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Lightsworn Panda

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Everything posted by Lightsworn Panda

  1. Right, that's it, I'm in. The perfect contest to observe!
  2. Soulstamp yourself into a zombie. Infect the first fool to check up on you (I mean, that's how they always start in movies), start a plague, wait for the stamp to wear off the run away laughing manically at the ensuing chaos you created. That should teach them not to capture you.
  3. PURE WIN! You have the Panda's full support to make more parodies of different Brandon books.
  4. Yeah, the red trailer is just plain awesome. 3 minutes of non-stop action. One of the best trailers of all time. While Rwby is cheesy at certain parts (and undeniably awesome in the fighting parts ), you have to remember, Rooster Teeth aren't like big anime teams and stuff, and they don't have the big budgets. It's a pretty good effort, I have to say.
  5. This has to be some kind of cruel joke. 8 Games (or 7, if you happened not to be a Merchant in MR1), and in all of them I HAVE BEEN ON TEAM GOOD!!! WHAT IS THIS BLACK MAGIC THAT HAS SO CRUELLY CONDEMNED ME ASDFGHJKL. WHY AM I NEVER IN THE ELIMINATORS TEAM!?!? THIS IS ALMOST AS BAD AS MALLIW'S STREAK OF LUCK! Cough. ​(Breaks down crying in the saddest way a panda can) Sniffle. Sorry for the inactivity. I'm finally home, except I was briefly called away again. This should be my final hiatus over and done with. Now for some RP. Jain didn't like the Forests of Hell much. Or, more precisely, Jain didn't like the Rules. Not shedding someone's else's blood wasn't that much of a problem. You just had to be careful with sharp objects around others. Not running at night was a tad inconvenient, since desperate late night toilet trips had to be confined to a slow and unbearable pace, and some fool had thought it would be a good idea to put the inn's toilets far outside the actual building. Not kindling flame was the biggest problem to Jain. Smoking was out of the question, baths had to be cold, and food was never hot. One never truly appreciated the conveniences of fire until it was taken away. At least the inn had a hearth fire. Jain had only come to the Forests of Hell as he had heard rumors of a giant panda lurking in the forests. What a giant panda was doing outside of its natural habitat of bamboo forest was a question Jain couldn't answer. However, Jain had an almost fervent panda-object collector who had traveled far to collect his artifacts, including toys, paintings and even a real live baby panda, one which he carried with him wherever he went. It was currently clinging to his head, sniffing curiously at the bar around it. A giant panda was a must-add to Jain's collection, and even if he couldn't capture it, he had resolved to catch a glimpse of it. Reaching up to ease the baby panda off his head, Jain plopped the toy panda onto the table before him. The baby panda looked back up at him with adorable, sparkling eyes. Eyes of crimson red that were filled with an endless pool of evil. Now, nothing personal, but I need my rations. Snipe, I'll be voting you (you just happened to be the post above me ) Edit: Colour
  6. I'm not sure whether I should call sacrilege or just laugh my head off at the ponified Chaos...
  7. Sure, why not. Spike me! (You know, I never thought I'd say that...) Wait, spiking doesn't kill me, right?
  8. Jain the traveler is back, with an actual LIVE baby panda! Oh, and he's still got his toy one. Funnily enough, no one has ever seen the two pandas together in the same room. Seriously, with the amount of gang-related games, I'm getting a bit hesitant about running mine.
  9. Honor sees the future as a shattering window. He can see the future clearly at first, but the further he looks into the future, the more variations and different outcomes he sees. I am interpreting from that that Honor can see the whole future clearly, just that there's too many of them.
  10. Oh, just popping back to remind you that your rent is due in a week. I did say I'd be back for more.
  11. Aaaaand another thread annexed by Oregon. "Very weird" is now officially an understatement.
  12. That is undeniably adorable. Dinner A pony is watching us.
  13. That's... adorable? Sir, you need to stop delving into this... foulness! I applaud your bravery, but you are going to be corrupted by it if you expose yourself to it anymore! Stare into the darkness long enough and it'll stare back!
  14. Iron, since being able to float and pull metal objects towards me would make life so much more convenient.
  15. At last! The usurper Kobold has been returned to his rightful position, and Peter Alhstrom has re-achieved his supremacy! The reign of terror is finally over! No hard feelings, Kobold.
  16. Nope. Nothing. I haven't done anything, nor can I do anything, which I'll explain below: Which write-up was I mentioned in? And yes, as you can guess from that wite-up, I'm a Bendalloy Ferring. I might as well be a vanilla player.
  17. In 464 AD, pandas roamed the bamboo forests of China. In 464 BC, Sparta suffers and Earthquake
  18. Arantir had originally wanted to go the stables to meet up with his... colleagues. However, while he was walking through the market, he had accidentally bumped over a stall, right in front of two town guards. to make matters worse, Sandro had shown up and greeted him. While his special clothes protected him from the sunlight, Sandro could not hide his vampiric appearance. A couple of minutes later, Arantir was running with his thrall and Sandro away from an angry mob who had branded him as a heretic and a thief, there were, sadly, no conventional dead horses lying around, and he didn't have the time to resurrect one even if there was one. It took Arantir a good half-hour to lose the mob with a clever combination of Alchemy and Illusion. He barely caught up with the group as they left the city.
  19. I'll make a post, if I have the time. Hopefully. Edit: Made one.
  20. If Elder Scrolls or Tamriel doesn't ring a bell, then maybe the name Skyrim will. Tamriel is the world of Skyrim, Oblivion, Morrowind... and also the land where you blow goats off mountains with Fus Do Rahs. The inhabitants - or, more specifically, the guards - of Tamriel also spawned the world-famous meme:
  21. Edit: Woops, Unintentional double post.
  22. Aaaand... necro! I just realized that this thread was made in 2010. 2010. This thread is old. Really old. Like, really really old. (Look at my Smedry Talent to get my joke. )
  23. Meanwhile, in the perfectly normal RP world of Tamriel, we only have 2 pages...
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