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Lightsworn Panda

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Everything posted by Lightsworn Panda

  1. Somethings not right... in my months years decades centuries millenias HOW LONG HAS IT BEEN years of experience with the accursed spambots, they have never gotten account pictures. Now they have them (and quite disturbing ones too). Does this mean they've gained a new level of intelligence!?
  2. Of all the charming names a tavern can have, Eye of the Storm wins the prize.
  3. Welcome, Ninja! It's always great to see a lurker turned member.
  4. (Groan). We'll never hear the end of this tirade of fangirl adoration.
  5. Fire shotguns cells using steel. Without exploding the pellets. Basically a useless slug round
  6. I used to have a guinea pig. Used to. It died a horrible death, which I won't go into much detail, but there's a reason why I hate magpies. No, I sadly do not have a panda as a pet. Not even a baby one. But one day, I'll get one! I swear! Nothing can stop me!
  7. If it doesn't bother you, Ren, I'd like to request a sign-up extension. The more the merrier, as you said and we need to wait for more people to die in Game 7.
  8. Vut. Since vhen did... Never mind. And since vhen did I vhart vhalking vith vis strange accent?
  9. I was going to link using the "Image" on the editor, but I'm apparently not allowed to use it on this community or something. Oh well. I'll use my old method.
  10. "Rosharan Soulcast meat, unlike most Soulcast food, actually has taste. Reminiscent of pork, it's tender and delectable. Just don't ask us where it comes from". I can just imagine that as a product description.
  11. Changed my account picture due to popular request.

  12. Ugh... Did we HAVE to necro one of the most rule-34'ed threads there are in 17th Shard!?
  13. Well, it's more my brother who has does the erratic playstyle. Considering how that the kandra could easily net us some information from the dead, and that only the House Lord can use it, that means that a House Lord is Skaa, and is restricting its use. Considering how the other House members would protest against it, I believe the owner of the kandra has to in a Lesser House that has only one member. Namely, House Moraine and Venture (they're lesser houses, right?). Ash, you claimed to be in a House with Tulir, who died. That makes you a House Lord (I think?). Do you have the Kandra?
  14. Well, I couldn't quote the message (since it was deleted), but here's the message: Hello, I am a Tineye from another House. I'd prefer that you keep my identity a secret. Anyhow, I'm fairly certain that you are in a House of one right now, along with a kandra. I have also been informed by a housemate of your House Power (Weaponry). I'd prefer that you not use it. (why does everyone think we have the kandra!?)
  15. Elend 1 Surgebinder 9 Elantrian 8 Mistborn 14 Twinborn 17 Feruchemist 10 Awakener 11 Rithmatist 9 Smedry Talents 20 Purelaker fish 20 Epics 20 C'mon. One more...
  16. The day they hit the Chatbox is the day I die crying.
  17. You had a House members count list? Is that a previous post or an in-House discussion?
  18. Elend 6 Surgebinder 9 Fabrial 0 Elantrian 10 Mistborn 13 Twinborn 13 Feruchemist 10 Awakener 11 Rithmatist 12 Smedry Talents 20 Purelaker fish 20 Epics 20
  19. Elend 6 Surgebinders 9 Fabrials 5 Elantrians 10 Mistborn 15 Twinborn 11 Feruchemist 10 Awakener 11 Rithmatist 13 Smedry Talents 20 Purelaker fish 20 Epics 20 Since no one thought Twinborns were awesome. Death to House Venture!
  20. In his message to me, Ren revealed that he knew an interesting amount about my house via an unnamed contact (including knowledge about my House Power). Sadly, however, he was wrong on a few counts. This is quite suspicious, as I don't think any of my deceased and live House members revealed such delicate information to the Informant. I will quote his message, if it's legal. Is it?
  21. Jain groaned as he tossed and turned in his bed. Recently, he had fallen sick due to some disease with an almost unpronounceable name. It had forced him to stay bedridden until it was over. Which was sad, really, since apparently quite a lot of interesting events had occurred in his absence. And that blasted toy panda was watching him as he suffered from his illness, positively smiling in glee. Huh. So much has happened in my absence.
  22. (Hmm, thought the Panda. This looks interesting. Maybe I should give it a try, he thinks.) (The closest book to the Panda was once-900-now-15-paged book that had fallen apart. Discarding it due to the lack of pages, the Panda selected the second closest book.) "You also quickly realize that none of the maps you have ever seen of the solar system was drawn remotely to scale." Bill Bryson, A Short History to Nearly Everything (Huh, though the Panda. That doesn't exactly sum up my life. So the Panda went and chose a second book, making a short detour to grab some bamboo.) "Light, but he hated not knowing" Robert Jordan, Lord of Chaos, 6th book in the Wheel of TIme series. (I'm doing a re-read) (Well, thought the Panda as he sadly munched his bamboo, that sadly sums my life up.)
  23. What is it NOW!? I go on a 5 day camp, and I find a new clan (which is totally not a rip-off of an existing clan ), unsurprisingly under the leadership of dear Quiver the Knave. (sigh)
  24. (Breaks down crying at the memory of Kobold being just a 28-upvote Pahn Kahl.) Kobold, what have you become!? Congratulations, anyway
  25. Wait what? Kas, are you that Tineye? I'm confused, especially with the Kandra situation. OOOOOHHHH. Yeah! I retract the vote on Jain, me, and stack the double-vote (I think) on Wandrin. I was thinking about Kas for a second.
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