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Lightsworn Panda

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Everything posted by Lightsworn Panda

  1. It's interesting to note that the Dark Alley, one of the most recent Guilds, is also the last active one. (Sigh) Ah, where are the Glorious Days of the Feathertips? Where were the days when Newcago stood glorious and resplendent? Where were the merry days when Shivertongue's Crew sailed the seas?
  2. Not very. He'd just give him the choice. Yep It's up to him. Umm... I can't think of anything random for the next stage in the siege, so I'll start doing some flashbacks for the Panda and give Informant his first post, and maybe Energy Diffusi.
  3. Joe, could I request an extension to the sign up? Maybe some players will be able to make it with the extended time.
  4. Thanks for pointing that out. It's always good for someone to point out inconsistencies. 1. Panda grew under the cover of the night. Informant also made the guards forget the presence of the trees. (This was why I wanted to have the siege in the morning.) 2. Actually, the flying pigs were covering most of the city. 50 pigs in one spot would be a bit hard to notice. 3. The Pandas are heavily enhanced spec op Pandas. The guards put up a bit of a fight, but they still went down. 4. One of the Pandas caused a distraction while the others snuck up and broke the Guards' necks. Easy. I thought Reader was already in the Bunker by the time the abduction began... Looks like Informant is our plot-hole solution.
  5. Actually, he's a second Epic. he's also been turned into a Panda. Edit: And I'll refrain from going God-mode next time in my RP, mail-mi. I think anyone would stammer at the sight of a squad of Pandas charging into a room, though.
  6. Thanks for the positive feedback, guys! Good questions. 1. A Panda isn't a panda if it doesn't have white fur, at least in the Panda's eyes. 2. Energy Difussi was helping. The gentic altering only partly helped in "not getting a scratch". He'll pop up in my next RP.
  7. So, I've furthered the Siege of The Dalles with some flying pigs and rabid squirrels. More havoc! Sorry for not replying earlier. As long as Frequency is (or appears to be) fine with a panda-dominated city, sure. You can see it now. The Shadow Pandas.
  8. It had been an hour since the Siege began. The city was still responding, with firefighters putting out fires and Epics beginning to gather at the city's edges. The fires that had been started by the flaming arrows were starting to die down. The Panda stood by himself at the top of the hill. No-one had yet to approach him. A tar-black helicopter began to rise above the city, it's rotors cutting through the air at an increasing pace. The Panda frowned. It seemed like the second part of the Siege had to be ushered forward. That would also provide a perfect cover for the abduction for the Reader he planned. Under the layer of adorably-patterned fur and cuteness all pandas had to hide their emotions, The Panda was quite excited. One of the key things the founding of a safe haven of pandas required, according the Radiant Panda, was a man who could read one's past. Why a man of such powers was needed was a mystery, but the Radiant Panda worked in mysterious ways. The Panda took a deep breath, filling his lungs, and released an immense roar. Pandas, while quiet most of the time, could be exceptionally loud if they wanted to. Pandas began rushing to positions in their siege forts, throwing open doors cut into their forts. Each fort was an organic structure, grown (at enhanced speeds during the night) out of oak. As a result, The Panda was exhausted by the morning, which was why he wasn't partaking in the siege. The forts appeared to be unnaturally immense trees - so wide that a 50 pandas linking their paws could barely encircle the tree, so tall that they rivaled the tallest buildings in The Dalles - except they were hollow on the inside, allowing its defenders to hide inside. It also allowed the Panda to hide a few surprises inside. The Panda still retained a sense of human humor. Maybe that was why, when he was choosing which animal to gift wings to (other than to some of his pandas), he chose a certain chubby little animal. The hewn in doors slid open slowly, progress slightly slowed by the tree sap. There was a great disturbance of air, and the most unlikely animal to ever take flight took flight. From every tree-fort emerged hordes of winged pigs, tubby pink bodies graced with an angelic white set of dove wings. It had taken quite a lot of trial and error for The Panda to create the flying pigs. He had to lower the density of the pig's bodies, change their skeletal structure, and find an appropriate length for the wings. At last, however, his joke could be revealed. Hundreds of flying pigs covered the sky above The Dalles, oinking and squealing in delight as they stretched their wings. At a mental command, however, they snapped into a tight formation, and began to fly towards the east side of The Dalles in a (piggily) menacing bombing formation. Under each pig was strapped a basket. Inside each basket were a dozen angry flying squirrels, with razor sharp claws. As the Flying pigs reached the east side of the town, the pigs began tipping the contents of their baskets out with their trotters, spilling out thousands of chittering and snarling squirrels. The squirrels, realizing that their ride had gone, immediately started to glide. Infuriated by their rather uncomfortable ride in the baskets, the squirrels wanted to take their revenge out on anything that so much as breathed and lived. As the pigs continued their bombing run along the city of The Dalles, a detachment of about 50 pigs quietly made their way towards a Bunker at the center of the city. Strung between the pigs was a basket, and inside the basket were an elite squad of spec ops Pandas. These were the much-feared Shadow Pandas. They were like the wind: Fast and out of nowhere. You never noticed them coming until they slit your throat. So devote were they to their task, they painted the white side of their fur black. When the pigs were directly above the bunker, the Shadow Pandas jumped off, plummeting towards the Bunker. Despite falling hundreds of feet, the pandas survived the fall without a scratch, thanks to their specially enhanced bodies. The guards of the Bunker, too awed and stunned by the sight of the flying pigs, barely had time to reach for their weapons or an alarm before they were brutally executed. As the last guard gurgled out his final breath, the Shadow Pandas began to infiltrate the Bunker proper. Using key cards stolen off corpses - or brute force when needed - the Shadow Pandas reached the room of the Reader very quickly. The Reader spat out his drink in surprise when the blood-stained Shadow Panda entered his room. "Wha...Wha" stammered Reader A panda stepped out of the Shadow Pandas. In gruff and low voice, the panda growled "You know why we are here, Reader. Our Informant has told us about you. I a Captain Alexpanda. You are either coming with us willingly, or in a sack".
  9. Call me Jain or Panda. Your choice. And then Reader preceeds to forget about the whole plan. Never underestimate the Power of the Scouts Code Pandas! (Come one, somebody get that League of Legends reference) Yep. So long as his brain isn't completely pulverized, (and it won't be, thanks to a diamond-hard skull) The Panda is fine. Also, he happens to have a back-up brain. (Don't ask) The soldier will go for the gun, then question himself why he's going for the gun, and then proceeds to shrug off and forget his erraticness. Then manning the security camera will also have a problem with the stranger. Everyone will. He wouldn't be able to write it down fast enough. A scratch at best, and then he'd be rubbing it out. Yep, Informant's power is the power to make you forget. Name: Informant/Erasion Power: Memory Erasion Informant can make you forget details about himself and other . You have to have seen Informant for him to erase your memory, of course. However, he can make you forget about him anytime he wants. The amount he can make you forget about himself can be anything ranging from his features to his existence. As for things other than himself, Informant can make you forget about their presence, but not their existence. The speed at which he can make you forget is just a bit slower than an average person's reflexes. For example, a guard, if he sees Informant, would begin to reach for his gun, forget about the fact that Informant shouldn't be there (or the presence of his gun), and abandon his action to continue his day normally. (or get assassinated by a cute panda who was taking advantage of Informant's distraction) As a result, Informant could be standing right in front of you, and you'd forget he was there. Secondary: Word Erasion Informant can erase information and data regarding himself. Words will vanish off pages. Data files will mysteriously corrupt and lose their data. Once again, he doesn't need to be in their presence to use this ability.
  10. So, what is the layout of the Bunker like? Once I know that, I'll be able to further the Panda Invasion.
  11. That's... interesting. Joe has a rep of "So 1337 Hoid Can't Compete" at 1337 rep.
  12. It's amazing how fast the Question thread can fill up. Informant has a special power that makes him an ideal spy. Reader never remembered him Funnily enough, my Energy Diffusi happens to be the perfect counter to Revolution. The Panda won't be leading the abduction. One of his Panda subordinates will. I didn't intend to have Panda turn Reader into a panda, but I could try that. Yes, they have alcohol from sake to Western wine. All have been aged with Panda's ability. It'll be a covert hit-and-run operation. The guards will never notice. Touch is the easiest for turning someone for The Panda. However, while transforming someone into something like a bear would take Panda a few minutes, he's had sooo much experience turning things into pandas, it only takes him a few seconds to transform something into a panda. Also, the Panda has altered himself (and his minions) to have a much more tougher and resilient body. The Panda can also heal himself of a bullet wound quite easily. Who needs to see, when you can hear or smell them? He wouldn't remember. Great! I'm still not using that as my profile picture, however. The Panda wouldn't mind a fedora.
  13. A certain informant in the city revealed the existence of Reader to The Panda. The Panda wishes to capture the Reader, as the Reader (or more specifically, someone who could look into the past of others) was one of the things the Radiant Panda declared that the Panda needed to found a safe haven for pandas. Thanks to the Informant, Panda knows the layout and defense of the city. His lieutenants also know of the layout of the city (although only Colonel Cuddles and Colonel Huggies know of Reader's existence). The Panda wishes to drive out - or, if needed, completely eradicate - the inhabitants of The Dalles. A compromise or negotiation could be reached, however. I'm creating some new characters soon. One of them will be Panda's Informant. The other... his main power is called Energy Diffusi. I'm assuming The Dalles is based on the actual city in Oregon?
  14. If nobody minds, in my next post I'll be have a squad of pandas kidnap Reader from his Bunker (They'll be flown in by flying pigs ). How heavily defended is the Bunker? Where is the Bunker? What is its layout?
  15. Ummm... Is the Dalles thread normally this inactive?
  16. Joe, why do you suspect me over Malliw? We were both in with Tulir, yet you haven't given us a concrete reason for choosing me over him. Perhaps the BB thought Tulir was the BB from his signature. Tulir's signature happened to be a null sign, and was it just me who drew the connection between the "ul" in null and the "ul" in Tulir?
  17. As endearing as your puny effort to convert me to your pony religion is, my faith in the Lightsworn Panda remains strong. And yes, they're still pandas, no matter what. My next post may feature biologically altered pigs that can fly. Looks like Backtrack may get the date he always wanted...
  18. Aaaand you passed him, and I'm ashamed to say I did it.
  19. Well, I accidentally made Twilyght have more rep than Brandon. I may have just committed sacrilege.
  20. The pandas attacked the north of the town. The church shouldn't be on fire. However, the pandas have now surrounded the town.
  21. Umm... the thing is, the panda army only released a volley of arrows before bunkering down in their siege forts. No one has responded yet...
  22. Oh dear. Give us a shout when you emerge blinking in the sunshine clutching that battered tome of Warbreaker, will you? We've already lost enough people to that addiction.
  23. Actually, our world has a lot more metals than you think it has. There 11 million metric tons of tin that are currently available to mining, with metric tons more deeper in the earth. It's much more economically to research digging deeper into earth than building space ships.
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