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Lightsworn Panda

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Everything posted by Lightsworn Panda

  1. Willa, care to explain why you saved Alim with your Iron Feruchemy, something which I'm quite sure you don't have? If my suspicions are correct, then the Kandra have revealed themselves.
  2. N.. No! That can't be possible! Begone, voice from the darkness! Spread your foul lies elsewhere!
  3. +24 Defense? Hah! Odium is puny! Wait... what if objects in the Cosmere are actually much smaller than us? What if everyone in the Cosemere are actually tiny gnats compared to us? What if Odium was really just a video game helm that didn't provide much defence? Yeah... I think I've had too much soft drink. Maybe I'm high.
  4. Oho! Kandra, are you trying a "2 birds 1 stone" tactic on me? Very well then. Pupper, Bunnt, Willa and Kamden, your votes right now decides the outcome of this game. We cannot afford a tie. If we tie, then the possibility of winning the game decreases drastically (4:3 by the next day, and even if we keep killing a kandra every day, that would still mean 3:2, 2:1, which aren't favorable odds). You can choose to vote for me, and confirm my side at a steep and game-losing cost, or you can vote for Alim, and maybe pay the same price. But the time for caution is over. We no longer have the luxury of time to decide. This is my (second last) gambit, and I hope it pays off.
  5. Neil Armstrong was an Epice, hey? That explains how he reached the moon.
  6. Woops, forgot. Who knows? Anyone can impersonate anyone on the chatbox.
  7. Aaaaaand necro Windows, since I can play games and do work on it better than Mac. If I wanted to do editing and music stuff, I'd get a Mac, but I don't need to (yet).
  8. Hey, at least this is one more territory that won't fall into the hands hooves of the Herd and become transformed into a pasture for ponies.
  9. Google it. You won't regret it. . Just expect some sleepless nights. Squirrel, you're not allowed to post in the main thread after you die, You're meant to save it up for the aftermath thread. ARGH. Why must we keep pushing towards a draw!? I doubt that Willa is a Kandra, for Twei's reasons, and the write-up did say the victim was male. I'm changing my vote from Pupper to Malliw, since he's been awfully quiet recently. Kandra quiet. Also, my vote in the write-up is still recorded on WIlla, even though I changed it to Satrams. Edit: BLUE
  10. 5 to 3... Not great odds... Disappointingly, the kandra haven't killed me. I had such great plans for them. Pupper, I am voting you, since you haven't been posting, despite checking in on the main thread constantly. Inactivity, especially in a time like this, is a luxury we cannot afford. Edit: COLOUR ASDFGHJK Edit 2: Have you also been reading SCP wiki, bartbug?
  11. No need to apologize, Heir. That was truly a brilliant idea to combine the two ideas together. It was a perfect blend. Is there a part 2 coming? And finally, someone else who also plays Titanfall!
  12. Really good story, Heir. You're one of the best fanfic writers I know. I like the I-Field and other interesting ideas you came up with. The Cuirasseir reminds me of the Titans in Titanfall. ... Chull. Hmm... Think of the implications of that statement.
  13. Ugh. See, this is why I'm not a good Head for Inquisitions. Let's see if the kandra try to kill me now. Edit: What is this Mafia Game you speak of, satrams?
  14. Much as I appreciate (and will take) the cash, Left, you're not part of the LoC. But hey, thanks for the money.
  15. Err... I thouht I was with you guys... Awkward. Meet you at the cave.
  16. Welcome, skyeel, to the only side of the internet that has some semblance of civility. That doesn't mean we aren't overrun with MLP jokes and memes, however. I must applaud you for picking out Hoid from most of Brandon's books. Not many people notice him.
  17. Arantir had never tried Nordic alcohol, and wanting to test their reputation, tried a cup of the black stuff. For the next minute or so, Arantir was bent over gasping and retching. The vile drink tasted like pure alcohol. No wonder why the Nords were such strange people. Alcohol truly did corrupt the brain. When no one was looking, Arantir emptied the contents of his cup into the nearby lit hearth. As it so happened, Nordic vodka had enough alcohol to be flammable. The ensuing fireball nearly singed his hands off.
  18. The Shard of the Internet: Need I say anything else? The Shard of Rainbow-Excreting Flying Poptart Cartoon Singing Cats, Also Known As Nyan Cats: NyanNyanNyanNyanNyanNyanNyanNyanNyanNyanNyanNyanNyanNyanNyanNyanNyanNyanNyanNyanNyanNyanNyanNyanNyanNyan
  19. Sorry, you have to wait for a new one. Mid-Range Game 3 still open for signing up though, so you can join that one. What about the Night before? Also, Willa's claim of the spike isn't concrete. She might not actually have it, since the only evidence we have of it is her post. She could easily be lying. Considering how it's almost the end of the Day, and we really need blood on the streets, I'm going to change my vote from Willa to you, Satrams. I don't particularly like bandwagons (ever since they kept killing me), but this is necessary. Oh, and Alv, I forgot to say this in my previous post: Hook, line aaaaand sinker.
  20. The panda shook its head sadly. Seriously. He was just trying to get himself a house in a neighbourhood that didn't explode or become swamped with zombies every 5 seconds. First Oregon, then Dalles, then Calamityville and now Portland. He was really running out of places to live. Maybe he should just immigrate to another country. Glummly chewing a bamboo, the Panda left his Portland home in the searches of a new one. Don't mind me. Just popping in for some RP. Doesn't mean I'm going to sign up.
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