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Lightsworn Panda

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Everything posted by Lightsworn Panda

  1. In his message to me, Ren revealed that he knew an interesting amount about my house via an unnamed contact (including knowledge about my House Power). Sadly, however, he was wrong on a few counts. This is quite suspicious, as I don't think any of my deceased and live House members revealed such delicate information to the Informant. I will quote his message, if it's legal. Is it?
  2. Jain groaned as he tossed and turned in his bed. Recently, he had fallen sick due to some disease with an almost unpronounceable name. It had forced him to stay bedridden until it was over. Which was sad, really, since apparently quite a lot of interesting events had occurred in his absence. And that blasted toy panda was watching him as he suffered from his illness, positively smiling in glee. Huh. So much has happened in my absence.
  3. (Hmm, thought the Panda. This looks interesting. Maybe I should give it a try, he thinks.) (The closest book to the Panda was once-900-now-15-paged book that had fallen apart. Discarding it due to the lack of pages, the Panda selected the second closest book.) "You also quickly realize that none of the maps you have ever seen of the solar system was drawn remotely to scale." Bill Bryson, A Short History to Nearly Everything (Huh, though the Panda. That doesn't exactly sum up my life. So the Panda went and chose a second book, making a short detour to grab some bamboo.) "Light, but he hated not knowing" Robert Jordan, Lord of Chaos, 6th book in the Wheel of TIme series. (I'm doing a re-read) (Well, thought the Panda as he sadly munched his bamboo, that sadly sums my life up.)
  4. What is it NOW!? I go on a 5 day camp, and I find a new clan (which is totally not a rip-off of an existing clan ), unsurprisingly under the leadership of dear Quiver the Knave. (sigh)
  5. (Breaks down crying at the memory of Kobold being just a 28-upvote Pahn Kahl.) Kobold, what have you become!? Congratulations, anyway
  6. Wait what? Kas, are you that Tineye? I'm confused, especially with the Kandra situation. OOOOOHHHH. Yeah! I retract the vote on Jain, me, and stack the double-vote (I think) on Wandrin. I was thinking about Kas for a second.
  7. I don't understand how Telzaan got a vote on me. Fine. I'm going to change my vote to Wandrin. Edit: Change of vote and maybe a bit rude. (To my brother)
  8. Yes, I'm back. And from the bad feedback and mockery my brother has given me, I will not take care of his account and let it dry out in the sun. In fact, I'm voting Jain.
  9. Huh. Reading this made me revert back to my old member title. My current one (On and Off the Line) is a bad pun. A really bad one.
  10. Huh. My house is suffering serious attrition. And on that note, I will now hand the reins over to my diabolical and erratic brother (I'll probably die before the day is out, now).
  11. Well, if an Aon was able to be carved into a spike in a way that it can retain potential stored power, then just think about the possibilities! I mean, we could have: A spike that gets blasted through the Inquisitor's head when activated (Aon Dor) A spike that kills the Inquisitor (Aon for death. Forgot if there's one) A spike that teleports to a different place when activated. (Aon for Teleportation) A spike that lights up when activated (Aon Ashe. Makes Inquisitors look more like Terminators. ) Other useful uses, etc.
  12. Raoden 8 Vin 11 Wax 10 Kaladin 9 Shallan 10 Shai 5 Sarene 8 Vasher 10 Hoid 10 Nightblood 13 Galladon 10 Demoux 6 Ati 2 Leras 10 Rayse 8 Tanavast 9 Cultivation 10 Dominion 9 Devotion 10 Endowment 12 Bavadin 8 Death to Ati! Long live Nightblood!
  13. What... What is this!? The spam bots are offering Free fake IDs! What is this madness!? And that name! Authentic123 !? Insanity!!
  14. Right, so I guess nearly everyone on 17th Shard knows my distinctive panda account picture. For those who don't know it, you can look to the left and see the adorable and slightly funny picture. I personally photoshop them by slapping a panda face onto a Lightsworn card from Yu-Gi-Oh (Yeah, yeah, I play trading card games. ). However, there's more than ONE Lightsworn Panda. Indeed, the one I am currently using is actually Lightsworn Panda Mark 2. So far, there are actually seven different Lightsworn Panda models (I know, it's scary. One Panda is already annoying awesome fantastic apocalyptic enough). Below, you will find attached all 7 Pandas. From left to right (with the original card in brackets on the right), are Lightsworn Panda MK 1 - the original - (Wulf, Lightsworn Beast), MK 2 (Jain, Lightsworn Paladin), MK 3 (Celestia, Lightsworn Angel), MK 4 (Gragonith, Lightsworn Dragon), MK 5 (Judgement Dragon), MK 6 (Aurkus, Lightsworn Druid), and finally, MK 7 (Ehren, Lightsworn Monk). Right now, I'm having problem picking which one to use. MK 2 (Jain - that's right, it's called Jain. Ever wondered where you've seen it?) is my most preferred one. However, it's getting a bit old. Any suggestions for a successor? Of course, I could always make another. They don't take long to make (2-3 minutes, actually).
  15. Argh! Beaten to first again! Jain is back AGAIN with his toy panda (No, he won't be erratic. Thank your lucky stars). He's a Shin traveler who happens to be passing by. Some questions about the rules. Does the Truthwatcher ability protect you from lynches? Can both Windrunners recruit on the same day? Finally, are you allowed to reveal your name to the person you are PMing via GM?
  16. I doubt Prof discovered his powers when his class was killed. We've already established that he is possibly one of the oldest Epics, if not the first to discover his powers. I'm inclined to believe that his class was killed when the Epics actually started appearing in public, which was a year after Calamity appeared.
  17. Paper isn't that bad. I've tried it before countless times (when I was seriously bored out of my mind in class).
  18. I really hope you wash it in between, because I am NEVER going to eat your cooking again.
  19. Why have I not thought of that!? Sphere, I really reckon you should start a topic on that (unless it's already been done).
  20. I had a sudden urge to Ctrl-C when I saw this topic.
  21. Quote Hmm... perhaps the Honorblades have a "possession" effect? Maybe when a person bonds with a Honorblade, they become possessed by the spirit of the Herald that originally had it. So perhaps the Not-Taln wasn't physically Taln, but maybe he was cognitively and spiritually Taln. After all, we don't know what Taln looked like originally (do we?).
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