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Lightsworn Panda

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Everything posted by Lightsworn Panda

  1. What if I told you HE ALREADY HAS MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA. No. I would never lower myself to that level.
  2. Pardon my lack of contribution, but I A) can't really contribute. I haven't been contacted, attacked, Lashed or anything. What' more, I'm a hopeless vanilla darkeyes. I can't really do anything. I've either been sick or busy. Also, I'm going to play this game non-erratically (like I've said so many times). Edit: Huh. B + ) makes a
  3. The morning air was crisp and sharp, with the fragrant and exotic aromas of a waking town diffused through it. The gravelly sounds of the coals in the blacksmith's forge being stoked, interspersed by the curses of the blacksmith at his apprentices to put more effort into their work. The beautiful spicy aromas of the merchants setting out their various goods in preparation of another day of business. The merry whistling of the messenger boy as he made his rounds. The stirrings of a town waking up was indeed a pleasant scene to behold. Jain groaned as he groggily rubbed his eyes, blearily trying to gather enough determination to sit up from his bed. He'd been trying to get up for the past 10 minutes, but the soft plushy bed that had somehow felt hard and unwelcoming the night before was simply too irresistible. In his years of travelling, Jain had never conquered his weakness of being unable to wake up in the morning. Something fuzzy and cold fell onto his face. Suddenly shocked awake, Jain thrashed about, clawing at the object that had ensnared his face in a relentless bear hug. Or panda hug. Finally managing to dislodge the toy panda, Jain - finally - sat up and glared at the panda that has somehow managed to fall off the shelf above his head. The panda smirked back at him, its wide grin somehow slightly larger than normal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jain strolled among the hundreds of people thronging the streets. The recent gossip was quite interesting. A man - who was rumored to be a smuggler - by the name of Wurum had managed to incur the wrath of Skybreakers, and had been attacked, but miraculously saved by a figure in blue. The details were unclear - as gossip tended to be - but it appeared that the man had not come out unscathed. With nothing to do, Jain decided to pay the injured man a visit. Jain found the injured smuggler inside the Inn, groaning in agony, half-delirious with pain. Seeing that any conversation would be fruitless, Jain simply left a note, bought a drink and left the Inn. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the moments of clarity that he occasionally achieved, Wurum found a note pinned above his head. Written in a flowing Shin script, it said: Hey Wurum. Just popping in to say that if I die, I'd like you to have my toy panda. Phew. Literally the longest Panda/Jain RP I've done. So yeah, Wyrm, you have the honor of having the toy panda if I die. EDIT: BLUE
  4. Check This out. Came across it the other day. Makes me really question the mental integrity of some bronies these days.
  5. It occurred to me that maybe Ryshadium could potentially use Surgebinding... Huh. Rainbowdash COULD become a reality in Roshar.
  6. I'd just like to pop in and say that only a WR could save Wyrm. Squire Recruiting goes after Lashings, so even if the Squire somehow pre-sent their requests to use their powers on the off chance they're recruited, it still wouldn't have occurred. Wyrm, only Malliw would know my kind of agony. Panda RP incoming. Well, once I find time and inspiration to do some.
  7. What has happened to your account picture, Joe... Sorry guys, but since no one seized the advantage (Carpe Diem, guys. ), I decided to instate myself as the rent collector.
  8. I know that the Shattered Plains wasn't broken for the following reason, but a random thought just popped into my head: Adnalsium was on Roshar when it Shattered! That's why the Shattered Plains is Shattered! It's where Adonalsium was splintered! Nailed it on the head,
  9. Just doing the repercussions for not paying rent. Nothing much.
  10. HOW COULD YOU DO SUCH A THING!? Oh wait, it's the internet.
  11. If no one protests, I would like to claim ownership of this thread. Rent hasn't been paid, after all.
  12. (Hurk!) (Urk!) (Carious vomiting sounds!) Please. Anything BUT TRIGUN MEMES. PLEASE! I BEG YOU!
  13. Urp. Sick again. Also, I said I was going to try and survive a game, not go full erratic again. I'm trying to turtle this game out like the last one (at least, until my brother took over. The fool). And when I said I couldn't message, I said: Maybe I should have said 90% of the latter was the reason. Huh... 2 days and no Panda RP!? I'm ashamed.
  14. That's going to be a first on my list of things to ask him to hand out to 17S if I ever get the chance to ask him to (unlikely. Unless great Sanderson decides to grace us measly kangaroos in Australia with his presence. ).
  15. Yet ANOTHER GAME where I'm on Team Good. Ah well. And Yet another Game that i have not survived. Good game, everyone. Great GMing, Wyrm. Edit: Btw, I decided to add two awards to my name in Sanderson Elimination. Any objections?
  16. As of yet, I have not received nor sent any messages. Partly because I'll actually try to survive a game and turtle it out. Partly because I was violently ill the pas few days and couldn't do much.
  17. ... Look at the topic and the second line of your signature, Observer.
  18. Woot. The game's started. I'll come back later when I have time to RP.
  19. Great. Now I can never have a walk in a park without feeling like I'm being watched be dozens of ponies.
  20. He shall live forever in the darkest corners of our minds, lurking, only coming out to torment us in our nightmares. Slowly, however, he will corrupt our thoughts. All of them. There is no escape now. The QuiteLeftinch has been loosed.
  21. NDA for just a card game? Wow. More proof that magic is a big card game.
  22. Ah, MtG. I spend waaaay too much cash on you, but you're too addictive. That's Garuth (the Apex Predator) you're designing. Poor guy. Has such a sad story. Wait a second... you said you designed it this past Spring... that's March-May ... which is at least TWO WHOLE MONTHS BEOFRE M15 WAS EVEN PRERELEASED!!!! WHY DIDN"T YOU TELL US!? KNOWING ABOUT THE NEXT GENERATION OF MAGIC CARDS IS THE GREATEST GIFT A MAGIC FAN COULD POSSIBLY GET (a bit behind getting an entire booster of mythics.). Ahem. (cough). Pardon my envious fanboy outburst. Next time you design a costume for Wizards of the Coast, could you PLEASEPLEASEPLEASEPLEASE tell us about it?
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