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Kobold King

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Kobold King last won the day on February 6 2019

Kobold King had the most liked content!

About Kobold King

  • Birthday November 6

Profile Information

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    [laughing like a loon]
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    Sciences, especially zoology. At times he has kept a birding journal of the avian species he has encountered.

    Books; fiction-wise, he prefers speculative fiction from great authors such as Brandon Sanderson, Robert Heinlein, James White, and H. G. Wells.

    Marvelous movies and television programs such as "Guardians of the Galaxy" and "Doctor Who."

    Space. Spaaaaaace.

    Delusionally referring to himself in the third person.

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  1. ...Peter Ahlstrom just posted a reply to something I said. PETER AHLSTROM HAS SEEN A POST OF MINE. And I, an inconsequential newbie at that! :D

    1. LinkasZelda


      Whaaaaaaaaaaat? Link? Where? What did you say? What did he say? What were you wearing?

    2. Kobold King

      Kobold King

      I don't think links work on comments, but here's the URL:

      I choose to interpret his comment as an official confirmation of the Nightstick ship. :P

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