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Lightsworn Panda

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Everything posted by Lightsworn Panda

  1. Meta, I disagree with your reason for lynching someone today. Just because we're eventually going to lose someone doesn't necessarily mean we have to go gung ho and just lynch someone. If we minimalize our losses early, we'll be able to achieve a more favorable late game. The chances of hitting a Spiked on Day 1 is already small (1/5) and I think we've only managed that once in MR3. I'll colour this post later when I can get on a PC
  2. I've always dreaded the moment when someone else with Panda in their name joins. Things are going to get complicated...
  3. Try watching that on a phone…
  4. Whilst all the action occurred, the Panda observed nonchalantly while contentedly chewing a bamboo. (May I propose that we could settle this with a simple vote, the same way the war between the Newcago Court and the Lords of Chaos was settled?)
  5. Never in the RP did it say the missiles hit. Also, The Panda should have rejuvenated enough of his wings to slow the descent to non-lethal levels.
  6. From Kobold's RP, I interpreted that none of the bullets hit Panda's head. Also, like I said, he retreats towards a safe area on the ground. The Panda has his body programmed to rejuvenate to a certain state (he has some starfish capabilities, too), so brain damage through bullets isn't that particularly dangerous to him. What I meant by brain death I meant having his brain completely blown away with something like a fireball. Also, the Panda has an unnaturally thick skull (ha ha). Yes, they're firing high-caliber rounds, but that doesn't mean it can't be stopped. At least the damage is lessened.
  7. The dream rejuvenated The Panda. Zealous faith is powering him on right now. Well, I guess The Panda isn't going to win this one (By the way, ear protection muffles, but it doesn't block out. So loud sounds like gunshots will be made into low "thud" sounds, but high pitched sounds could potentially break through.) Alright: Take 2. The Panda can heal very quickly from wounds. faster than even the Wolverine. While the helicopter is retreating, The Panda retreats towards the ground to a nearby group of captured humans. In full sight of Vondra, he transforms them into pandas, possibly antagonizing Vondra to come down and attack him. Meanwhile, his Epics and some of his pandas converge to areas close to him (but unseen by the Guards and Epics) and prepare for a possible ambush. Screeching would force Siren to cover his ears in agony, breaking him off from his song. See above.
  8. Sorry for not answering your question earlier, Aonar. Well, now that I've nerfed him like Rito, he isn't that powerful. The Panda could simply just interrupt the singing with a screech or a rock thrown at dangerously high speeds towards the cranium. Yep, he can still affect a deaf person. Blocking it out won't help either.
  9. I dunno, the helicopter definetly had better ranged capabileties and shouldn´t stand back in mobility either, so I don´t exactly see the Panda curbstombing it. Oh, ye of little faith. A panda can overcome anything with the power of friendship and cuddliness! Here's how The Panda will take down Vondra's chopper: After healing from his wounds, Panda emits a high pitched screech, forcing the gunner and pilot to cover their ears. While they're still distracted, the Panda flies forward, punches through the bullet-proof glass of the cockpit, tears out both pilots, and proceeds to watch the chopper fall towards the ground. After the dust and smoke dramatically clears, The Panda flies down to pull Vondra (who has miraculously survived thanks to the protective power granted by being a character) out of the wreckage and transforms him into a panda. Do you agree to that, Kobold? (Seriously? No one is agreeing to a regime of tyranny under pandas? Think of the appeals of being watched over by your panda overlords!) The Panda probably will join the Astoria thread latter, although without his army but with his Epics. In hindsight, I admit the spirit ability is a bit broken. I'll remove it and give it to another Epic.
  10. Ah, I forgot to add that people who are within Siren's area of effect can clearly hear him, regardless of their distance from him, and can also find their way towards him through sense of hearing. Generally, the older and more haunting a song is, the wider its range and the longer duration needed to kill is.
  11. There's people younger than 16 on this forum? Ugh. Early teenage fiction. Another bad memory I've tried to bury. So, uh, any opinions on Siren?
  12. The Panda's is limited by science and his imagination. It's a last ditch plan. Perhaps I could scratch that idea too, in favor of creating a new Epic in The Panda's army: Siren. Epic Name: Siren Gender: Male Primary Power: Deathsinger Whenever Siren sings, people (and animals) die, Epic or not. The area of effect and time taken to die depends on the song Siren is singing. A pop song would have an area of effect the size of a circle with a 10 metre radius, and would have a kill time of 3 or less seconds (although Siren can prolong the kill time for the sadistic pleasure of watching people slowly dying), while a requiem would have a city-wide kill-range, but would require the entire song to be sung (and a requiem generally lasts for an hour). While the song is being sung, people inside the area of effect will begin to wither, and may become overcome with bouts of pain, and will even begin to rot just before their time of demise. Epics are affected by Siren's songs the same way a vanilla would be. Interrupting the sung will avert death, but the damage done will remain. People with a strong sense of determination or is unnaturally attached to living or achieving a goal can cling to life longer than an ordinary person would. After death, a miasma of energy leaves the victim's body (some would call this their "soul") and is absorbed by Siren. These "souls" can be drawn upon later by Siren when he sings again, and can be manipulated by him as he sings. These souls have the denseness of water vapour, but can apply many kilotons of pressure. Secondary Power: Costume-materialization Siren manifests the costume/clothes of the original singer of the song he is singing (regardless of whether he wants to or not). Can be a bit awkward when he sings the songs of a female pop singer. Appearance: Siren is a tall, gaunt man of unknown Caucasian descent, and is starting to bald. His most remarkable feature are his harrowing eyes, which are unusually dark and glows with a strange energy. Yes, Siren is inspired by Karthus from League of Legends. Pls dont sue me, Rito. I'm actually going to cry now. Thank you, Kobold. I actually might be the Youngest Sharder here.
  13. Good game all! Thanks Joe for GMing. 158 pages in the Eliminator doc... That's certainly more than whatever me and Rainspren got in MR4
  14. Sure! I'm always welcome for cannon fodder! We havr rpics here that can change objects into buses at will. I think creating a zombie-virus wouldn't be that hard. Also, it's not the type that brings people back from the the dead. It's the sort that gives people an unsatisfiable hunger for flesh and blows away all consciousness, including the threshold for pain. You can put the the other animals as enraged. Ouch. Getting shot by an entire helicopter's armaments must hurt. Pandas have feelings too, Kobold. I should have a RP up, sometime before the next week (Yes, I know I take forever to write RP)
  15. Everyone has hobbies and free time. It should be noted that The Panda rarely needs to sleep, since he has changed himself to the point that he doesn't need to to sleep (The nap he took was simply to pass time). One of Panda's pursuits was creating new creatures/life-forms (like the flying pigs). The zombie virus was the result of considerably enhancing rabies. I don't think I repeat this enough: The Panda can change biological matter at will. While he does have a background in biology, he doesn't necessarily need it. His power does all the complicated things for him (like identifying and changing cells).
  16. From the amount of convincing arguments, I guess I'll have to scratch the giant panda idea then (as hilarious as it is). Keep the virus in a syringe (I'm pretty sure zombie viruses are hardy enough to survive inside a syringe for long periods of time). Plunge syringe into unlucky victim when things get serious. Evacuate town immediately. Panda can still animate dead flesh. By the way, before anyone asks why The Panda didn't just release the virus right off, remember that The Panda still wants to create his safe haven for pandas. It's a bit hard to settle a place when it's infested with zombies, and The Panda couldn't just contain and starve the zombies to death like they did in 28 Days.
  17. Rightyo then. Now, pardon me while I go and kill off a couple hundred vanilla guards. Pandas aren't the only things that're attacking the city. Also, The Panda still has a couple of aces up his sleeve. A zombie-disease (28 Days Later type), for example. I'm also planning to merge all the dead pandas together to form a giant panda. And of course, The Panda still has a supply of recruits that can be transformed drawn from the totally willing human population of The Dalles. There are not many things in this world that can give you a thousand-yard stare, but a substandard airline company is one. A good one will at least try to make the trip comfortable. Being on a plane, as you can see, is a... unique experience.
  18. (Whimper) I highly recommend "Bleeding Out'. It is, in my view, the best Imagine Dragons song. Try "Demons" and "Warriors" (I also highly recommend the latter) if you like the "Radioactive" kind of music. "Round and Round", "Monster" and "Tiptoe" are also worth listening to. For my next RP, would anyone object if the pandas captured the Northern part of The Dalles? Also, could I create some Epics in the city's Guard to kill off? Or would someone like to offer their Epics on the Panda Sacrifice Altar it's got cookies on it!? I finally came home from China. While holding on to dear life during the torturous 9 hour trip (Pandas are not comfortable with flying, especially inside cramped metallic containers that reek of dead air), I came to a conclusion that the third line in the Surgebinder's oath (Journey before destination) most certainly did not apply certain situations.
  19. Pardon the double post, but I'd like to ask for clarification for some of the rules: Can Shards Invest in themselves? You wrote Domination in the Dominion rules. Can Shards withdraw their powers from worldhoppers? What does "exercised" mean from the Devotion rule set? Does Odium know who his champions are, and vice versa?
  20. Stone doesn't have to be cloned. You simply quarry it. Heck, you could even pick it off the ground, if its quality was good enough. And there are exceptions to everything, Edgedancer. Arrows don't necessarily have to pierce armour to kill someone. The brunt force of an arrow hitting someone with armour on is enough to crack ribs. Considering how the arrows were fired by enhanced creatures that could put scores more pounds of force into arrows, the fact that modern military gear isn't exactly made to stop large objects like arrows and the fact that the guards were hit by multiple arrows, the guards could have been killed by the force and trauma alone. Also, modern day military gear is made to stop bullets, not arrows. Kevlar is cloth/material. A bullet isn't actually a very sharp object, nor is it a heavy object. Kevlar can stop bullets as it disperses and softens the force of a bullet (which, as I have said before, is a light object). An arrow is a sharp and heavy object. Even fire-hardened or stone-sharpened arrows are very sharp (I know this from personal experience. Still have the scars). Arrows can easily tear through modern armour, as it has more momentum and sharpness than a bullet. True, some body armour do have ceramic or steel plates under them, but those suits are pretty expensive, so I doubt the entire city guard would have them. Plate body armour also do have gaps in them.
  21. I used to be able to Lucid Dream. I seem to have lost the ability recently, for some reason. My Lucid Dreams weren't exactly very controllable. Sure, I could still control things (like creating people and such), but the said things always had some sort of (almost cruel) twist to them. People would be stuck in a vegetative state, objects created would break easily, and so on.
  22. Every time a panda dies in this RP, a puppy dies in the real world. If it impedes their progress, yes. What I wrote was: At no point did I ever state what the arrows were made of, or even write about the arrows. Kobold, I just got to the part in your post where your Epic blinded some pandas. I think I cried for 2 minutes. At least pandas rely on their sense of smell more than their sense of sight. (Sniff) Nice choice of music, though. Do you listen to Imagine Dragon songs? Okay, so maybe I was exaggerating when I said I cried.
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