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Everything posted by TheSilverDragon

  1. Would you Would you even be on this website if you wouldn't recommend those books?
  2. There will probalby be a weding but the void bringers will come and ruing it. Just like all wedings in books.
  3. It's one of those stories that your like, I don't like this, I don't like this, as you are scrolling down.
  4. Have you ever read a book (not one of Brandon's) and thought, "Why can't they just use alloymancing?" When Frodo gets his finger cut off--Power of Regrowth When Harry and Voldamort face off--Why can't Harry be a Atium misting?? Any More???
  5. I was a big fan of the Redwall series but that was before I had been introduced to Brandon Sanderson. Anyways welcome to the site. Have a good time, but try not to get too addicted if you are going to school. Take way too much time out of studying.
  6. I am sorry to hear about your loss. The loss of hot chocolate is a great pain in my heart. Don't know about biscuits though, biscuits AND gravy perhaps??
  7. I have come to announce my allegiance to the *insert awesome adjective here* Observer's Guild. I bring a bald head and a fedora. Does anyone get the reference?
  8. What if Hoid was just a title that could be passed down from teacher to student?? But then the Hoid in the cosmear never finished his training so he "stole" the name?
  9. How is it that the Steel Inquisitors can see many blue lines all around them. Is there just that many metal bits all over the place or can you see other things if you want to?
  10. So I think this thread is supposed to to introduce me so here I go. I REALLY LOVE BRANDON SANDERSON in a non creepy fan sort of way. I've been reading Brandon Sanderson since four years ago when I saw one of my friends reading a BIG book-aka Way of Kings. Since then I have been addicted. I'm fairly new to this. I made an account but didn't do anything with it until a few days ago. So here I am. By the way I LOVE DRAGONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! not just silver ones
  11. So you have been miraculously been chosen to take up a Shard's power for just one day when they go and have a vacation. What shard would it be and what would you do with it? I personal would be Preservation and then grant Brandon Sanderson the power to be a Bendalloy misting with a lot of bendally so he could finish all of the books in ALL of his sires. What about YOU?
  12. What if Adolnasium shattered on one world causing the planet to break up so now the point were he shattered is now non existent, except if you count the middle of space a valid address.
  13. Get a book make Cadmium bubble read not be annoyed when you finish the book too soon.
  14. Why is 16 so important but on Roshar the magic their has 10 as a base? I thought that everything in the cosmer would be based on the number 16. Also why does one shard have more magic systems than another?
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