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Lightsworn Panda

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Everything posted by Lightsworn Panda

  1. (Whimper) I highly recommend "Bleeding Out'. It is, in my view, the best Imagine Dragons song. Try "Demons" and "Warriors" (I also highly recommend the latter) if you like the "Radioactive" kind of music. "Round and Round", "Monster" and "Tiptoe" are also worth listening to. For my next RP, would anyone object if the pandas captured the Northern part of The Dalles? Also, could I create some Epics in the city's Guard to kill off? Or would someone like to offer their Epics on the Panda Sacrifice Altar it's got cookies on it!? I finally came home from China. While holding on to dear life during the torturous 9 hour trip (Pandas are not comfortable with flying, especially inside cramped metallic containers that reek of dead air), I came to a conclusion that the third line in the Surgebinder's oath (Journey before destination) most certainly did not apply certain situations.
  2. Pardon the double post, but I'd like to ask for clarification for some of the rules: Can Shards Invest in themselves? You wrote Domination in the Dominion rules. Can Shards withdraw their powers from worldhoppers? What does "exercised" mean from the Devotion rule set? Does Odium know who his champions are, and vice versa?
  3. Stone doesn't have to be cloned. You simply quarry it. Heck, you could even pick it off the ground, if its quality was good enough. And there are exceptions to everything, Edgedancer. Arrows don't necessarily have to pierce armour to kill someone. The brunt force of an arrow hitting someone with armour on is enough to crack ribs. Considering how the arrows were fired by enhanced creatures that could put scores more pounds of force into arrows, the fact that modern military gear isn't exactly made to stop large objects like arrows and the fact that the guards were hit by multiple arrows, the guards could have been killed by the force and trauma alone. Also, modern day military gear is made to stop bullets, not arrows. Kevlar is cloth/material. A bullet isn't actually a very sharp object, nor is it a heavy object. Kevlar can stop bullets as it disperses and softens the force of a bullet (which, as I have said before, is a light object). An arrow is a sharp and heavy object. Even fire-hardened or stone-sharpened arrows are very sharp (I know this from personal experience. Still have the scars). Arrows can easily tear through modern armour, as it has more momentum and sharpness than a bullet. True, some body armour do have ceramic or steel plates under them, but those suits are pretty expensive, so I doubt the entire city guard would have them. Plate body armour also do have gaps in them.
  4. I used to be able to Lucid Dream. I seem to have lost the ability recently, for some reason. My Lucid Dreams weren't exactly very controllable. Sure, I could still control things (like creating people and such), but the said things always had some sort of (almost cruel) twist to them. People would be stuck in a vegetative state, objects created would break easily, and so on.
  5. Every time a panda dies in this RP, a puppy dies in the real world. If it impedes their progress, yes. What I wrote was: At no point did I ever state what the arrows were made of, or even write about the arrows. Kobold, I just got to the part in your post where your Epic blinded some pandas. I think I cried for 2 minutes. At least pandas rely on their sense of smell more than their sense of sight. (Sniff) Nice choice of music, though. Do you listen to Imagine Dragon songs? Okay, so maybe I was exaggerating when I said I cried.
  6. Welcome, Aonar! I apologize for not seeing your post. The Guards might notice a depression/elevation in the soil, but considering how far the forts (and therefore, the tunnels) are away from The Dalles, I suppose it'd be quite hard to notice. The "shift problem" would only be a problem if there was only one mole working at a time at the front. There's more than one. Fire is fairly easy to make. Just let some wood dry out and set them on fire, before hardening your arrows. Stone is fairly common-place, and can also be quarried with (organically-grown) bone tools. Hmm... come to think of it, I could also arm the pandas with bone-tipped arrows.
  7. An ordinary mole can tunnel about 12-15 feet in an hour. Assuming the said mole digs 24 hours a day (or works in shifts, as is the case here), it could cover around a maximum of 110 metres in a day (I'm using the non-American spelling, for those of you who are abut to point out that supposed mistake). Now, this is an ordinary mole. What if the said mole was enhanced and enlarged? The digging rate could be at least doubled, if not tripled. As long as the Panda Army did not march very far from The Dalles, the moles could dig the the required tunnels within a week. The debris could also simply be carted away by pandas (Moles don't leave much in term of debris, anyway. Some moles compress the dirt against the walls) and the walls could also be strengthened by said pandas. It's amazing how much damage fire-hardened or stone tipped arrows can do. Especially if fired by enhanced pandas that can put hundreds of pounds of pressure behind an arrow with a bow.
  8. What's with the sudden bandwagon on me? True, I do fit most of the categories. One category I do not fit, however, would be the choice of manipulation. While I have been erratic in my first few games, I've become more conservative and cautious in the recent games. I would never change the votes listed, unless I had sufficient information regarding the matter. I wouldn't be so blatant, either, in my vote changes. As I had said before, I only changed one vote on Cycle 3, just to exercise my power. I have not used my Powers since. I'm fairly sure I can't pry this bandwagon off my shoulder. I don't have the time or motivation to come up with a detailed counter-post. If I am to be lynched, then so be it. You'll all realize your mistake. Mckeedee and Unodus, I expect you two to be joining me in the grave for your mistakes. He who leads the bandwagon tends to take the brunt of the consequences, after all. Edit: Colour
  9. Did... Did Kobold just become Adonalsium? Welp, I guess that opens up new possible rep titles. Wonder what's more powerful than The Broken One.
  10. The army arrived through underground tunnels, dug by giant moles. I'm intending to introduce the said moles in my next RP, surprising and eating some hapless guards. I thought I'd already answered the second question, but I'll repeat it again. The Panda started the siege wanting to solve it as peacefully as possible. However, due to the lack of response and the dream (which instilled a sudden hate of humanity), Panda decided to end the siege and en mass storm The Dalles.
  11. I also second the question. Knowing who manipulates votes might be able to let us point fingers at people, but why is this currently one of the higher priorites? To get this out of the way, yes, I am a Rioter. The only time I ever used my power was to change Hero's vote to Malliw a couple of Cycles back, and that was only on a whim to exercise my power. Yes, I am aware that I could have made a couple of clutch saves and maybe even accidentally kill an Eliminator with my Power, but I was either offline, or my [REDACTED] WiFi wouldn't let me post, much less send a PM.
  12. Depends on what your definition of experienced is. If "experienced" means number of games played, you can add me to that list. If you mean actually experienced, in the cunning kind of way... Let's put it this way, I don't think the Eliminators have ever deemed me a threat enough to waste their kill on me (despite me having the incredible misfortune of being on Team Good for literally 11 GAMES IN A ROW). I wouldn't say Malliw has done nothing suspicious in a game. It's simply impossible for a player to keep a clean slate for an entire game. If there's anything I learnt from playing Sanderson Elimination, it's the fact that anything is suspicious. To quote the arrest decree of the law: "Anything you say can be and will be used against you". Are you trying to distract us from Malliw, Mckeedee?
  13. So, I'm starting to work on my next RP. However, my old nemesis - the writer's block - is once again plaguing me again. After a most determined and inspiring rush of effort, I managed to write ten words. Does anyone have tips for overcoming this predicament?
  14. Elsa, you could hyperlink that link (The hyperlink option is under the size changer on the edit bar) or link the image directly.
  15. Cheese United, I don't think anyone else has achieved that level of reputation change. I think not even Brandon on the first day of his Q&A received that many votes. Hats off to you, good sir.
  16. You can also have multiple characters going at the same time. A position is always open in the Panda Army for foolish and gullible people!
  17. I would have approved of this Guild, had there not been an "evil panda" quote. Pandas are cute, loving, kind, genocidal, bloodthirsty and determined to transform all forms of life into pandas creatures! Now, for the onslaught of "Let's make peace! Have a cookie" messages to begin...
  18. I can assure you that you're making the same mistake (albeit in reverse) with at least two other players here.
  19. Hastein (or Hastin, depending on whatever interpretation you have) was one of my favorite historical stories. Maybe it was because it reflected a similar mistake I made in real life. From the lack of response to the diplomat pig, I was guessing no one was going to pick up from the que. As for the level-headness of The Panda, players of Sanderson Elimination will know that I can be, at times, a (cough) perfectly calm, non-erratic (cough) and reasonable player that makes sense (vomit). I suppose I could chalk The Panda's erraticness up to being a fanatic zealot determined to transform the whole of mankind into pandas.
  20. While he doesn't have the highest level (he once did, prior the Rise of Kobold King), Brandon certainly still has the highest rep rate.
  21. I half expect the highest rep to be "Brandon Himself"... Well, now that you're a Shard, what intent do you intend to take up, Kobold?
  22. STAHP TORTURING ME! It isn't if you can make mutations and such with just a thought, have a background in biology and can convert mundane materials like wood into fuel.
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