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Everything posted by TheSilverDragon

  1. Oi! I'm not a girl, just saying. Even though I keep playing Star Thief, it doesn't mean in a girl. I just like the characterAlso I'm not GA, though I don't have any evidence to back me up. I can it on you because I thought you were GA, since your post sounded really agrssive, and you were in the Gov. building both times. Edit: I'll also volunteer to be scaned
  2. Star Thief had just barely gotten her two shines when she heard a scream out side. What was that? she wondered as she ran out the door to see what it was. She pulled the door open, and saw a cloaked figure walking calmly away from a slumped from on the ground, laying in a puddle. Star thief walked closer, and pulled up short when she saw the that the puddle was actually blood. SHe turned back to asked the clocked figure for help, but he was gone, swallowed up into the shadows that were still left over from the night. Star looked back at the girl's still form, and then rushed over to the nearest trash can and up-heaved all of her diner she had eaten. SO here is my analysis . People in the Gov. Building Night 1: Me, Master_Elodin, Elbereth, Arraenae, Lopen, Meta, SilverBlade, Danosaur and Kipper People in the Gov. Building Night 2: Me, Danosaur, Meta, Rae, and Elodin. So now we four possible GA members, all who stayed in the Gov building. I am suspicious of Meta because of his post last cycle. It sounded a bit aggressive. Also, @Clanky ​why do you think Meta is innocent? Edit: If anyone who is in my Gang, and has use of a PM, it would be appreciated if I knew a bit more that was going on.
  3. Star Thief stood in line, impatiently hopping from foot to foot, waiting to get up to the front to get her job. He pure white cat sat curled up on her had, its soft purring massaging the top of her scull. Last night, she had applied for a job, she hadn't gotten that many shines, but they were still shines, so she couldn't be too disappointed. Sorry about the RP, not the best, but I'm sick right now. I always seem to get sick when playing SA. THe universe seems to not want me to play
  4. Star Thief was now waling instead of skipping, all of her energy had been wasted last night on job she had applied for, and they only gave her two shinys. "Why didn't they give me more?" she asked her cat. "It's not like they can't afford to give me more." She continued to complain to her cat as she walked down a deserted street, no one in sight, which was sad, because no people meant no shines. Just then her cat perked its head up, staring at something on one of the deserted lawns. "What is it Moon?" Star asked "Is it shinys?" The cat just walked away, heading towards the large lump on the grass. "Come back here Moon!" She cried as she ran after her cat. Apology in advance, sorry about the numbers... Ok, my thoughts of things so far. There were 23 people at the start, now 21. probably about 6-7 eliminators scattered across the difrent factions, probably 6 because of nice number (2 to a faction). At least one was at the government building, probably only one, so there is a 1/6 chance one of Master_Elodin, Elbereth, Arraenae, Lopen, Meta, Danosaur and Kipper, since Silverblade is dead and I'm not an eliminator. (You just have to trust me) that gives us a 16.66% chance to lynch an eliminator. Kipper being a eliminator doesn't make that much sense, since he's claiming drunk and no one has outed him( he has a 9.5% chance of being a commander if Amanuensis is not telling the truth, and 4.76% if Amanuensis is) so the percentage raises to 20%. I don't know about anyone else, so until I do, that number is going to stay at 20% Outside of the Gov. building there is a 35.7% chance of lynching a GA. I am not trying to persuade anyone to vote a certain way right now, I'm just presenting numbers, because that's what I'm good at. I myself am going to vote for Elbereth to get some conversation going.
  5. Ok, rp is going to be a tire short since I'm on my tablet. Star Thief bounced down the street, unperturbed about the dead guy laying on the street with his throughout slit, though she did stop and rifle though his pockets. "Sparks," she cursed to her cat, "Why don't dead guys have any shinys in their pockets?" And with that she continued on her way. So did everyone won the whole, to to one spot per gang thing, because I kind of forgot
  6. In my mind, she is making a thin sheet of air around her. When she stops a rock that is flying towards her, it doesn't instantly go to absolute zero, but it just stops in air. The thin sheet of air would be a really good insulation barrier, therefore enabling Converter not to freeze to death. She can't re absorb her own body heat, because of her limitation, there is a small amount of energy that leaks out, it would be to OP for her to be able to hold all of that energy. Reality, who needs that?
  7. Star Thief woke to the brilliant Organ sun streaming in through her window, and reflecting off the many shinies she had stuffed into her room. Her cat was asleep on top of her head, its tail lazily waving back and forth across Star Thief's mouth. The tiny hairs tickling her nose, Star Thief tried to hold back a sneeze. She screwed up her eyes and held her breath, but to no avail. “Aaaaa-choo!” The cat leapt off of her face, and landed on her belly, causing Star Thief to giggle. "Stop it Moon," cried Star though fits of laughter as her cat scampered across her midsection, causing more giggles. “That tickles!” Shaking off the cat, Star got out of bed, and looked at her reflection from the cracked mirror that laid propped up against her wall. A pair of brilliant blue eyes stared back at her from underneath an frazeld tangle of shoulder length blond hair. Out of the corner of her eye, Star saw a really sparkly shiny peaking out from beneath a large shiny plate. She scampered away from the mirror to investigate what it was. “Ohhh!” Cried Star in amazement to her cat as she lifted up a shiny tiara. “It’s so shiny.” Star initially put it on her head, flattening her hair benething it. “How do I look?” She asked her cat, and without waiting for a response, she jumped out of her window on to the the fire escape, off to look for some more shinies. Sorry for all of you who are in the Reckoners RP, this might seem a little redundant in a few days... This game I’ll be on more often, because I have spring break this week! Anyways, let’s get this started, I vote for Silverblade5, just because it’s going to get really confusing since everyone shortens both of our names to Silver, so one of us needs to go.
  8. Ok, fixed that, and added just a small little lead in for Star Thief.
  9. Converter is now caught up. What do you guys think, anything wrong with it?
  10. For quite a while, Converter had sat in her small prison, chained to the ground, patiently waiting for something to happen. Well, not that patiently. To pass the time, Converter created an electrical potential between her hands, and then discharging it, imagining that the space between her hands where the lightning arced was Rainmaker’s head. Sparking Rainmaker, leaving me here like this. When I get my hands on that idiot of an Epic... she let that thought trail off, dreaming of all the way she could slowly mutilate and kill Rainmaker. Decapitation, drawn and quartering, burning, electrocution, suffocation, exsanguination, Converter had so many options at her disposal. From what Converter could gather her prison was made out of metallic sheets bolted together with snow and ice wedged between them which made with for some amazing insulating. The insulation would have been nice, except for the fact that it was so sparking cold in there. To counter this, Converter made an insulating barrier around herself by absorbing the kinetic energy of the air, locking them in place. This meant that Converter was stuck in one position, and even the most comfortablest positions can get uncomfortable rather quickly is held for a prolonged amount of time. After about six hours, Converter began to get extremely annoyed. She couldn’t get enough energy to do anything useful, and it was sparking annoying. Also, there was no food, which made Converter extremely hungry. They dare lock me up! She thought angrily. The pathetic Epics, they should fight me, not lock me up and starve me to death. Converter released her barrier of air and stood up, her chains rattling, and she looked up to the small slit in her prison where the her minders looked in occasionally. The frozen air making it hard to breath. “Cowards!” she yelled. “You claim to be Epic, but you act like a normal.” As she taunted the guards, she absorbed the heat from her chains, what little was left, causing bit of frost to form on the already cold metal. Converter waited a while, listening for the shouts of outrage from the guards. Absolute silence fell on her ears. Not a single sound. The guards were sparking ignoring her. They dare ignore me, she thought angrily, electricity arcing along the chains as her anger let loose the energy she was storing. I, Converter, the most powerful Epic, and they are ignoring me. Ignorant normals. Not worthy of the title Epic.She sat back down, chains rattling in a constant reminder of her position. After her brief outburst, Converter sat in the middle of her now almost stifling iglue prison impatiently waiting for Rainmaker to come and challenge her. Converter’s wish was granted a few hours later, as she heard the muffled voice of Rainmaker. “Met's gif mish omer wif muiffly, shall me?” What is she talking about? Converter wondered. Is Rainmaker finally going to fight me? Converter clambered to her feet, and faced the direction of the pathetic Epic's direction. Converter stood there, getting ready to show the “Queen” her place, but nothing happened. Other than Rainmaker speaking a bit more, Converter could make it out, nothing happened. Absolutely nothing. Not even one insult from the fake Queen of Corvallis. This just shows the incompetence of Rainmaker. After a couple minutes, Converter could faintly hear the sounds of someone leaving, and after that, silence. Even more silent than normal. It sounded like someone had put a large foam pad on top of her prison, putting even the steady sound of rain on the metal sheets. Odd, Converter thought, did they really think that a bit more insulation would help after cooling the whole place, fools. She sat back down, since now it was obvious that Rainmaker was still too a coward to fight Converter . The chained Epic sat in board silence, kept frustratingly in her prison. After a hour of sitting there, Converter started to notice that she was getting light headed. Sparking slontzes, as what Rainmaker was doing clicked. I hate that sparking Epic, and I will kill her. And with that final thought, Converter let all the energy she still had out in a small explosion, destroying her body. Converter opened her eyes, and saw a very frightened little girl, looking at her with utter shock in her eyes.
  11. Here's the character she's based on
  12. I would if I could, but she's based on a pre-existing character
  13. Yup, just enough to really annoy people, but not kill them. Also, just as a warning in advance for Star Thief, I have no control over her once she is unloosed, so be warned.
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