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Lightsworn Panda

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Everything posted by Lightsworn Panda

  1. Speak of the necro and the necro will come... I'm not sure antagonizing the clan that an admin of the forum founded is the bestest idea there is...
  2. 9 players left, 3 of which are Kandra. Not exactly fantastic odds... It's a pity that we didn't have Wyrm or Gamma with us. They always tend to head the Inquisitions. You know what? I'm tired of sitting back and just watching. This game has dragged on a little too long. (Mind you, that doesn't make me a good Inquisition-leader. In fact, I tend to be a terrible one. A REALLY terrible one. ) The last time Joe could have possibly hopped bodies, it was on Day 7, although I believe he most likely hasn't changed hosts since Day 4, since Araris wasn't under much suspicion for the past few days. (I really should have noticed how Araris' posts started to have the same length as Joe's posts.). On Day 6, Araris and Willa voted for Bunnt. Considering how Araris had been alone on his votes after Day 4, I am highly suspicious of you, Willa. Also, the fact that you are a Lurcher makes you a high-priority target for the Kandra. What's more, since Day 6, your posts have shortened considerably (funnily enough, Alv switched bodies that day). I'm probably going to be killed tonight for this post... Edit: COLOUR ARGH
  3. Seriously, Kobold. How much of your life have you spent on this website!? Start small. Ask for a cookie next time.
  4. I tend to imagine the corruption of the Dark Alley on other threads like the taint of the Shadow on saidin, for some reason...
  5. Jain here, along with a toy panda. He's just a soldier that arrived in the second-most recent dispatch. Or maybe the most recent, since the latest dispatch met an unfortunate end before they even arrived. Strangely enough, an army of pandas were the apparent reason of their demise.
  6. I think the worldhopper scenario is actually possible. Maybe a worldhopper (it doesn't have to be Liss, but she is a possible candidate) was caught red-handed while doing worldhopperish deeds by Milev, causing the worldhopper to panic and stick Milev with a convenient Shardblade. Fearing retribution from the 17th Shard, the worldhopper probably gouged out Milev's eyes to hide the evidence, and framed the deed on the Steel Inquisitors, who wouldn't really mind the blame, since it'd certainly increase they're reputation. Of course, Milev's eyes was most likely gouged out by the Inquisitors. Losing a certain important organ, as pointed out by king of nowhere, can break a victim quite quickly. Getting tortured to death by a cult of slightly disturbed priests is also much more likely than being killed by a worldhopper.
  7. Granted, but you can only perceive them as pandas. I wish to read a Cosmere book about pandas, remember it and be able to read other books.
  8. (Spittake) . How did you know!? Shed.Mov and Smile Hd. One of my friends showed it to me as part of an emotion-scarring contest between us. He almost won, but I played the Shrek is Love card. I highly recommend not searching them up on Youtube. Reverse psychology! Mwahahaha! Well, it's got an IMDB score of 6.1... Not sure what to think of it...
  9. (Standing ovation) ... You really need to be the Co-Author of the Stormlight Archives Parodies. Also, as for hunting gloomspren, This sample chapter may be of assistance. Spoilers inside it, of course. I have never been teased this much about an upcoming book... feezec, you have just received the 2nd highest honor possible on this forum (the highest being an upvote from Mr Sanderson himself)
  10. Hey, least that's better than me. I mean, I've only written... not a single one. Huh. I was quite sure... Nevermind. And no, if I ever write fan-fic, it probably won't feature pandas, as unlikely as it seems. I don't think I can watch MLP again after watching various parodies of it.
  11. Day 5, and we still have 15 players. This sure is going to be a long game. If I remember correctly, Kandra who take your body can't see what messages you have sent or received, right?
  12. Gravity (not weight). Instant dark hole at disposal. On a more serious note, I was actually thinking emotions. When you store with it, you'd become an emotionless, robotic person. Pretty handy and plausible ability, for those awkward scenarios you want to survive with some measure of dignity. When you tap it, you become more emotional, and you probably will break down in tears. Edit: Whoops! Didn't see that in your post, Voidus. Sorry for the idea-repeat.
  13. Oh dear. I was certain that I had put the remains of my dinner in the trash...
  14. I've tried nearly all of those, and they still all mysteriously vanish. I would almost say it's a Smedry Talent. The meme duels I came for still haven't started...
  15. Good game, everyone, and great GMing yet again Gamma! Looks like the Weiry First Out Achievement joins my retinue of achievements... I really was looking forward to using that Hood.
  16. Looks like the Stormlight Archive board is crossed off the Oregon "To Annex" list... Granted, but you become a second Nighthound. I wish for a land of pandas.
  17. Kudos for that song. Take an upvote. It's been so long since I've heard that song... Edit: NOW I CAN'T GET SCARBOROUGH FAIR OUT OF MY HEAD FOR SOME REASON!
  18. I have never really understood what was so appealing about Divergent. The action is washed out, the writing quite bland and the characters, while understandable and realistic, are just boring at times. The idea and the plot of the book are good, but in my view, it was presented badly. If you wanted to read a book about a futuristic dystopia/utopia, read something like A Clockwork Orange or maybe even Brave New World. At least those books actually elaborated the backstories and works of their worlds, and the implications and ramifications they had. As for its sequels... Let's just say, Twilight's writing is pretty much watered-down fan-fic of fan-fic.
  19. I'm so cheap, I don't even use or buy bookmarks. I just remember the page numbers. (Besides, bookmarks tend to go missing whenever I use them). It's bit awkward when I come across "New Chapter" pages that don't have page numbers.
  20. And now I'm weeping rainbows and ponies.
  21. I can just imagine Kobold being an omnipotent being and what he'd do... which is most likely flooding his Shardworld with ponies. As for me being a thief... Let's just say I'm not the first rerecorded case of a panda robber.
  22. Aaaaaand the meme war has spilled into the General Discussion board. Harmony help us when it reaches the General Brandon board.
  23. See, this is why I have issues with shaking hands with others.
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