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Lightsworn Panda

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Everything posted by Lightsworn Panda

  1. What has my fool of a brother done!? (Facepalm). You have to soon suffer another week of him, sadly. Going on camp again. That should be my last hiatus.
  2. Don't worry, I'm a newb too! (My brother isn't back yet. He will be tomorrow.) Jain's brother stumbled home, and fell drunk to the ground. I really drank too much wine didn't I? He thought. Because I see an unhappy toy panda in front of me and all I here is this.
  3. Yes, music, before we cut each others throats out. Very pleasant, isn't it? Jain then decided to play this. It held its ears in annoyance. The humans were listening and dancing to music at a time like this? The paranoia and distrust was suddenly covered up by humans and laughing at each other dancing. Really. It thought. I'm evacuating. Edit: Hyperlink error
  4. Jain shook his head. Worthless instruments. He decided to try this song instead, for a whole sack of boxings. (I mean we don't have to care about money right?)
  5. Yes I agree. Time for something even more trolly and modern! Jain's brother, Jain, joined the party a bit late into the night. When he saw Lord Fien dancing around like a fool, a brilliant idea came into his head. Being the person who listened to the latest tracks, he set down a box of boxings for the band to play this after.
  6. I retracted the vote for Aonar by the way. Edit: Deleting unnecessary color
  7. I will not cast my vote yet, but I will make a 'it' RP post. It lay in the city well, staring up into the sky. The man finally found a good place to throw him. Here, he felt even more paranoia and distrust than in a ball. Apparently the Skaa the even lowlier beings had heard that the nobles the other lowly beings had accused that some of the even lowlier beings were in their Houses. What distrust. Such paranoia. Suddenly, it was lurched upwards and the even lowlier beings started shouting to each other suddenly he was shoved into a warm cavern, not unlike the one the day before, except it had holes in it. And they were heading to home. To his good friend Jain, and his insufferable brother. Edit: Changing vote
  8. My brother said to the Informant that I cannot kill. That's all I'm saying. I think that the Skaa are actually just standing at the sides watching as we pull each other's throats out. Also, Aonar, your logic sounds good enough, though I have no idea who to vote. Edit: I swear it was blue
  9. Yes yes, I am more erratic than my brother. And I'm way more short-tempered and hot-headed. I'm also not a very good writer either. I am a Sanderfan though. I'm just trying to keep myself alive. Now that I think about it, whoever Rioted me seems like the want to put the blame on me. Perhaps the Skaa are trying to kill us quicker.
  10. Fine, fine. I am two years younger than my brother and not that bright when it comes to this. But I will say something. My brother did in fact use the Informant action. The only other thing I'm going to admit is that I am not a Skaa. Please don't kill me. My brother will strangle me if I die like right after he left. Anyways, your logic seems a bit far fetched for me. It's like your a Skaa who used their Informant action instead of killing and now your trying to lynch me. I would kill you if I was a coinshot Edit: Blue
  11. First, I am actually more erratic than my brother. Second, I never did anything to do with the Informant as my brother was the one who PMed the GM about it. Finally, as my brother says, he's had a spotless history of being in Team Good. I'm thinking that the Skaa want to either get rid of House Elariel or to reveal its occupants, both probably because the house was unoccupied. Maybe it was a random kill, but nonetheless, kind of expected. I'm also quite curios by your sudden outburst, Aonar. What busied you into not saying anything on Night 1 and hardly saying anything on Day 1? Discussing with your Skaa friends on the doc? Or just PMing Wyrm for the kill? Edit: Colour
  12. Time for some RP! I have no suspicions as yet. Jain's younger brother, Jain, stumbled back home drunk from one of the balls. He didn't know which one, as he was so intoxicated. He did, however, see the note on the doorstep. And above it was that blasted panda his older kept. decided to throw it out. He took a quick nap and woke up to find the toy panda sitting on his shelf. Strange, he thought. Didn't I chuck it out? And why is it grinning so widely at me?
  13. Yay! The erratic brother has the reins now! I think that saying to not kill me just attracts killers Time for some even more erratic RP! Jain had problems sleeping. Skaa in the Houses? Mingling with the nobles? Best not concern himself with this. Jain thought. He decided to sneak off in the night and hide in one of the nearby towns and wait one or two days to wait for it to blow over. He also felt uneasy about the toy panda. How had it finished the game of Solitaire? He left a note saying that his brother, Jain Phantomhive, was to take his place for the time. And his toy panda.
  14. Because a website called "Coppermind Wiki" with a page called "Shards" was way too attractive for me.
  15. Just a quick heads up that I won't be active for the next week, since I'm on camp in an EXTREMELY wet area, so I can't bring my laptop or phone. I don't want to miss out on this game, so I'm handing the reins temporarily over to my brother. Hopefully, he won't die within a day. That okay with everyone?
  16. WHERE DO YOU GET THESE THINGS SWIM!?!? Welcome to our fortress of solitude the 17th Shard! Awesome name, btw.
  17. He's a shifty guy. Something tells me he might be a Worldhopper or something. (Checks Coppermind Wiki). Yep, he's definitely a Worldhopper in my view. He's gotten a bit desperate though, since he did attempt to attack Taln personally (I mean, who else uses a blowdart?). He's certainly got the characteristics of a Worldhopper, since he likes to collect "local weaponry", and he's got some very stylish clothes. So stylish in fact, that they've never been seen outside of Nalthis... Mraize does remind Shallan of Hoid, and that's as good a hint as any about him being a Worldhopper. He is fairly involved in Roshar, though. But then, we are looking at this with Hoid standards. Hmm... Maybe Mraize is the Kandra Worldhopper...
  18. Jain, seeing a convenient open seat, immediately went for it. Ignoring the other person occupying the table and his belated greeting, he sat down, took out his pack of cards and asked the man to a game of poker. Before the other person could reply, Jain drew in some other chairs, formed them up around the table, propped his toy panda up on one of the seats ad sat patiently waiting for other people to join him. This is going to be a political game, so of course I'm gonna be rational.
  19. ... Wait, what would I be if Kobold's a peasant!?!
  20. Hmm... Alien invasion... It'd make for a hilarious book. I wonder if aliens could use Allomancy, Feruchemy or Hemalurgy? Oh wow. Just imagine a PULSER CHESTBURSTER. That just became my worst nightmare.
  21. Mmm... but the rep could have been eventually corrupted. I mean, we're talking about the corrupting power of a being that is almost a god. Hopefully, some will resist the corruption. That would make an interesting story to tell.
  22. Hey, I did say I was going to be a non-erratic player in the sign-ups Ash, saying that you voted yourself to provoke conversation doesn't help. In fact, it contradicts your earlier argument of being erratic.
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