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Lightsworn Panda

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Everything posted by Lightsworn Panda

  1. So yesterday the new (and last) Skulduggery Pleasant book came out (at least, in Australia). I couldn't get it since it sold out on the first day in my local bookstore. Apparently, it's sad. Hope I can get it soon. Anyone else also trying to get their hands onto a copy?
  2. This game wins the award for having the most spectators, methinks.
  3. 4chan to the res- WAIT NONONONONO! Most of the people above have already listed off what I had in mind. If you like historical fiction/war books, try Simon Scarrow's books. not magic, but still fantasy. I could always recommend manga/anime if you're into it.
  4. Indeed. Death Note deserves its position as one of the greatest classics of manga (it's sad how some manga become worse when put through the anime filter.)
  5. Hmm... Tough choice. We might lose the internet, but we'd also be free of the Youtube comment's section and the various chan's...
  6. Upvote for the (perhaps unintentional) Death Note reference, dear sir. Yet another reason why I don't touch your cooking.
  7. Just... Just blow us away with facts, why don't you!?
  8. Huh. I just realized I've already played 6 games in a row, no breaks.
  9. Noooo! Without Wyrm, who'll head the Inquisitions discussions!?
  10. WHY AM I NEVER FIRST!? Jain is back. And so is the toy panda. And, yet again, he's not erratic. Edit: Oh yeah, backstory. Jain is a traveller with ALMOST Kandra-like habits, like collecting bones.
  11. I'm pretty sure we don't know. We've had speculations about who the God Beyond is. Here's a small thread about it, and here's the Coppermind page about it.
  12. Yup. you can check it out on the nationalities thread. Aren't you in Melbourne too, Delightful? I'm pretty sure Claincy is. ... Is that Possum Magic you're talking about!? Brings back childhood memories...
  13. Alright, I'll try my hand a GMing! This s a Mid-Range Game I designed, set in Sel 5 years into the Reod. Trust me, i won't be erratic, unless my brother takes over. Besides, think of the appeals of a Panda GM! A World of Pain and Ouch You are an Elantrian. At least, you should have become one. However, for some reason, the Shaod has transformed you into the barest shadow of one, an undying creature with limp, grey skin and no hair. Worst of all, your injuries never heal, nor does the pain go away. You are forever trapped in accumulating agony, until someone cremates or beheads you. In the deteriorating dog-eat-dog conditions, the only way to live is to join a pack, or become prey. Two of the biggest gangs are struggling for dominance of the city: the Kanden Gang and the Kraal Gang. The Kraal, being slightly less in number, decide to infiltrate the Kanden Gang. Teams: Kanden Gang: Team Good Kraal Gang: The Eliminators Rules: Hoed: In this game, death is more elusive than usual. If a player would die, they instead become a Hoed. A Hoed can only make 1 post that doesn't reveal any information about their (and other players') actions, roles and alignment per day (the post has to be sent to the GM for confirmation), and if they were an Eliminator, they will kicked from the doc (nothing personal ). The Hoed cannot use their roles or item/s (but still maintain ownership of the item/s) or vote, but can be interrogated once to give up a single piece of information. Hoed can only be killed when attacked a second time. Their roles will only be revealed when they die (although it can be interrogated out of them earlier. Note that asking for their role does not mean their alignment, and vice versa), but their items are revealed. Whoever kills the Hoed gains ownership of their items. If lynched, A Hoed's item/s are randomly distributed. Dead players will get their own Google Doc as usual, but Hoed do not get a Google Doc. Apart from that, standard Sanderson Elimination Rules apply. Roles: Each player has 2 actions per day. An action is used up if the player votes, uses a role ability or uses an item. Note that you can use an item or role ability twice, if you want to sacrifice your vote and other ability. You cannot, however, vote twice. The numbers next to the role is the number of these roles we will have in this game. Kanden Gang Leader (1) - The Kanden Gang has a Leader, and publicly elected on the First day by his/her fellows. The Gang Leader can choose to "order" someone to do something, like vote someone of the Leader's choice, or use their item or role on someone. This ability can only be used once every two days, and counts as 2 actions. The Gang Leader loses his/her position when he/she becomes a Hoed, and a new one is elected. A leader's order is a PM to the GM (heh, the rhyme), and the person who was ordered will be informed about it the next day. Any actions they would have taken is overridden. A Gang Leader is the guy who calls the shots, after all. A Gang Leader's vote also counts as 2. Aon-user (1-2) - Some very clever (or lucky) Elantrians were smart enough to work out how to use Aons again, even in their weakened state. Aon-users can use the following abilities: Aon Ehe - A small lance of flame is released at a target, rendering them a Hoed from the agony of the burns (or dead, if they're Hoed already). The flames are painful enough to make interrogation impossible, too. The victim of the attack is revealed in the write-up, but not the attacker. This ability can only be used once every 3 days, and counts as 2 actions. Aon Ene - Grants yourself or a target an extra action for the next day. Not revealed in the write-up Aon Dor - A weak yet potent enough blast of power that stuns someone, rendering their actions useless. Roleblock, in short. Not revealed in the write-up. Dereth Interrogator (2-3) - Once a Shuh-Dereth interrogator, you were taken (against your will) by the Shaod. Years of experience pays off, and you can use your tricks of trade to coax information out of people. You can interrogate a living player and learn their alignment and role, or you can interrogate a Hoed, and ask them a question (PM the GM your question or interrogation request). However, the Hoed are more … resilient to your persuasion, and there is a 1 in 2 chance that your request will fail. Living players will be informed about their interrogations, but not who interrogated them. Kanden Gang Member - You're an Elantrian that joined up with the Kanden gang in hopes of protection and power. In short, you are a vanilla player. Who knows, though. You could be elected as the Gang Leader. Kraal Infiltrator (standard 1/5 of players) - You are a Kraal Gang Member, tasked with infiltrating the Kanden Gang and sowing chaos. You are the Eliminator. Kraal Gang Members get their own Google Doc, and get to choose to kill one person every day. Sending in the death request counts as an action. Hoed: See the Rules section. Items: The resources in Elantris are scarce, and items are therefore a bit makeshift and will break after 2 uses (except for the Charcoal and Paper and Loaf of Bread). Items can also be given to other players. Club (1/4 of players, rounded up) - A clumsy but heavy club that can deal enough pain to render someone a Hoed. Two attacks kill. Victims are revealed in the write-up, but not the attacker. Buckler (1/5 of players, rounded up) - A somewhat makeshift but trusty buckler than lets you survive an attack. You will be revealed in the write-up as a Buckler holder if you are attacked. Loaf of Bread (1/4 of players) - The Kanden Gang has strictly rationed out supplies, but some members hoard some of their rations or loot. Allows you to bribe someone into doing something, like voting for someone else or using their item on someone. Similar to the "command" ability of the gang leader, but there is a 1/2 chance of it failing. Charcoal and Paper (3-4) - There's not much left in Elantris. Allows you to start 2 PM conversations with any number of people in it. Remember to include the GM. Random Events: Occasionally, something unexpected occurs. For example, a food shortage occurs, forcing players to have only one action. Be on your guard! Win Conditions: For the Kanden Gang to win, all of the infiltrators must be killed or rendered Hoed. For the Infiltrators to win, there must be less players than the original number of infiltrators in the game. Phew! That's about it! Panda's up for GMing!
  14. Oh wow, thanks, Quismet. Just realised this was the first game I actually survived... (Breaks down crying)
  15. I did say it was going to be a quick game... i was, indeed, a hopeless, innocent DARKEYES ON TEAM GOOD! ANOTHER GAME WHERE I'M ON TEAM GOOD! ASDFGHJKL Ah, well. Never mind. Good game, guys. Great GMing, Ren.
  16. Ack, no! They've started talking about Melbourne (the city I call home!)! They've taken Australia in earnest!
  17. Argh... Despite our attacks with downvotes, we haven't made a dent or even hindered Kobold's upvote quota. In fact, he's already gone up another 300... He's only got 500 to go until he surpasses Great Brandon himself! To arms downvotes, to downvotes! We must downvote this usurper, who dares to taunt us with his troll-face memes! We must bring him back to his rightful level below Peter Ahlstrom! Nothing personal, Kobold.
  18. Right, for explanation. I put that data together simply because I was bored, with nothing to do. I also thought it'd be a first. Sadly, I'm not much of an analyst and couldn't come up with any results. Maybe I should have worded it as "I bolded those who we have no evidence as evil". Who'd you scan, Gamma? Edit: Nevermind just saw it. I'd like to request to be scanned.
  19. I've stopped following topics for that reason. The day the spam bots hit Sanderson Elimination will be a gloomy day indeed...
  20. Alright, finally some time to do a Sanderson Elimination post. Wyrm, I bolded non-evil players so that we can see who voted the innocents. I admit I am protesting a bit too much about my role, but then, I need somewhere to vent my frustration. Arrgh. Red's broken. Oh well. I vote (red) Rulit. By the way, Gamma, could you tell us who you scanned? I haven't seen you do that yet.
  21. I've started a similar topic before, but it wasn't exactly fantastic, and wasn't really well worded (I had a child's grammar mistake in the topic, that's how bad it was). So here's take 2. Say there was a metal called Deathium (yes, breaks the rule of 16, I know). for the sake of the argument, let's say it's got the physical properties of iron. Allomancers die instantly from burning it, but Feruchemists can use it to store death (Not sure what it does for Metalurgy. Let's say we don't know). Feruchemists have to be on the verge of death to store it, and therefore gain a stinted version of immortality. Not storing it will result in the delayed death. Tapping into it would not be possible, as the user would be dead before that could happen. There are obviously a few flaws with the theory. What if - say - your lungs were torn out of you, but you were storing death. How would you breath, and therefore live? In short, how could you be alive, even though your bodily functions of staying alive are gone? So, to sum it up: Hypothetically, how can you be alive while storing death in a hypothetical metal when you could only be physically dead? (We're not going into the cognitive realm or spiritual one).
  22. Hm... Considering how we don't know much about Cultivation, but guessing from her name, I'm guessing Clutivation possibly could help in the Mending of a Shard.
  23. Ironic how the founder of the Wafflesworn doesn't know how to make Waffles RAMEN IS FAR FROM EASY FOR RAMEN IS AN ART! Even the 2-minute ones are an art.
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