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Lightsworn Panda

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Everything posted by Lightsworn Panda

  1. I think I may have found what Aonar was warming up to. On Cycle 3, Aonar said Right after that, Aonar was killed. Earlier on, he had expressed similar feelings of suspicion to Ashiok. I find that a tad suspicious. However, right now, I'm more inclined to vote for Araris. He didn't pop in to post, even after I voted for him. Going inactive is a common Eliminator tactic. Also, I think it'd be a little unfair and unbalanced if the Eliminator team had a newbie and an erratic member, so Ashiok probably isn't on the Eliminator team. Alvron and Twei are next on my list of suspicions. Twei, you've been also very under the radar recently.
  3. Arantir muttered to himself as he strode down the hallway. Right after reuniting with his allies, they had proceeded to desert him, leaving him to fend for himself. Sandro, who was as usual walking alongside Arantir, suddenly stopped and cocked his head, like a dog puzzling out a scent. "Half a dozen people coming down the corridor," Sandro stated casually. "And they do smell awfully twitchy." As the finished leaving Sandro's lips, 5 Bandits and a Bandit Mage rounded the corner. Seeing the trio on the other side of the corridor, the Bandits were momentarily startled, but they regained there composure just as quickly and leapt into battle. "Dibs the one with a moustache," growled Sandro, his canines flashing in the lantern light, before springing towards the aforementioned and unfortunately moustache-bearing target with a vampire's inhuman speed. The man went down before he could scream with Sandro's sword planted in his stomach. As the dying man thrashed and screamed, Sandro leaned over and began lapping at the blood on the floor. He hadn't eaten for quite some time. The dying Bandit's allies were barely able to comprehend what they had seen before a Fireball struck one of the Bandits, hurtling him flaming across the corridor. The source of the fireball was the recently Raised Magus Ardnahc. Decades of death had not dimmed his talent and experience in Magic. A second Bandit was hit with a Thunderbolt, frying the man in an instant, before the Bandits took cover behind the various obstacles scattered along the hallway. The Bandit Mage began casting a Fireball spell. Vampires were vulnerable to fire, and that pesky vampire would fry for killing his comrades. Speaking of which, where was the vampire? Turning to check on his remaining allies, the Bandit Mage almost jumped out of his boots in shock. That vampire was standing over another (and newly) dead comrade, calmly removing his sword. When had he ever gotten there? Thrusting his arm out, the Bandit Mage prepared to blast the Vampire to shreds with his Fireball. His finishing incantation, however, were choked off when a pair of cold hands grasped him by the neck and lifted him up. The Bandit Mage's Fireball fizzled away as he attempted to claw his way out of the iron grip that held him. Darkness was already closing in around his vision. The Mage was turned around, and just before he blacked out, he saw the impassive familiar face of his last Bandit comrade, with eyes glowing with the cold fire of Necromancy. Sandro finished pulling his sword free of the dead Bandit. Wiping it on one of the dead Bandit's cloak, he looked up to see Arantir rummaging through a chest. "You know, you could have at least helped. A Fear illusion would have been nice," Sandro said. "A soulgem, some gold, some old Dwarven armour, a few mana potions... What? Oh, right. I chose to be a Necromancer because I wouldn't have to do anything in fights" replied Arantir, stashing away his loot. "I thought you had no choice in that matter? I mean, that tormented past..." "Shut up," Arantir snapped as he slammed the chest shut. "We need to get moving and meet up with our allies".
  4. Ah, real life. Such a distraction. Thanks and yay! Multiple Inquistion Orders! I was thinking of creating an Inquisitor character that's a Class II or so mortal. I think this has been asked before, and I apologize if I'm repeating the question, but when is the game going to start.
  5. Welcome the the realms of the 17th Shard! That name shipping...
  6. If it's not too much to request, can I request an Order of Inquisitors to be in this world? Thanks. Seonid is still working on those features, and he did say the Material Realm is set Medieval Age - Mid Renaissance.
  7. Ah, yes. I just remembered a question I've always wanted to ask a Guild that claims to represent Chaos. What does the Face of Insanity look like?
  8. I don't understand how you're wasting an Eliminator Kill either, Joe. Please explain. The Eliminators could be trying to pull the old let-the-Villagers-lynch-the-unkilled-target trick. However, considering how Joe had a rather important role, then I'm inclined to believe that Aonar was actually warming up on something. I'm getting a bit concerned about the number of dead Rithmatists there are. I'm guessing there's about 12-13 Rithmatists in this game, and about a third of them are already dead. Wild chalking kills will most likely start popping up in a few days, and before soon the Warding system will become useless. We need to end this game soon. Ash, you are semi-cleared to me, since you were defending Chase before she died. Of course, you just be protecting her to make yourself seem less like an Eliminator. Araris. You've been under the radar for quite some time. Care to join us? Edit: Jump in a hole and die, Colour Editor
  9. Voidus is quite right. You put Roshar-levels of world-building into this world. The Magic system reminds me of a cross etween Investiture and Sympathy from the Kingkiller Chronicles by Patrick Rothuss. Can you only Ascend to another Class by being invested in by a higher being?
  10. Yes, and yes. WoR is 1087 paes long, if I recall correctly. Best book of 2014 in my view. However, I still haven't read Brent Week's Broken Eye or Derek Landy's Dying of the Light yet.
  11. Jain, who was a doctor's apprentice pre-Calamity, and a toy panda are signing up for this game. Looks pretty complicated. Can the fire-arm provided by the Arms Dealer only be used on the night after it was given?
  12. That isn't the best way you can prove your alignment, Ash. Chase never confirmed it. Chase knew she would be scanned that night, since we've set up a rotation of people to scan their counterparts. She could have set up that line to feign innocence. I can't seem to find a right word to describe what Joe could be doing right now. Put it simply, it's a bit like trying to reverse-psychology the Eliminartors. You publicly open yourself up for a kill, which sort of discourages the Eliminators. It's what I did in the last days of Game 8. It's a gambit, though, and a risky one for both sides. Look at Wyrm's post. Look at the end of Game 8. Ash, you've given me reason to suspect you and Chase. You've defended Chase quite a bit, even though you never tried to defend someone as much in previous games. Now, this can easily be seen as an act of charity for a new player. What is funny, though, is the fact that when you revealed that you had scanned Chase, she didn't react at all to you. Chase counter-voted Wyrm when he voted for her, which shows that she is a bit of an agressive or paranoid player. But strangely enough, she didn't respond to the scanning. She didn't even mention you in her RP. Strange Admittedly, she did vote for you on the first cycle, but she quickly changed it, for no reason at all. Strange Finally, Chase protected something out of turn, and she never explained why. Sufficient evidence, in my view, for me to vote for Chase. However, it happens to be near the end of the cycle, and if I do vote for her and as a result lynch her, then I will be branded as a band-wagonner and a possible Eliminator, since I made a late vote, and therefore be possibly voted. But if I don't then we have a tie, and thus miss out on an opportunity to lynch an Eliminatr. What a quandary. Oh well. In the name of (Self-Righteous) Justice, and as the Hand of Inquisition, Chase. Edit: Colour
  13. Huh. Well, that explains quite a lot. But did she/he seriously have to go for me!? That's another tombstone with the name Jain on it. R.I.P, Jain, Jain, Jain, Jain, Jain, Jain and Jain.
  14. Looks like I came out of inactivity too late. Good game, everyone. Willa, how did you have 7 votes!?
  15. Things got a bit hectic, so I don't really have time for RP, yet.
  16. I think the Nightwatcher Game thread is going to get a lot more hilarious...
  17. The Dark Alley's waivers and such are starting to look more and more like an insurance form...
  18. Wait 'till you start on Words of Radiance.
  19. How many times do I have to say this? When I rant, I tend to be lynched. Take QF3 for example. I got lynched on the first day from a single rant. I don't intend to repeat that again. In fact, I don't intend to wildcard ever again. Admittedly, I made that rant after you reminded me to, Joe. A little too much frustration slipped out as I was making that post. Oh, the hypocrisy. It's also funny how I'm one of your frequent Eliminator kills, Joe. you tend to be quite instrumental in some of my deaths. Especially the lynchings. What a funny statement. Normally, you would have slapped an emoticon, or at least put an exclamation mark or something after it, to make it more of a joke. But you haven't. It sounds half-hearted. A lie? Or am I just misinterpreting? Chase, could you contribute something other than RP? Also, why did you use Forbiddence/Warding? Most importantly, why did you jump from a potential bandwagon on Tulir onto Wyrm when it failed?
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