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Lightsworn Panda

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Everything posted by Lightsworn Panda

  1. Sure. Mind you, I will arrive at the Meeting by myself (if you discount my NPC buddy).
  2. Oh dear, I believe I am looking at the beginnings of a spike cookie revolution.
  3. Well that's going to end well... Actually, combine that with Joe's marksmanship, Voidus' destruction magic and my skeletons and various other thralls to assist, we may create something that's like a God-Killer Cannon... Yeah, maybe we should actually do that!
  4. Thanks Voidus. I would have been hilarious if Observer had shot the man IN THE KNEE WITH AN ARROW.
  5. Heh. I'm finally not the only person who plays HoMM for once. I guess it'll be Revenant Dread Zombie whatever and a couple of Illusion/Restoration/whatever tricks for me. I'll decide on the specifics later.
  6. Right, I made a post in the thread. I've given myself a Nightlord Vampire companion, who's also named after a certain awesome character (from Heroes of Might and Magic 6, this time). Do we get to choose our spells to use, or are stuck on the basics?
  7. Arantir strolled out into the pouring rain, heading for the dirt road that was perhaps a couple hundred paces too far from the tavern he was staying in. Beside him, a figure slipped out of the shadows and followed him. "Still disgruntled about that Mage's letter, are you?" asked the Nightlord Vampire, falling into step with Arantir. "Sandro, I thought I told you to stop reading every letter I receive," grumbled Arantir, his mood worsened by Nature's equivalent of an impromptu bath raining down from the heavens. "You know that you forfeited any modem of privacy when you partnered up with me," grinned Sandro. "So how does it feel to be called a "budding necomancer"?". "Oh, Just be quiet. I'm still accepting that quest. I will murder that vampire in the way I wish I could murder you right now," muttered Sandro. Reaching the road, Arantir scanned the road. Decades of using the dark art of necromancy had given him the ability to sense death, or places of death. A couple of years ago, a carriage had crashed nearby, killing both its passengers and the horses. While the bodies of the passengers had long since been removed, the carcasses of the horses had only been buried in shallow grave. A strange, unnatural fire gathered in the palms of Arantir's hands briefly, before winking out. Two skeleton horses burst out of the ground, mouths gaping in a silent scream. The skeletons were held together by the same unnatural fire that had been in Arantir's palm, and while transparent and as incorporeal as smoke, held the horses together. throwing a saddle over one, Arantir hopped onto it, settling himself into a position as comfortable as it would allow. While they were uncomfortable, the horses would never run out of stamina nor grow tired, as they were dead, and would only stop when the magic that held them together ran out or when they were commanded to stop. Sandro mounted his horse with the fluid grace that most vampires had, and at a silent command, the horses leapt forward, heading towards the Mage Velth.
  8. Edit: What the... Unintentional double post. See the above p.ost
  9. Yep and yep, both names are references to 2 of my favorite death-related characters from games (Arantir the Necromancer from Heroes of Might and Magic 5 and Erebos the God of Death from Magic: the Gathering). In fact, I might as well add a Spider tattoo to Arantir's forehead. . I think I'll hold it on the whip, though. Considering how we can give ourselves any puny mortal items, then I'm giving myself A Shrouded Hood, Necromancer Robes, Vampire Boots and Vampire Gauntlets. Edit: Oh yeah, are we on Level 1 for skills or at we at any stage? Edit 2:Right, I'll be popping in to do some RP in the Thread. Let's buddy up, Voidus, ey?
  10. I might try if the phone bills weren't so astronomical (yeah, I'm a very cheap person. )
  11. Since I'm such a magic addict (regardless of how good it is), I'll join the Mage's Guild as: Name: Jain Farstrider (Come on... someone get the reference) Race: High Elf (yeah, my name isn't elfish. Let's just say he was raised by humans) Age: Unknown (If that's allowed) Job: Travelling elvish Alchemist/Artificer Skills: Unarmored (I'm not a klingon that usually charges into battle naked, I'll have you know . This is a one-time only thing), One-handed (A rapier), Conjuration, Alchemy, Enchanting, Speechcraft. Appearance: Jain as the regal, honey-skinned appearance of most High Elves (or Altmer). He has platinum blonde hair and wears a simple (at least, by elf standards) travelling cloak. He carries with him an ornate elvish rapier and a travelling bag stocked with various alchemical and artificing equipment. Backstory: Jain was abandoned as a baby due to unknown reasons, and was adopted by a human artificer who was married to an alchemist. Jain learnt both his trades from the unlikely match of his parents. When he reached adulthood, he began travelling the lands, earning his coin as a travelling artificer/alchemist. He has traveled Tamriel extensively, earning his nickname "Farstrider" Princes: Mora and Namira Guild: Mages Guild However, if Necromancy is allowed in this game, then here would be my other character build (since I'm an even bigger fan of necromancers than wizards ) Name: Arantir Erebos (Someone please get the 2 references) Race: Breton (Vampire, if that's allowed) Age: 55 Job: Necromancer. If you ever want to talk to your dead wife, just ask him. Skills: Unarmored, Conjuration, Illusion, Alchemy, One-Handed (Ebony Dagger) , Restoration and Enchanting. Appearance: Arantir has the appearance of a tall middle-aged man (despite being much older than that), due to his dabblings with dark magic, and has long black hair streaked with grey. He's a fairly quite but sarcastic person, and carriers around with him an a naturally dark Ebony Dagger. e also has a prominet spide tattoo on his forehead. Backstory: Arantir's mother died during childbirth, and his father died from grief not long after. Orphaned as a child, Arantir was taken as an apprentice by a witch, and was mistreated and abused. He did, however, learn the art of necromancy. Once he reached the age of 16, Arantir killed the witch that had adopted him with the very spells she had taught him and set out to see the world for himself. Princes: Vaerima and Mora. Guild: Mages Edit: Nevermind, saw the description. Picking the Necromancer build. Edit 2: By the way, are we allowed to choose our gear?
  12. ... Who are you, Ryan Higa in disguise!?
  13. This entire sub-forum is dedicated to killing time. Ahh... The awkward moment where I have to explain the name of the guild to Observer... Hm... How should I put it...
  14. What the... How could I have missed this thread!? (Yeah, I know this is a necro). Yet another reason why I don't use Facebook, Instagram and such. ... You know, I'm actually thinking of us Sharders doing the challenge. Just so long as I'm not first.
  15. Hmm... It's not an anagram of any of his past names (unless you count the "H" in the "the" in Peacegiver the Blessed). Maybe he stole the name from someone?
  16. I will do a 720 Donut spin in a car one day.
  17. I personally find it creepy. There's nothing more disturbing than an entire row of scary Indian vashkira whatever faces staring at you from the recent topics section. It's even more disturbing when you realize it's a bot.
  18. Aaaaaaand the thread's been annexed by What Happened in Oregon.
  19. Heh. Personally I like L, simply because he - like me - has a sweet tooth, and never gets fat regardless of how much he eats, and is the incarnation of physical laziness.
  20. (Facepalm) Was that pun intentional?
  21. Ah... Thank you, Joe and Observer. It's been a long time since I've played Skyrim. No wonder why it sounded familiar. So do we build our characters now? And is this like DaD, where we get a number of skil points to build our characters? And is Fus Do Rahing sheep/people off the top of mountains considered acceptable?
  22. Yep, I'm in! (Even though I too have no idea what Tamriel is).
  23. Hum... wonder what happens if a Leecher leeches an Allomancer burning duralium... Doesn't nothing happen?
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