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Lightsworn Panda

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Everything posted by Lightsworn Panda

  1. I'm just waiting for the boss fight.
  2. Huh. I thought Type-I magic would be a bit common. Ah, well. The Inquisitors sound pretty awesome. Now, what are the chances of there being a Panda worhshipping Priest? In all seriousness, though, I actually am considering creating a Panda Priest.
  3. Ah, yes, I was intending to agree with that in my previous post. I agree. To the Armoury! I don't disagree with writing everything in RP. I mean actually contributing ideas and such, instead of random RP for the whole game.
  4. Jasnah, voting for me because I haven't been Eliminator over 10 or so games isn't good evidence. Our roles and alignments are assigned via an AI program, and I just happen to be on its bad books or something. Also, if the GM's thought it was a time for a change, they would have made me Eliminator 3 games back or so. I understand you're new to Sanderson Elimination, but this smells awfully like an Eliminator tactic trying to take advantage of my continued innocence. pr2h, while Sanderson Elimination is under the Role-Playing section, it's preferred that your contribute to the discussion, instead of just RPing the whole game.
  5. Can Inquisitors wield magic? Also, is magic not very widespread, since I don't see much mention of it in your backstories? Great work, Seonid. I really look forward to when it starts.
  6. AHAH, AHAH, AHAHAHAHAHA! 10 GAMES I'VE PLAYED, AND IN ALL OF THEM I'VE BEEN GOOD! OH THE HILARITY! I NEED AN AWARD FOR THIS! AHAHAHAHA! Looks like I've beaten your streak in being on Team Good, Malliw. So many roles... This game redefines "Role Madness" Well, this game just got a lot less directed without Wyrm and Kas the little backstabbers... In this game, the only people fit for leading the Inquisition would be Gamma, Aonar and maybe Malliw. I suggest that we seek the 3 out, since they're the most experienced players here, and we need an experienced leader. Speaking of which, should we protect someone tonight? Now, for some long overdue Toy Panda RP. Jain listened to the meeting with one ear. The discussion was interesting, but warranted most of his attention was the stack of files in front of him. Somehow, the Enforcement HQ had acquired a sizeable amount of paper and pens - both rarities after Steelheart's transformation of the city - for their paperwork. The content of the files were interesting, too. It appeared that the Enforcement had a nice little black market running right under Steelheart's nose, smuggling various commodities in and out of the city for Non-Epics. A toy panda was perched on the end of a desk, with a pile of files in front of it. Strange. Jain didn't quite remember placing the files in front of the toy. A scuffle brought Jain's attention back to the meeting. That Milton fellow was currently berating Doc Oleny for spilling milk on him. Tension were quite high, it seemed. Turning his attention back to the files, Jain glimpsed something that made him frown. One of the files was propped up against the stack, in a perfect reading position for the toy panda.
  7. The RP is already rampant, and Day One hasn't even started. Very well, Wyrm and Kas. You may have escaped the Panda's Wrath for now, but I will slowly spike you to death with sharpened bamboo stakes The Hand of the Inquisition will manage without the Head or the Analyst of the Inquisition. Let the Inquisition Begin!
  8. It's interesting to note that when Kobold passed Peter Ahlstrom, we almost burned him at the stake like an angry mob. Yet when TwilightsansSparkles passed Peter, no-one protested...
  9. Almighty GM, would you mind if I requested an extension for the sign-ups? We've only got 12 players and maybe some more players will join. (Wyrm and Kas, I'm looking at you. Very Intently. With a Shardblade)
  10. I feel even more ashamed now that I've finished reading the Eliminator Doc. To win the much-coveted Honorary Eliminator prize... Kas, Wyrm, are you signing up for Game 9? We'll need you backstabbing treacherous experienced players.
  11. You evil and devious little backstabber... But hey, another Game I've survived! And another Game I've been Good in... See? I don't need a rant to be good.
  12. I was always under the impression that all the Returned had rainbow irises like the Prism from the Lightbringer series...
  13. Well, there goes my gambit. I was really hoping Tavi was a Forgotten. (Sigh). I know this is bandwaggoning, but I'm also going to vote for Alv. There really isn't anything I can do. And no, I don't have a Line of Revocation. i'm not the kind of person that would be given one. Looks like we're going to lose this game. Mea culpa, mea culpa... Edit: iNinja'd by Satrams! Well, GG all. Great GMing, smart. Sorry for insturmenting the loss. Wyrm, YOUR WERE MY BROTHER! I TRUSTED YOU!
  14. And so the Church of the stick has been necroed, and it's corruption influence shall spread across the land again.
  15. Finally, an increase in discussion! Much better. Hook line, and sinker! Eliminators, you have effectively revealed yourselves. Before Wyrm's 2:36 AM post, we had 3 votes on Tavi, 1 on Roddy and 1 on Alv. Now, isn't it convenient that 2 more players happened to vote for Alv , both barely 14 minutes apart, right when it seemed like Tavi was the winning candidate for lynching? Funnily enough, both players happen to be on the Most Suspected list. In fact, if you look at te current vote tally, you can see quite a connection: Ronald (3) Joel, Tory Farth, Roddy, Tavi Tavi (3) Wyatt, Jain, Samuel Kessen Roddy (1) Joel, Tory Farth (0) Tavi Tavi, if you were innocent, you would have voted for Roddy, since he was the more erratic and suspicious player. Roddy, if you had been innocent, you would have voted for Tavi, since you weren't defending him earlier, and you had nothing to lose for voting for him. Tavi and Roddy, you both drove this vote into a tie. That's quite suspicious. Joe and Ronald, you both have the power to win this game for the Villagers right now. Will you change your vote, Joe? Will you vote, Alv? Edit: I don't have words to sum up your stupidity, colour editor.
  16. I'm leaning towards the Malach Crossings one, since a potential war is always fun, especially for a Panda Priest and an Inquisitor (yes, I'm doing two characters, and one is a Panda Priest). However, like Voidus, I'm fine with any. Your world just gets richer and richer in detail, Seonid. If it isn't too much, may I suggest that the Inquisitors look a bit like what I've attached below? Yes, they are the Inquisitors from Heroes of Might and Magic 6. They're awesome, OK?
  17. I never said I was particularly suspicious of Ashiok. In my post, I said: Am I the only person that thinks there's only 2 Eliminators left? We only have 15 players in this game, and 20% of that is 3. Plus, there aren't many kill actions available to the Villagers this game. Joe, Thanks for the compliment. Edit: WHY COLOUR EDITOR WHY!?
  18. Hmm... I'm a (Panda) archbishop in the Steel Ministry... interesting... Looks like they sure have loosened the entry requirements.
  19. An example of a seed of doubt. You don't make a conclusion, yet you seem to be trying to make ourselves doubt each other. Ash, a good conclusion is a post that is backed up with some evidence, and a firm belief in what you are saying. Read through the past cycles extensively to find clues and such.
  20. If you're trying to plant seeds of doubt, Ashiok, you're doing it wrong. Also, please be a bit more direct with your opinion. Don't be vague and "food for thought"-ish. We're running out of time and players. Helpful and game-changing decisions are needed. Our "poke votes" are attempts to bring Araris out, and so far he's unresponsive. Also, I voted for Tavi, not te other way round. Could you please change it in the write-up, Satrams? Edit: Grammar
  21. Welcome! You can use the Coppermind wiki, the official Brandon wikipedia, to remind you of characters or concepts.
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