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Lightsworn Panda

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Everything posted by Lightsworn Panda

  1. So the Wit is the Teemo troll of the game, huh? Pardon me if I'm too blind to see it, but I don't see any rules about the Shardblade. How does it work?
  2. Well, that was a quick game. Good Game all! Thanks for GMing, Joe! Aonar, I was about to kill you next Cycle with my Renegade skill. Pity we lost before that.
  3. Can I request an updated player list? I'm finding it hard to keep track of the number of players left. Damon, you have not posted at all in this entire game. You haven't given a reason for your inactivity, and this playstyle is drastically different from your LG9 playstyle. You've only been active in your PM's, which I find quite suspicious. Unless you contribute, you're dead weight.
  4. Rainspren can't post right now since he has computer issues, so he requested for me to post for him: Yes, I'm in contact with the LB. My laptop's messed up, so I can't check if the LB has told me anything.
  5. He'll have to be particularly tenacious to break free, but I can let that happen. The ending of Warbreaker left me strangely unsatisfied. I guess I wanted to know more about what happened to Siri and the King and such. Now, off to RP!
  6. Actually, Newan, I know from my contacts that the other Renegade is still innocent. Newan, The researcher wouldn't lie about your alignment, since we'd lynch him/her if that was the case.
  7. Huh. No wonder why there was so much hype about that happening... So Stephen's a vanilla human... Yay! Another unwilling human to be shown the true light of Pandaness!
  8. You had me high-lighting for white text there. Sanderson Elimination has rubbed off too much on me... Also, one last question before I RP. Who's the Leader of The Dalles? From the RP, it seems to be Arsenal, amiright?
  9. Jackpot! We've unearthed a Convert! I'll be voting for you, Newan. So, we've gotten one out of the possible 3 Converts (considering the pace at which the Hoid is converting, there's a high chance that Hoid will Convert again this Cycle). Also taking into mind that Newan, an inconspicius and not very dominant player was converted, we can assume that the last Convert (I'm assuming Hoid can't re-recruit after a Convert dies) won't necessarily be an experienced or influential player. Edit: Colour. COLOUR. COLOUR!
  10. I've always had a problem with not reading spoilers. Right now, my fingers are positively itching from not clicking those spoiler tags. Caleb LeftVash, you can put words into spoiler tags by putting your words into something like this: [spoiler*]Words[/spoiler*] Don't put the asterixes in, since I put them there to negate the activation of the spoiler tag.
  11. And so the Cosmere Puns Thread reared its undead face up from the dark depths known to us as the "Dead Threads".
  12. Sadly, their human sides have been completely repressed, if not twisted. The Shadow Pandas, strangely enough, think it normal to be asked such questions. Pretty cool power, Twi. Reminds me of Zilean. (C'mon, someone get the LoL reference...) I have some questions for your power, though. What would happen if Rewind was killed whilst mid-loop? Would he be able to avert that death? Could you step into the looping zone while it was active, and what would happen?
  13. It wouldn't be that hard for the Shadow Pandas to make an intercept-and-run mission. I've always wondered about Nightblood's opinion on pandas...
  14. Great! More Epics to Pandafy interact with! mail-mi, since I have to pull the Shadow Pandas out soon, and since they don't take a question as coming with them willingly, would you mind if I dragged reader off in a sack?
  15. I'm using Chrome right now. Maybe Internet Explorer or Firefox will work. My colour editor problem seems to be a bit different from what you're desribing, Meta. When I type up a post, colour in the words and post it, some of the coloured words revert back to black. Funnily enough, it's always the blue text that reverts. Current votes are: Lucy: Malliw Aonar: Alv Ashiok: Satrams Wyrm: Jain Damon: Malliw I'll take off my vote for Wyrm, since our dear Head of Inquisition is too valuable to lose to a vote manipulation.
  16. I can't believe how many pigs have been blown to shreds/cut apart/sent plunging out of the sky/been sacrificed heroically in the past few RP posts. What have those pigs ever done to you!?
  17. So, who would Hoid convert? Considering how he has a limited number of conversions (between 3 and 4), I'd say it's say to say that Hoid went after the more experienced and influential players. Players in this game I'd consider as experienced and influential would be Wyrm, Meta, Malliw, Joe Alv and Aonar. I'm also suspicious of Luckat and Satrams, since both can be capable players. Yes, I've played 11 games. I was a loose cannon in 9 of them, so that disqualifies me from that list. From the above list, I find Wyrm to be the most likely Converted. Some scars still ache from betrayal, and once bitten twice shy. You're also the most unsuspecting and thus inconspicuous victim, since you claim to be a vanilla. Edit: COLOUR
  18. I didn't realize one of my first threads got necroed so bad...
  19. I may or may not be responsible for the said Panda invasion. I wonder why. (Quickly looks away from Member Name)
  20. And that, kids, was how the Sanderson Elimination topic was annexed by Oregon.
  21. I was going to rage about how I, yet again, wasn't on Team Evil, but then I remembered that Hoid converts his minions. Yay! There is still hope left for me! Alv, would you mind popping in today? (RP coming) Edit: Retracted vote. Ninja'd by Aonar.
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