attention to what he was drawing, instead he thought about his position in this new alliance. A few months earlier Wraith didn't even think he would ever ask to be in one, and now he was part of an alliance. He still couldn't believe that he had summoned up that much courage to go into an unfamiliar place and ask to join. Now all Wraith had to do was gain everyone's trust. Simple when you said it like that, but Wraith knew from experience that it was never that easy to gain acceptance form all the members of a group. It could take years. I could bake them a cake? He thought to him self and then imitatively dismissed the idea. Dr. Funtimes could just change a piece of wood into a cake, why would they want his? I could... Wraith's mind went blank. I could... Wraith tried to think of something but failed. Well guess I'll have to put that one on the back burner. Wraith thought to himself. Wraith looked down at the drawing he had made. It was a face, he didn't recognized it at first but when he did he almost jumped in shock. I thought I was over her. I told my self I would never think of her again.He told himself. How good have you been with that promise? A tinny voice seemed to whisper in his head. She will always follow you... always. Wraith jumped up and ripped the paper into tinny shreds. He then dug a small hole and buried the paper inside. Never again. He thought to himself Never again.
  11. “Tell me who you are and why I don’t know you or you’ll find out why nobody wants to get eaten by a teapot!” Wraith instinctively turned to smoke. What in Calamity just happen? She was all happy one moment and suddenly she's brandishing a teapot at me. I thought she was a nice person. Wraith hesitated for a second, and then turned back to normal. "Well... um, to answer your first question, no Lightward did not help me get up here. I got here all by my self." Wraith said tentatively. "You don't know me because I keep my head down, but I've decided that now might be a good time to join up with an alliance. So could I, or do I have to do something first?"
  12. "INSERT COOL WRAITH ICON HERE" Sorry, I haven't found a picture yet. This might be the right place for me, Wraith thought to himself as a new Epic walked towards the pair. Wraith snaked his body away from them and headed back to the entrance. No need to tell them that I was spy on them the whole time. He got to the door and slithered out and then changed into his normal body. Time to introduce myself. They're all wired anyways so me coming in unannounced might be considered normal to them. Wraith pushed open the doors and walked into the museum. Wraith looked around to see if he could spot the Emperor of Light. Wraith stood there for a while, trying in vain to find the Emperor to no avail. It looks like he isn't here. I'll just talk to that wired sparkly lady that everyone says is second in command. When Wraith walked over to her, he found that she was having tea with another lady. "Hey I'm Wraith." He said uncertainty. "And I'm am interested in joining your alliance. Can I join?" Wraith stood there waiting for her response, waiting for anything really, but he wasn't expecting her to do what she did.
  13. Well, at least one person here knows how to tell a good story, Wraith thought as he tried to process the information that was just revealed. I wonder if it's true. Anyone can make up story and the magician guy seemed like he pull stories out of thin air if he wanted to. The other guy seemed to have bought it though. I wonder if the magician still has the painting? Wraith's thoughts were a jumbled mess as he continued to watch the pair. The other man seemed go be really nervous, looking everywhere except at the magician. Wraith waited a while and soon the nervous one opened hi mouth to tell his story, I hope it's as good as the other one Wraith thought, as the other began to speak.
  14. The Ghost King watched as people fled from before him. To most his translucent skull made it look like he was smiling at the deaths, but in reality, he felt nothing. No pity, no love, no compassion, no happiness, absolutely nothing. Killing people filled the void a little but it was small. He had no memories of his past, family, or even his name. He had awoken one day and found found himself this way, incorporeal and unable to touch anything, except to kill. That was the day The Ghost King was born. A young man stood in front of him pistol raised, shivering from the cold The Ghost King radiated. “I will kill you,” the man said through chattering teeth. “You have kill everyone I love. I will find a way to kill you.” With that the man shot The Ghost King through the heart, or where The Ghost King’s heart should have been. The bullet passed through harmlessly and killed a woman who was cowering behind a chair. The man started to empty his gun uselessly into The Ghost King. The Ghost King started to glide towards the man as he reloaded his gun. The man backed away slowly unsure of what to do. Suddenly The Ghost King sped forwards and whipped out a hand. The spectral hand passed though the man freezing his heart and killing him. The Ghost King kept his hand inside the dead man’s chest as the corps dropped to the ground. The dead man’s flesh began to smoke and then the man began to rise. The thing before The Ghost King wasn’t solid anymore. It was incorporeal just like The Ghost King himself. Just then The Ghost King felt a yank and everything around him went dark for a moment. When the world reappeared it was different. A desolated, ruined streets filled his view. Anger, surprise and alarm surfaced in The Ghost King’s head but were soon vanish and the nothingness returned. The Ghost King drifted down the street exploring his new surroundings. Searching for something to kill, to fill the void.
  15. Can I change him so anyone he turns incorporeal he had a limited control over. Like he would be able to control where they move but not every moment that they make. He also has an upper limit to how many ghosts he can make.
  16. This looks like fun. Can I join??? Here is my epic. His Epic Name(pun intended) : Ghost King Primary: He can go incorporeal. When in this state anyone he come into contact with dies of extreme cold. Secondary: If he touches/passes through a dead body, it turns incorporeal and gains his deathly touch. Passive: Radiates extreme cold Weakness: Just keep on guessing. Who do we PM the weaknesses to?
  17. MORE EPICS!!!!!!!!!!! FlyGuy Cleanliness Propaganda Deathblade
  18. Wraith looked up at the long chain of diamonds leading up to the floating museum. I wonder what type of person this Lightward is. I hope he isn’t confrontational. That would be bad. Just then, a spec started to plummet from the other spec that was the museum. What the heck! Are they bombing the city now? Mabey Lightward isn’t the best epic to make an alliance with. Wraith thought as he turned away and started walking towards Thoughttown. As he walked away he heard three bodies hit the ground but not splatter. Wait, they’re not dead? Wraith thought in amazement. They must be Epics. That’s not that bad. They probably jumped off to get down relying on their powers. Lightward might not be as bad as I thought. Wraith turned back to the diamond chain. As he walked towards it he willed his body into smoke. Wraith’s vision disappeared replaced by a dim feeling for where everything was. It was kind of like echolocation or radar. Not seeing but still knowing what is out there. It took some getting used to but for Wraith it was second nature by now. He then let the hot air currents from the cement lift him up into the air. Anyone who saw it would think nothing of it. Just a wisp of smoke drifting through the air. He let his wraith body continued to rise until he could sense that the museum was right next to him. Wraith gathered up his body and threw it off of the thermal and on to the floating ground. He snaked his body along the cement and passed a giant bronze statue of a dinosaur. The front doors were closed but Wraith just squeezed his body through the crack in between the two doors. What lay on the other side amazed him. Prehistoric plants, he assumed that they were prehistoric, covered the floor. Upon closer scrutiny he found that there wasn’t a floor but a carpet of soil. This is so cool, he thought to himself. This make me want to join up right here and now. Just then he heard a small explosion. “Hey, it's obvious we are all on the same side here, don't be trying break it up. I know enough about Corpsemaker and Altermind that they would undoubtedly take advantage of that situation, and I would prefer not to have to deal with either of those two again.” A feminine voice said. Wraith “looked” around and saw an astonishing sight. The forest was practically crawling with Epics, vanillas, and... Were those DINOSAURS? Maybe I won’t have to spy on Altmind after all. I can hide very well in this group. So many was to become invisible in an alliance this big. Wraith moved over towards two men talking. One looked like a street magician and the other like a teenagerwho had raided his fathers closet. This looks interesting. He moved in to listen.
  19. Here is a Epic for either Dalles or Portland either one.
  20. Wraith sat in an alley, hood up, thinking. He hated talking to other people, especially other Epics, but as things were a lone Epic was dead one it seemed like right now. If I don't join a team then my future might not be as pleasant as my past had been, he thought. But that did involve talking to someone. Wraith had never been one to be the center of attention, the shadows were his preferred place. Just outside of everyone’s sight hiding, watching, observing. Even as an Epic he didn’t like to stand out. His plain black hoodie and jeans made everyone think he was normal. The twin knives strapped to his forearms and the gun on his thigh might make him suspicious, but then if anyone saw those it was already too late to hide. Which side to join. Wraith thought. Corpsemaker, Lightward, or Altmind. Three very powerful Epics that you didn’t want to tick off. Well definitely not Corpsemaker, just the name alone would send anyone running, Wraith thought. That left Lightward or Altmind. Well only one way to find out. Spy on both of them. Wraith got up and walked towards the floating museum of death and life.
  21. I think I am ready to inter the arena. Epic Name: Wraith Short Bio He has had his powers for a little while now but usually keeps to the side of conflict. Now that it looks like a full blown war is coming he wants a little bit of protection. Wraith is thinking of joining Lightward's and Dr. Funtimes' team but the Minor Epic thing is looking inviting. Powers He He can turn his body and whatever his touching except living things, but he is excluded from the living things exception, into mist/smoke and back again when ever he wants. Pre Calamity name: Jaden Goldwright Weakness: HaHaHa Wouldn't y'll like to know! But seriously... I hope this is enough information to start. See you in Organ.
  22. I agree with kaellok. People use figurtive language sometimes so we can't read too much into that.
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