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Lightsworn Panda

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Everything posted by Lightsworn Panda

  1. I wouldn't say they were cloning machines. They're more like vats to grow organic materials in. The Panda supplies sufficient material and genetic coding, the vats do the rest at an accelerated pace. Panda's secret secondary isn't very powerful. It's actually rather useless, so you don't need to worry. Oh, and I made my first RP post. Enjoy the Siege. And yes, the Panda has a subordinate called Colonel Cuddles.
  2. It was sometime in the afternoon when the Panda Army invaded Dalles. For years, the Panda had worked on his goal. It had been about a decade since he was visited by the vision of the Radiant Panda, but the zeal that it had put in Panda still burned bright. For years, the Panda had amassed his army of pandas, delicately cloning and bestowing intelligence upon them. Behind the hill he was standing atop, thousands upon thousands of pandas stood in ordered ranks, cute and adorable faces set in grim determination. Before the horde of black and white fur lay the unsuspecting town of Dalles. Its denziens were still asleep, curled up in their soft beds. The Panda breathed in deeply through his panda nose. He had once been human too. But he had cast aside the frailty of Humanity, and become a True Panda. "Colonel Cuddles, you may begin the assault," murmured the Panda. A panda standing to his right, wearing a red sashimono - the small flags samurai traditionally wore on their backs - saluted the Panda, and roared a command to the amassed pandas behind him. Each panda was outfitted like a classic samurai, with lacquered armor and a kasa (a flat and large round hat made out of reeds or straw).The Panda could not, sadly, clone materials such as steel, so his warriors had to make do with their organic counterparts. Each panda was armed with multiple sharpened bamboo spears, and a rather out of place yew longbow, not dissimilar to the ones the British would use in Medieval times. As one, the pandas took out their bows, strung them up and nocked arrows wrapped in oiled paper to their bows. Pandas hurried down the line, lighting the arrows with a torch. When the last arrow was lit, Colonel Cuddles roared a second order. Thousands of flaming arrows were released, shooting into the sky, each trailing a tail of fire, before reaching the apex of their climb, and began cresting downwards towards the town. As the first arrows hit the town of Dalles, the Panda signaled a repositioning. The town was populated by Epics, and he doubted his pandas, as numerous as they were, could fare well against them. The pandas split up, running unnaturally fast towards defensive structures grown out of oak that had been set up around Dalles in Siege formation. The Panda remained alone on the hill. He wasn't terribly fond of violence, and was open for diplomacy. However, he doubted the power-hungry epics would talk diplomatically, and so the show of force was necessary to cow them. The Panda had come to Dalles to create a haven for pandas. Sadly, Dalles was already inhabited. Driving them out was an unfortunate necessity. Buildings began to catch fire across the town. The Siege of Dalles had begun in earnest.
  3. Panda can transform other Epics with their consent, although they can't specify what they want changed. Examples of transformation are an extra arm/leg/eye/appendage, enhanced physical performance (like better eyesight and such) or even something that's not even human, like a exoskeleton/ By cloning, I mean both. Obviously, the sentient clone takes longer (about half a day or so). However, Panda managed to get and improve cloning machines from his labs, and can pump out scores of clones in one day. He really only needs to specify the genetic coding with his power on the clones he wants, then let the machines grow them. Panda's alterations take varying amounts of time. Growing a new arm would take about a minute. Enhancing someone is a matter of seconds. Growing something complex or inhuman (and unpanderish) like an exoskeleton would take around a few minutes to a few hours, depending on how difficult it is, and if he's made one before. Panda can manage about 20 or so complex transformations a day before collapsing. The secret secondary power isn't invincibility, I'll tell you that. He believes they are a glorious film series, and as a result has educated all his panda soldiers in the art of panda kung fu. I hope Panda isn't too OP? I'll be making a RP post soon. Also, YOU WILL NEVER PONIFY LIGHTSWORN PANDA! AHAHAHA!
  4. The Panda Informant/Erasion The Bamboozler Energy Diffusi
  5. Woah... So much activity in the space of a few hours... I see why you filled up 3 Question threads. Thanks for the welcomes! Here's my finished character. I'll also post this in Epics of Oregon. Real Name: Sebastian Ling Name: The Panda Age: Unknown Appearance: Panda appears to be literally a panda. He isn't just wearing a suit. He's got every detail of a panda, down to every strand of fur. Main Power: Organic Manipulation Panda can alter biological matter. Panda can alter someone's biological matter without skin/fur contact, but he prefers to have that contact, as it's much faster and requires less concentration. Obviously, this power doesn't work on Epics without their consent, except for himself. Since he can alter organic matter, he can as a result clone biological matter, enhance or change (or cripple) someone's biological body, and even bestow higher sentience on something like a plant or animal, although that takes up a fair bit of stamina. And yes, he can change people into pandas with this power. Or clone and bestow higher sentience on pandas. Secondary Power: Yet to be revealed. History: Sebastian was never really into pandas. His job was a scientific researcher specializing in biology, and so was brought in to research the Epics when the Epics and Calamity came. However, one night, he was visited by a vision of a radiant panda, and learnt of his Epic power. The vision tasked him into finding a land where pandas could thrive and live in almost-peace, and since then the Panda has devote to his task. He even changed himself into a panda, albeit one with human intelligence and very enhanced physical abilities. I intend to have the panda appear in the Dalles with an army of (semi-sentient) pandas, and attempt to conquer the city to create a new land for the pandas to settle in. Any objections? Oh, and I AM NOT PONIFYING MY LIGHTSWORN PANDA. (cough). If mail-mi doesn't have to, then I don't.
  6. Looks like the spam bots have moved to Switzerland.
  7. Well... that was a prime example of a random plot. I like it. Thanks, Seonid! Umm... should I write up my profile now without sending in my character's secrets? Also, who's who? Who is this much feared Nighthound? I know Funtimes is Twi, but that's it. Here's a preview on my Character: Name: The Panda Age: Unknown Appearance: Panda appears to be literally a panda. He isn't just wearing a suit. He's got every detail of a panda, down to every strand of fur. Power: Soon to be revealed.
  8. Well, I've had a change of heart and decided to join. Mind you, my posts will vary in length and quality depending on my time, and I may be slightly inactive at random times. So, before I write up my profile, do I have to TwiLyght my weaknesses and such? Is it possible to be killed? Also, could someone please give me a TL;DR of what's happened so far? There seems to be more words in the RP thread than the number of words in the entire Wheel of Time series.
  9. From what Starcraft has taught me, I'd draw as many Simple Chalklings as I could (and maybe a Simple defense), then Zerg Chalking rush my opponents to oblivion.
  10. Jain and his toy panda, a Jindonese 17th Sharder/Worldhopper is in! Yes! First to join! Now to win the Weiry!
  11. I suppose it's you, Joe, since we're all ready for a boss fight.
  12. My on-off memory stranded me in the corridor last night. I believe there's a corner in my head that's responsible for important facts and reminders, and it occasionally goes on a spring cleaning spree, emptying everything out. I planned to make a large post revealing a plan/trick, but sadly it failed, since the Cycles turned and the Serial Killer died. I was thinking of publicly contacting the Serial Killer, and asking him to leave behind messages in his signature kills to tell us if he found a BB in his stalkings.Sadly, BB don't count as a role, so the Serial Killer wouldn't know. Also, the Killer died. It's a bit scary to realize that you've been sharing a room with a Serial Killer for the first night... I hate to bandwagon, since it does bring all manners of trouble, but I'll vote squirrel. The Barons didn't kill him on Night 1, even though he was a perfect target. I believe we have a second MR 3 case. Edit: COLOUR GRAGH
  13. Sometimes, Kobold, I look at your rep, and the rate you're gaining it. Then I look at my rep and rep rate. Then I cry, and a thousand pandas around the world join me in my grief.
  14. Nightblood would probably frequent creepypasta websites for victims. Stick would just be stick.
  15. You may want to put that disclaimer in a spoiler box, 18th Shard. It's taking up a lot of space. Hey, that was my favorite defence against the Church of the Stick pun!
  16. Sounds good. You might want to send us a PM when the games starts to remind us.
  17. I'm thinking about a Panda devoted Priest who is bestowed with the power of a Higher Being, who happens/used to be a Panda. That'll make for some interesting RP.
  18. Whoops. Sorry Joe. Looks like it was Raid who was the turning point, and he did have a valid reason, since Steel wasn't agreeing with the plan. Ugh. Hay Fever can wreak havoc to one's perception, it seems. I don't think I'm processing things right in my head. Everyone was present in the Armoury.
  19. Well, that sort of complicates Raid's plan. Pir2h, you were instrumental in the lynching in the lynching of Steel, yet you didn't have good arguments for why you thought he was suspicious. You also jumped around with your vote plenty of times with Jasnah. You might be fairly new to Sanderson Elimination, and you may be an erratic player, but that's still suspicious. Joe, I'm fairly suspicious of you too. You were the "turning point" in the lynch of Steel.
  20. The Internet, that's why. I suggest rewording your post, Jabberwocky, since it does sound a touch offensive.
  21. You're not the first to say that, and you're not the first to be wrong. The past few hours are a flurry of activity that still confuses. What stands out most, however, is the fact that Jasnah and and pir2h are both vying for a lynch, and have strange and not really good arguments. Their reasons are confusing, but they're coordinated in their voting and changing. If they're not Eliminators, then they must be the worst trolls I've ever seen. We don't particularly need a lynch today. Raid's plan pretty much shuts down the entire "killing someone at night" business. Besides, there's plenty of roles that are protective this game. We all agreed to Raid's plan because it was a good one, and would minimize casualties. And please, refrain double posting. Use the Edit button.
  22. Arantir rounded the corner, spotting te rest of his allies clustered around the passage. "Finally, I've found them again. Let's hope they don't ditch me again," muttered Arantir as he strode to rejoin the group.
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