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Everything posted by TheSilverDragon

  1. Hmmm, I don't want it to be too offensive, so how about 212 degrees
  2. Star Thief's Power Set and background
  3. Sure thing. Just temporarily , its about 20 miles outside of Corvallis, so outside of the bubble, but close enough to still be viable for Converter to form in.
  4. So, just some questions here. First, I just want to make sure that Star Thief is ok, being as she is a child. Second, Is it ok if Converter reincarnates in Nashville, Oregon? Third, Has Star Thief even been approved yet? And fourth, Have I PMed anyone Star Thief's weakness? I don't remember.
  5. I'm probably going to have converter die, and reincarnate somewhat else with Star Theif. What do you guys, and ladies, think?
  6. Thanks, I'll fix that Why do you need that? I feel like the best way to win right now is to get one of the missions to fail. That way we know that a) one person is inactive, or b)that one of them is an eliminator. Right now I don't know who would be the most likely to be an eliminator so, any opinions? Line up for the mission so far: STINK, Kynedath, Lopen, and Shallan If you have any objections please voice them, thanks.
  7. The missions have not given us any information yet, because all of them of have succeeded. Only when one fails, then we can start analyzing them. Thus also mea s I'm still not in the clear. Right now, I don't have enough infirmation to bite, so until then, I'll be watching from my corner.
  8. I feel like there is a lynch train, though I'm not going to stop, mostly 'cause I don't have any good arguments. I also have a Question for Lopen, why did you pick me to PM if you thought I was evil. If I was, which I'm not, why did you PM to clear yourself?
  9. I can say I'm not a trader, but have been buzzy latelyy, with work, school and getting sick. I'm a regular, with. No aviar.Edit: I can confirm that Lopen did pm me. Point point
  10. Star Thief stood admits tall, ugly grownup people, all talking about missions, and risking their life. There all so dumb, she thought to her self, why are they worrying about these missions? There's no shinys involved. She paused for a moment, but what if there was? She could now see the real intent behind the missions, it was to get as many shinys as possible. " weakening their security forces" was just another way of saying "steal all their shinys and they wont be able to hire any guards." Star Thief did a little dance of joy when she realized what the real purposes of the mission was. "Oo, ooo, ooo!" She shouted jumping up and down with eagerness. "Can I god and steal the shinys with you guys?" This is not me saying I whether or not I want to go on the mission, just a bit of RP. I wouldn't object going since reasons. Also, I did not vote last cycle but: so something's up here.
  11. Star Thief sat on a small round table near the center of the room. And yes, actually on the table, feet crossed underneath her with a cute white cat purring peacefully in her lap. A large glass of sparkling orange soda sat next to her on the table, about half empty. All around her, big, noisy men stomped around and shouted at each other for little things like getting one of their friends killed. It's not like they stole any shinys or anything, she though to her self, quite confused. If they did, then it would be cause to be mad. For her, the whole world revolved around things that glittered and sparkled in the light. The little girl raised her hand and brushed a stray piece of bright silver hair out of her face, and trucked it behind her ear. As she turned her head, her bright blue eyes caught sight of something extremely shiny, one of the spigots behind the bar. Gently picking her cat up, Star Thief stored weight and jumped down from the table, gently landing in front of it. She made her way between the noisy and clumsy big people and approached the shiny spigot. While no one was looking, she quickly tapped weight, and pulled on the small shiny spigot, and, after a little resistance, it came flaying off the wall. Star Thief managed to put her prize into her pocket and skipped away from the growing pile of ale that was spilling onto the floor from the untapped spigot. --- --- --- So, first Star Thief RP, more to come. I don't have any lasting suspicions right now, so no vote for the time being. This might possibly change, but mostly likely not.
  12. I thank all of you for not voting/talking about me while I was at work/sleeping/watching critical role. Voting for Polking can be beneficial but if he is good, then we have killed a villager, just to prove that one other player is good. It might be good to know that Water is in fact good, though giving up a player to find that out is a bad idea. On the other had, if polking is an eliminator, then it does us some good, killing an eliminator is always good, but it doesn't prove anything about water. The point I'm trying to prove here is that I'm still not sold on killing someone just to find out if another player is good. By the way, I now believe Mail about that whole, "hold on" post being about his code word, so he is kind of clear in my books.
  13. I do it all the time, you make the weirdest decisions thst way, though that might be the point you're trying to make.I'm not influential, I can tell you that much. Maybe the eleminators wanted to make sure Elkanah died. Edit, auto correct mistakes
  14. Ahhh, I need sleep, but I don't want to die. Yes, bandawgony, totally. Voting after only one other person has voted the condemned. Bandwagon would be costing after there are four or five votes. Yes, I was voting to save myself, but who wouldn't.Also, again with the , wait one round, thing. One round wouldn't do much, unless he can bid or something. Stealing another aviary wouldn't have much effect,.because he wouldn't babe able to get results with it until the cycle after. It just seems a little fishy to me. This is likely to be my last post before I got to sleep. edit: now looking back at the vote tallies, mailliw is probably hidden, but used it last round, and. Can't.use.it this round, but.wanted.to.use.it next round.
  15. That seems really suspicious. Why hold off a day, that doesn't make sense. The only two reasons is, one, you are trying to get someone's aviar, or second, you are an eliminator trying to forestall a lynch. I'm going to vote for Mailliw until he clarifies what he means by "don't ruin it" And also to make him tied with me EDIT: color
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